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It had finally lifted. The weirdly heavy feeling of being with the wrong person. The guilt I'd feel in my heart when I looked at him, since the only thing I felt in my heart was guilt.
Not what someone in love is meant to feel.

The wrong person. That would indicate there's a right one. Wouldn't it? Life wouldn't be so cruel as to finally make me realise my feelings for a certain blonde boy and nevertheless have him act so unaffected?

I would be seeing him in a few minutes, for the second task was nearly here.

I breathed in and out, steadying myself whilst leaning against a wall. Paintings around me chattered and laughed as my thoughts turned stern. He doesn't care about you. He acted like he didn't give a shit, you know? If he loved you like you love him, he wouldn't be able to look at you without smiling. Without telling you he needs you in his life, just as you were prepared to do.

A word cemented itself to the inside of my throat like a sticky lolly. Love.

I'd never been in love before. Like real love. Real, tear your heart out of your chest love. Love that makes you question your place in the universe. Because there's no way you would ever want to live here without them. No way you'd ever want to live with yourself without them. You'd want to be there for them, to hold them when things get tough and laugh when they're not. To put your forehead against theirs and smile, their giggle making you ravenous for them, until you have to kiss them.

When all you can think about, waking and sleeping, is their face.

When you are so in love with them, you don't want to imagine a life where you're not.

It's so easy to think about the rest of your life. Because the main part is sorted. The darkest, scariest worry of dying alone is obsolete; you are sure you will die next to them, as peacefully as falling asleep.

I think I'm in love with Draco Malfoy.

I think I'm in love with him because I don't think I want to live without him.

I balled my fists, my closed eyes tightening. I don't want to lose him, no matter what happens. I don't want the love I have for him to be for nothing.

Eventually I was able to pull myself off the wall, standing normally rather than desperately needing the walls to stay upright. I started for the quidditch pitch, a bit sharply. The match was on the verge of starting without me, if I didn't hurry.

I ran down the staircases, leaping off at the end when they decided to move. My black shiny shoes clattered loudly as I landed, the paintings in the vicinity glaring at me. I gave them a halfhearted wave, and kept sprinting toward the quidditch pitch, desperate to see him.

He would be there. I would have to tell him. Is there a point, if you don't tell the people you love how you feel about them? To live in a world where they're walking past you, every day, not knowing that they're the most important person in the world to you?

I can't see how. And even if it was, I didn't want to live in that world.

"Harry!" Hermiones familiar voice made me turn around, only to be attacked with a bushy-haired hug.
"Harry, we heard about Eric. Are you okay?"
"Piece of work mate," Ron said, scowling and shaking his head next to her. "I never liked him."
I smiled. Would I sound insane if I told them it was genuinely okay?

"It's okay, guys. Don't worry about me." I nodded. They both eyed me with pity, Hermione actually taking my hand and stroking it supportively. I cleared my throat. "I should get going. Task, y'know."

They kept watching as I turned, and practically ran away, meeting Dumbledore at the entrance. He looked down at me, eyes tense.
"Hello, Harry."
"Hi Professor. Ready for the second task?"
His face tightened. He put a wrinkled hand on my shoulder, and led me to a quieter area, one where no one was listening.
"Harry," his tone was urgent. "You have to be careful. Something doesn't feel right, I don't know what."
His reputation as a highly intelligent wizard preceded him, even before I got to Hogwarts, but this time it must have just been his paranoia. What could go wrong the day I decide to tell Draco Malfoy I love him?
His eyes warned me to take him seriously, so I nodded, and he led me back to the entrance. The ministry official, along with Bonnie, Professor Marseielle and Professor Kraus were waiting, watching the crowd swell and shout excitedly.

I scanned the people around me, searching for his grey eyes, his platinum hair, his breathtakingly beautiful face...

Sprinting footsteps stopped short behind me. I spun around, my eyes landing on his.
Draco looked awkward, eyes jumping toward Bonnie.
"Harry," he breathed. "Harry, I need to talk to you." His voice was so low, I could barely hear him.
Bonnie glanced toward us, watching Draco carefully. He instantly quietened, eyes wide and nervous. I frowned. Was he okay?

A horn sounded, long and rich. It was time for the second task. Time to tell him how I feel.

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