Chapter Seventeen: Leave the Drifting to the NASCAR Drivers

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"So...what's our objective again?"

That question elicited an exasperated groan from me as I leaned against the railing of the elevator, my stomach dropping as it carried us to the Elite Headquarters' underground garage. After receiving very precise instructions on our first mission and suiting up, we had been urged to visit the underground section of the headquarters, and I assumed there was a surprise waiting for us below, although I couldn't understand why.

"We're supposed to discard the blood samples that are being sold at the black market," Cheyenne explained patiently to Xavier, adding as an afterthought, "But don't dispose of all of them, since Captain Zenith told us to bring back a few samples."

"How are we supposed to dispose of them? Isn't it like magical blood or something?" Xavier crossed his arms over his chest, grinning. "Pour them down a storm drain? Flush them down a toilet?"

"It doesn't matter!" I butted into the conversation, narrowing my eyes at him as irritation flared through my tone. "Can you take something seriously for once?"

"Whoa, what's her problem?" Xavier leaned over to whisper in Cheyenne's ear, looking at me with faux fear. "I think she woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Cheyenne blinked timidly, subtly trying to gain some distance from Xavier as she shuffled her feet nervously, staring down at her aqua-colored Crocs that she was somehow allowed to wear. "Maybe it's my fault. I did stay up pretty late last night, and maybe I kept her awake." She lifted her gaze slightly, looking sympathetic. "Sorry Nicole."

"It's not your fault. I couldn't sleep, but it's not because of you." A fresh wave of goosebumps rippled across my skin when I replayed the footage of my mom's attacker in my mind. The media told us that he had died, but I now had living proof that the media had lied. My tragic memories were beginning to resurface, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could conceal them. I never could outrun my past, could I?

The elevator slowed as we reached the lowest level of the headquarters, the doors yawning open to reveal a well-lit garage, strips of neon-colored electronic lights snaking across the ceiling. The space looked like it was rarely used, a few steel tables flaked with dust shoved against the walls. At the end of the garage was a steeply-sloping ramp, leading to nothing when it ended at the ceiling.

There was nothing spectacular about the garage, but I could hear Cheyenne breathe in awe beside me and Xavier whoop in excitement. Confused, I swiveled my head around until I finally rested my gaze on what had elicited those responses from them, my heart dropping. "You gotta be kidding me."

Cheyenne and Xavier had already rushed out from the elevator, and I was tempted to press the up button and allow the elevator to carry me back up towards safety. We were superheroes, so why did they have the sudden urge to provide us with transportation? I had a sneaking suspicion that Luceno Enterprises was behind this, and I didn't like it. First they had given us mysterious bracelets, and now they were providing us with a car, of all things.

I huffed in defeat as I stepped out from the elevator, crossing my arms over my chest defensively as I glared at the fancy Luceno sports car that was backed against a corner of the garage, scowling at it as if it was the bane of my existence. The exterior was colored in a glossy coat of burnt-orange paint, black accenting the wheels and outlining the narrowed headlights. It was angular and sharp, the polished coat of paint giving it a sleek finish.

The windows were lightly-tinted, just light enough so I could see the interior of the vehicle. The control panel looked futuristic with it's glowing lights and vast display of controls, and I could clearly see that this model was a major upgrade from the dated Luceno Sabre that my family owned.

"Like what you see?" Xavier leaned against the passenger door, whistling lowly as he patted the car fondly. "We're going to be riding in style."

"Is that...the latest model? The Phoenix?" Cheyenne didn't sound as bashful as she did before, the sight of the car awakening a deep excitement from within her. "The reviews say the technological advancements are unlike any other model, and the new super turbocharged engine allows for triple the amount of horsepower!" Cheyenne hesitantly leaned forwards to peek longingly at the interior, her breath fogging up the window.

"Oh, someone knows her car stuff." Xavier's lips twitched upwards in amusement and pride at her fascination and awe. "If you keep this up, I might offer you a job at Luceno Enterprises."

"Really?" Cheyenne tilted her head to the side, and I wondered if she was trying to figure out if he was serious or teasing. She paced around to the nose of the car, her hands trailing across the hood as she informed, "Cars have always fascinated me. I like tinkering and building things, and I'd love to be a mechanic when I grow up."

"DREAM ON." A snarky, feminine voice crackled with scorn, drifting from the car. "AND KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF, MISS."

Cheyenne jerked her palms away from the hood as if she had been burned, yelping in surprise as she scurried back. She lowered her head, her previous joy extinguished. "I'm sorry."

"What was that!?" I stalked forwards, pushing Cheyenne behind me protectively as I jabbed a finger at the car. "Don't tell me that car has an AI assistant too!"

"Oh, but that's one of the features that makes our cars so enjoyable!" Xavier insisted, happily gesturing towards the Phoenix. "It's my pleasure to introduce you to the Electronic Virtual Intelligence of Luceno Enterprises, also known as EVIE. She's my personal AI assistant, and not only is she programmed into the car, but she is also downloaded into my bracelet." He tapped his bracelet with his pinky finger for effect. "EVIE's been serving me faithfully for almost a decade."

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