Chapter Five: What a Waste of Dessert

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My legs felt like lead as I inched over to stand in front of Moon Mist. As I held my outstretched arm out to her, flipped over so she could see my veins, I noticed her firm frown. She was normally sporting a stoic, expressionless demeanor, but now she looked almost frustrated...angry even.

The room had grown strangely quiet, as if everyone was holding their breath and feared to release it. The awkwardness was understandable, considering many of them had probably put the puzzle pieces together and realized I must be related to Light Luster.

True, Fletcher was a common last name, but it was just too convenient to be a coincidence.

Begrudgingly, Moon Mist hovered the tip of her knife over my forearm. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that she was taking her time because she knew I was deeply uncomfortable about this whole scenario. Standing on a stage in front of people, ready to get stabbed like a lamb going to the slaughter.

Okay, maybe stabbed is a bit dramatic. I could feel the cold point pressing against the delicate skin right below my wrist, and I fought against my reflexes to wrench my hand away. Panicking, I darted my gaze around the room, hoping to find something to comfort or at least distract myself with.

Instead, I found my mom, and she provided me with both comfort and a necessary distraction. She mouthed the word, "breathe," and just the sight of her made my knotted shoulders slump. Once she saw signs that I was relaxing, she tilted her head slightly to the side, cocking an eyebrow and flashing me a reassuring smile as if to say, "Didn't see that coming."

I was a bit surprised, but relieved at her behavior. I thought she would be angry since I didn't choose her. I was worried that I would offend her, and if she asked me why I chose Moon Mist, what could I say?

That I chose her because of a threat I got in a video game? That somehow, I thought Moon Mist might have something to do with the mysterious threat?

I would be the laughing stock of Crisis City, and that would only put an unnecessary burden on my mom. I would have to make up some other reason of why I had chosen Moon Mist.

Frankly, choosing Moon Mist had been a completely random idea. I had never even considered choosing Moon Mist until this moment. If I'm being totally honest, I forget what powers she has. I mean, I know she has lunar powers, but I didn't know exactly what that encompassed.

Guess I would find out.

A prick of pain sliced through my wrist and I jerked my gaze down to my arm, crimson blood bubbling out of a shallow cut. Moon Mist proceeded to slice her own arm and I watched in fascination as her silver blood pooled out of the wound. It was like someone had melted the moon and then injected that into her bloodstream.

The Elite Chosen and the Reigner Chosen each had a unique color of blood to tell them apart from other supers who pretended to be Chosen. My mom had golden blood that glowed with the same brightness as the sun. Some said even looking at her blood could blind them. I'm embarrassed to say I have no idea if that's true or not.

Moon Mist gripped my hand and rotated her wrist until our forearms touched. I wish I could say I felt the power flowing into me, but all I could think about was how unsanitary this was. Not that I was a germaphobe, but it was still kinda gross to think about.

After Moon Mist was sure our blood made contact, she released my hand and gestured emptily towards the steps. The players gave a polite round of applause as I padded down the stairs and towards my chair, wishing I felt like a different person.

Slumping in my chair, I turned my palms toward my face, flexing my fingers. Would I be able to shoot stars from my hands? Or reverse gravity? Levitate? Breathe in space? Not that I would ever go to space, but breathing in space still sounded cool.

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