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Whoever said that the pen was mightier than the sword was an idiot. Literally. Like, I get the whole 'words are more powerful' thing, but seriously? A pen and a sword aren't even in the same category. With a sword (or a wand, in my case) you can cast someone into a state of unbearable pain, to slit their throats and shower in their blood. As a Malfoy, I never considered anything different.
But today we learned what the first task actually required.

"Champions," began Amelia Bones, the minister of Magic. "This task is about teamwork. Using a charm, we will determine another student that each champion does not particularly get along with. You must learn to get over past disagreements and work together, thus earning points for your school."

I glanced at Potter. I definitely hated him the most of other students. But it couldn't be anyone from other schools. It was probably going to be someone who hated me at Durmstrang. There would be more than enough choices. I sighed, and looked toward the minister. She smiled good-naturedly.
"And who knows?" She continued, looking confidently around the room. "Maybe you'll even make a new friend."

"Miss," started Bonnie, the Beauxbatons champion. She looked amazed. "You cannot just team us up. The fiends we're paired with could be anywhere. And they won't care about winning. They will refuse our offer!"
Amelia laughed lightly. "That's what makes this task a good one, Bonnie. And as for the whereabouts of our partner, the charm only considers who are inside Hogwarts at the time. We figured you'd have the most chemistry with your classmates, hence choosing one of them."
"Not necessarily." I muttered. Feeling everyone's eyes on me, I blushed a deep red, my neck hot.
"I just mean we could hate someone else," I stammered. "Like a teacher, or something."
Amelia shrugged. "I doubt that will happen, but we'll take it under consideration."
I nodded, not looking up.
"Okay," the Hogwarts headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, said. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" He smiled, blue eyes twinkling.
"Please repeat after me." He said pleasantly. We all nodded, and took out our wands.

"Priori fienamia," He said, eyes closed.
"Priori fienamia." We repeated. Slowly, golden sparks shot up from my wand, making a face. Glasses, messy hair... of course. I snorted. Obviously. Did I expect anything else? I glanced around the room. Bonnie was staring, horrified, at a boy with long black hair and slanted eyes.
My eyes flickered to real Potter. He looked confusedly at his wand, like he wasn't sure why the charm wasn't working. With a sense of foreboding, I looked down at the face in front of me, identical to the one I'd just seen.
Soft hands snatched my wand away. Golden Potter's face looked lightly annoyed, but nonetheless turned to face the new holder. It was Amelia, with Dumbledore right behind her. They both looked astonished.
"Well." Dumbledore said at last, breaking the silence. We all looked up at him.
"Are we all sure who we got?"
Bonnie nodded miserably, but my eyes were on Potter. He still looked puzzled.
"You have me," I spat at him, flooding the sentence with sarcasm and viciousness. He looked at me, startled.
"I don't hate you, though." he looked at me imploringly.
"Oh, I know," I said gently, knowing my next words would crush him. "But I hate you."
He looked hurt. "What?"
"Boys, boys," Amelia chuckled awkwardly. "Come on. Greet your new partner with respect." Her voice turned sharp. "Malfoy."
I frowned. "He shouldn't be my partner. We don't go to the same school. Who would the points even go to?"
"You could split it."
I groaned inwardly at her truthful tone.
"I'm not splitting with him." I glared. "If French girl wins, she'll get double our points."
Bonnie looked offended. "Don't call me French girl." I snickered. She frowned, and flipped me off. The adults weren't even looking at her. Their gaze was fixed on me.
"If she wins." Dumbledore decided.
Amelia smiled awkwardly. "Well, I'll see you in a month for the task. Remember to train!" She hurried out, disbelief clouding her features. Dumbledore walked after her, smiling at the champions uncomfortably.

Bonnie whirled around to face us. "Va te faire foutre," she spat, and stormed out.
I looked at Potter (who looked guilty) and shrugged. "Don't worry, she's a bitch."
He looked offended. "You're a dick. Don't talk about people like that."
I sneered. "You gonna stop me, golden boy?"
To my surprise, he smiled.
"Not till the task is over." He leaned in. I flinched. "But after that." He whispered, and walked out.
I shivered. Although his smile was calm and wide, his tone scared me. It was small but... somehow sinister.

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