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"No one should be alone." Harry had stated firmly. He was sitting a little in front of me, so I was free to look at him. My eyes were fixed on his tan neck, which roughly transitioned into a mess of dark, unruly hair.

My father would've hated him if he'd seen what I was seeing. He would comb Harrys hair, perhaps brush a little gel through it to keep it in line. Then he would hit Harry across the face for having looked like some kind of "hooligan".

I hated my father. He was a cruel man. He kept me in line, but at what cost? I had a raging battle with depression and anxiety ever since I could remember. Each time that I would attempt to tell him, to desperately seek any kind of help that could be offered, he would either smack me or lock me in my room without food for days on end. No wonder I was skinny. The man bloody hated me.

Daddy issues, I thought gloomily. Of course I had fucking daddy issues, on top of everything else. On top of being the biggest "gaylord" at Durmstrang, bullied constantly by my sadistic peers.

Seriously, it was a wonder I coped with anything at all. The only thing that could always keep me going, even through the coldest of winters was the prospect that one day I would work with magical creatures. I always got top marks in Care of Magical Creatures, the only class I still cared about. My teacher Professor Altenhofen was the only teacher who liked me. He would let me stay after class, feeding and playing with the creatures until it was bedtime, so I wouldn't have to face the horrors of the common room.

"Potter?" I said quietly. A wild, half formed torrent of thoughts began whirling around in my mind- perhaps I could tell him something. Something to say, hey, I'm not a massive git, turns out I'm a human being! But before I could say anything, I heard the screeches of a painting conversing with a vaguely familiar man, who was saying something about meeting up with Harry.

Wait, Harry? My Harry?

Hang on.

My Harry? Who did I think I was, my Harry?

I was just some random loser from Durmstrang! Why would the Harry Potter, the one who had ruined my family, be my Harry? I swore internally.

"Yeah?" He asked, blissfully unaware of the torment in my head.

"I think that kid's looking for you." I blurted out, then cursed inwardly at my voice. Did I always sound that bad? Harry followed the direction I was facing, oblivious to my pathetic voice.

"Eric!" He called calmly. He probably didn't even realize you sound like a little girl, since that's what he already thinks of you as, the little voice in my head sneered. I watched as the somewhat familiar figure loomed closer. 

Harry smiled up at them flirtingly. I felt my heart drop slightly, then hated myself for it.

The boy bounded up to us. Oh no. I quickly remembered where I'd recognized him from.


"Thank god, I didn't-" He stopped when he saw me, eyes narrowing. "What the hell are you doing here, abruti?"

I glanced at Harry, desperately wishing I could escape, or at least that he didn't have to hear what was inevitably about to happen. It had happened enough times at Durmstrang- beaten to a pulp, publicly ridiculed for some stupid thing I had said. But this was, utterly, a complete misunderstanding.

"That's Draco," Harry smiled his trademark dazzling grin at Eric, who was still frowning at me.

"Ee is a homophobic rat!" Eric spat.

I could feel Harrys green eyes turn to me. Shit. The one person who might have at least listened to me, now presumably about to join the vast club of people who hated Draco Malfoy.

I stared back at Eric, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"I am not!"

"You are too!"

"I'm really not, French fry!" I sneered, causing Eric's nostrils to flare with hatred. He stepped forward, and I braced myself to get punched.

But... I didn't.

Harry jumped up, placing his hands on Eric's chest. Eric's gaze immediately fell to Harry, and their eyes met, filled with an emotion I couldn't decipher, but which made my heart ache.

"Hey, everything's cool. It's cool, isn't it Draco?" Harry said smoothly, a smile playing at his lips.

I stared at them. I didn't know why my heart hurt. It had only done this once before, with-

With him.

Oh for Merlin's sake! Are you fucking serious? Shit as my life already is, you're seriously telling me I have some kind of feelings toward Harry goddamn Potter? Surely not. Surely this is just some evil joke. But as I watched them, staring at each other tenderly, I couldn't deny the fact. I actually was somewhat crushing on some stupid, popular Gryffindor. Was my mind bent on destroying me? Did it not learn its lesson with -sigh- Oscar? 

Oscar, who used to fall asleep on the softest blue armchair, because he would be so engrossed in potions homework he would forget to go to bed? Oscar, who had pulled me aside after his friends had laughed at me, and told me in a soft voice that he didn't think I was weird?
My mind quickly filled with thoughts of the past, longingly remembering those few weeks of heaven, of stealing kisses in empty classrooms, sneaking off to fly our broomsticks together, and falling in hopeless, irretrievable love.
Pain crashed onto me like a tsunami as I remembered how his father had come to Durmstrang, brandishing his wand like a whip and screaming of the devil. Oscar had shot me one fleeting, final glance from the back of his broomstick as he left my side forever. That one glance of pure misery was the final straw, the one that broke me.

"Draco?" Harrys sharp voice brought me back to reality. Everything cool? He had been asking. No Harry. Nothings even remotely cool. But I don't expect you to understand that. Your popularity, friends, positive attitude and the way you touched Eric's perfect body demonstrated the fact that you didn't understand me. A person like you never could.

"Crystal," I replied. My voice sounded dull and lifeless, almost as if I were back at Malfoy Manor.

I watched him smile at Eric, who was staring shamelessly at Harry's cherry red lips.

"How about we go to Hogsmeade?" Harry said in a coaxing manner. I could literally see Eric softening with affection. "Honeydukes has some new sugar quills," Harry continued. "It'll make potions class slightly more enjoyable, huh?"

Eric grinned at him. Who wouldn't, when subjected to that heart melting smile? 

"Lets go to Honeydukes, then, shall we?" He slung an arm around Harrys shoulder, then glared at me. I attempted to match his stare, but failed, and looked down.

Harry laughed, the melodious sound drifting through the corridor, which was beginning to fill with students exiting the great hall after breakfast. "Hogsmeade won't know what hit it." He happily leaned into Eric, and together, they walked away, leaving me stuck in the shadows.

A.N: Hey guys! I posted chapter 7 last night, the first contribution I've had to this fanfic in nearly a year, and loved seeing that people were still interested in the story of Conquered! I love each and every one of you <3 

Now I know I said this after I disappeared for 4 years (then again for another year) but I really will attempt to keep this story alive with chapters and updates until the end- nothing makes me happier than this little corner of the internet, my oasis of escapism. Please feel free to comment or message me anything you would like to see in future chapters!

All my love,



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