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The next week sucked, to put it plainly. Harry was like a dog on weary alert, always watchful and trailing me around. He didn't try to talk once, conversing in low whispers with members of the Potter fan cub; the bushy haired girl with big buck teeth, the gangly ranga with the freckles and Eric, the elegantly infuriating black beauty.

I was in a heated discussion with Franklin when I felt the hair standing up on my neck. I calmly ignored it. Nothing could rattle me right now- a powerful Malfoy, back on his feet after the first task. I was going to be the Dark Lords savior. I was indestructible. 

"The Dark Lords reemergence will not depend on the Triwizard tournament, Franklin. You are a fool if you think such."


"I am sick of you acting as if you are on top of me. I will be his right hand man, not you. You will do as I say, follow as I do, or once He is back, once I have restored my family's name, you will not be standing with us. Is that what you want?"

Franklin watched me for a moment, rage sparking in his dark eyes. I stared back at him relentlessly. An unspoken battle proved me the winner. 

He gave a slight nod. The anger didn't leave his eyes, but a newfound glimmer of respect nearly made me smile. I nodded back at him, and his gaze suddenly fell on someone behind me. His features hardened, and he stood up quickly, black cloak swishing as he produced his wand. He pointed it angrily, as a solider would wield a sword.

"Who goes there?" His voice was grave, and barely veiled with threat. 

I glanced boredly over my shoulder. I sat up quickly, grasping for my wand, my palm suddenly wet.

It was Harry damn Potter. His hair was windswept, and his eyes wide and horrified. His hands were shrugged in his pockets, and glasses slipping down his nose.

I stood up incredulously. "Potter?"

He didn't say anything, his eyes gazing at me, hurt. It was like he barely noticed Franklins murderous stance. I quickly tore down my sleeves, but it was too late. My dark mark had been on full display. 

"Draco," His voice broke. He wavered where he stood, as if he were about to fall. "You didn't."

Pain shot through my heart. I started toward him, but caught myself.

"Go to Hell, Potter," Franklin snarled. He fired a red jinx, bloody and vicious.

It seemed like slow motion. Franklins hex shot through the air, directly toward Harry's heart. He hadn't even pulled out his wand. He was just staring blankly at me.

A shield of blue light leaped over Harry just before Franklins spell hit. Eric lunged in front of Harry, wand drawn and eyes blazing. He and Franklin glared at each other, and both raised their wands in unison.

"Malfoy!" Franklin demanded.

I looked at everyone. Franklins expectant look, Harrys broken expression, and Erics stoic stance. As if I couldn't control my own body, I pulled out my wand, and fired a hex.

Harry had pulled out his wand by now. His blue shield spells lacked conviction, and the light was getting weaker with every shot. Eric made up for it his elegant casting an array of multicolor, while Franklins technique was relentless. Dark spells burst from his wand, with barely an incantation. He was powerful, and it was weighing on the other two, spell by spell. My attacks were varied. When my gaze was on Eric, my spells were dominating and red, sometimes accompanies by black flames. When Harry caught my eye, they softened, a wispy purple color that vanished in Erics strong jinxes. 

Finally, Eric stepped toward Harry- a gesture of protection. His stance changed to one omitting I've got you. A jolt sprung down my arm as I let loose a wave of black fire from my wand. Erics eyes widened, and I felt a stab of satisfaction. I glanced back at Franklin, whose face was alight with malice.


I only saw red. My chest, my arms, my legs were ripped open, a burning blade dancing on my skin. I felt my body thump to the ground, and everything went black.

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