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Typical. Absolutely fucking typical. I stared down at my bed, at the empty pack of cigarettes with the word 'FAG' circled on the cardboard.


Very damn creative.

I shook my head. At least none of them noticed me staring. I took the pack and pocketed it. No way was I going to let Professor Kraus think I smoked. He would kill me. He was a survival enthusiast, and supposedly gave detention to anyone who slightly smelt of smoke.

I dumped the blankets in my bed, and headed toward the great hall. Dinner was probably going to be soon, right?

Exiting the ship, I strode down the luscious green grounds and turned the corner of a tower, smashing into an almost solid figure who sent me flying.

"You okay, mate?" It was a boy about my age, looking down at me with worry. He offered a hand to pick me up.

"Watch where you're going," I snapped, batting away his outstretched arm. He straightened angrily.

"I was just trying to help!"

"Well, don't."

"Fine," he huffed. He turned to walk away, but not before noticing the cigarette packet that presumably fell out when he banged into me.

"What's this then? You think this is funny?" He asked, face blotchy with anger.

I only then noticed that although we were the same height, he was ripely muscled and brawly, dark skin flexing.

Oh fuck.

"No, I-"

"Fuck you, man. I just asked out a guy I like. Does that bother you? Are you gonna come at me?"

Fuck fuck fuck.

"No, listen-"

"You fucking bitch. Jerks like you are cowards when confronted, huh?" With that he strode off, fists clenched at his sides.

FUCK. That's not what I meant! At all! Please don't beat me up! I wanted to yell. I had no problem with gay people! It was everyone else who had the problem! The jerks of Durmstrang. And of course, my father. And mother. And everyone else in my family. We are Malfoys, after all. It just isn't in our blood to... you know, be different.

That's what made it so hard to be called all of these slurs. What made it even harder was the brutes who terrorized and bullied any of the boys who didn't look like they belonged at Durmstrang. The hardest thing was noticing the beauty in them. How they smiled with their friends when they couldn't see me. How they combed through their messy hair after Quidditch practice. How their cheeks got flushed and rosy when the potions classroom got too hot from the scalding flames of the potions. How, when everyone else had left the common room, they would fall asleep in the softest blue armchair, all guards down. 

I looked down, suddenly exhausted. Just remembering him from my first year was enough to send me into a depressive spiral. I couldn't think about that right now. I had to focus on the task. But I couldn't help myself. Since he had left, all those years ago, with nothing but a sad glance from the back of his broomstick as his father herded him away, that's all I could do. Distract myself. 

Endure the endless beatings. 

Tolerate the remarks and snide comments every time anyone passed me in the hall. 

Waiting, just hoping that maybe things would be different one day. That things could change. 

But the older I got, the less I noticed the bullying. The pain got easier. I couldn't hear the insults. All I knew was emptiness. It continued to grow. Things became dull. I felt myself giving up, but I couldn't stop myself. This task was perhaps a way to make it stop. A final end to my suffering. I closed my eyes for a moment, then wrapped my coat around me tightly, sighing softly. It would be over soon. 

A.N// Hi guys! Sorry that its been a while since I've written in this story. I think the last time was around 2017? Around 4 years ago! Checking my email and seeing all the positive comments, wanting for the continuation of CONQUERED was positively lovely, and I thank everyone who gave me a chance to either improve or read how you enjoyed my writing with your comments. I will attempt to continue writing these chapters, for anyone who still wants to read them! Also sorry this chapter is a bit short, I wrote the majority around 4 years ago! Anyway, happy reading loves :)

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