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I don't think I've ever been this happy to leave the castle- but here in Hogsmeade, holding hands with Eric, I was positively beaming.  We browsed the shops for a while, then finally settled onto barstools at The Three Broomsticks.

"Ello boys, what can I get for you?" Madam Rosmerta smiled down at us kindly. 

"Two pints of butterbeer and..." Eric trailed off, meeting my gaze. "You must be starving. Anything you'd like, Harry?"

I grinned, then looked up, meeting Madam Rosmerta's green eyes. "Got any treacle tart, Madam?" 

She chuckled. "Course, dear. Be right back with your drinks." She sauntered off, a few tall Hufflepuff boys in the booth next to us using this as an opportunity to steal a glance at her behind.

"I'm glad we're doing this," Eric said smoothly. He remained unabashed as my cheeks heated considerably.

"I am too," Our eyes met. His were a dark, chocolatey brown with flecks of gold I hadn't noticed before. They were, just like the rest of him, absolutely, roman sculpture- like beautiful.

His face inched closer. My palms began to sweat. I felt a rush of thrill and nerves. I braced myself, as his face got closer and closer-

CLUNK. Madam Rosmerta placed our butterbeers in front of us, then placed a treacle tart the size of bludger in front of me. Eric straightened up, then smiled good-naturedly at up at her. I, on the other hand, was busy internally screaming.

"That'll be 11 sickles, loves." She smiled enchantingly, and as I made to reach into my pockets, Eric brushed me off, handing her a handful of sickles. She grinned at him, then at me with a proud expression, and strolled away, the Hufflepuffs in the booth next to us actually pausing their conversation for a moment in order to stare.

"Depraved," Eric shook his head at them, then took a swig of his butterbeer. "Try some, Harry. It'll warm you right up after this dreadfully freezing weather."

I took a sip and sighed. Without doubt, the best drink in the world. Eric caught my eye, and laughed. 

"Harry! You've got a butterbeer moustache!" He giggled. I went scarlet, and embarrassed myself further by attempting to wipe my mouth and somehow hitting my nose, which instantly made my nose go even redder than my cheeks. "Aw, silly man, let me," He reached over with a serviette and gently dabbed my mouth. He was closer than he had been before, and now staring at my lips. My heart jumped excitedly.

Then, suddenly, he was kissing me. Or I was kissing him. I couldn't tell, and I'm not sure I wanted to know. His lips were soft, like he applied chapstick each morning, and his dark brown hand reached up to caress my cheek. My internal screaming returned with a vengeance- my heart beating rapidly, as if it were jumping up and down with joy.

He pulled back, smiling at me affectionately. "I apologize, I couldn't help myself. Please return to your delicious treacle tart, cher."

Its like I was floating with happiness the rest of the trip. Actual, god-like Eric had kissed me then referred to me as cher? Not to sound pompous but after my years studying French in muggle elementary school, I was pretty sure cher was something a lover would call his male companion, or- stop me if I'm getting too far ahead of myself- boyfriend

Unfortunately, the old saying time flies is surprisingly accurate. All too soon, I was saying goodbye to him on the cusp of dusk. All the Beauxbatons students were being called down to the forest, for some secret meeting about the tournament. 

We had arrived at the steps, and Eric took my hands at the school gate. He kissed them gently, then lent forward, until his lips were grazing my ear. "Au revoir, Harry," His mouth lingered there for a movement, then he turned toward the forest, where his friends were waiting for him, huddled in a group and obviously speculating amongst themselves about how Eric's date had gone. He waved at them, dropping my hands and starting toward them. When he was about halfway, he glanced back at me, who hadn't moved since he'd kissed my hands. Our eyes met, and he smiled wickedly. I grinned awkwardly back at him, and waved.

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