Chapter Twenty-Eight: Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

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Eclipse's POV

The moment the dual doors of the aquatic tunnel yawned open with a static hiss, I knew I was as good as dead.

My fingers frantically scrabbled for purchase, slipping across the lustrous glass of the tube as my body was whisked straight towards the looming entrance. The carmine-stained water lapped with gurgling glee at my misfortune, coating my skin and frayed suit in a fresh gloss of saltwater and shark blood.

At least, I hoped the blood that tinged the water belonged to the poor shark corpse that was trapped in the shark tank above me. Although I had felt a twinge of sadness when I swam past it a moment ago, my sympathy had been squashed when I saw the brutal condition it had been left in.

Even though I knew the shark had been involved in a tussle with Nicole based on the torn strips from her suit that had been floating on the surface of the pool, I doubted she had the capability to be so devastating with her powers. She had a difficult time controlling them but even if her powers went haywire, they shouldn't have caused that much destruction.

After she had plummeted into the ocean, I hadn't hesitated to follow her into the watery depths of the ocean. My telekinesis was waning but I had enough power reserved to help battle against the waves as I swam after her. I had lost sight of her but when I had discovered the blood-smeared gash in the tunnel, I figured Nicole had ended up here. But when I had entered the aquarium and witnessed the various signs of struggle, I knew she wasn't alone down here.

It could've been anyone, but based on the occasional hiss of static, I had a strong suspicion that it was Glitch.

I wasn't sure why he would choose to hide out in an underwater aquarium, but I knew I needed to find Nicole before he did. If I failed to rescue her, I feared the shark's blood wouldn't be the only blood spilt.

A sharp gasp caught in my throat as my fingers curled around the seal of the doors, my feet splaying against the slippery sides of the tunnel to slow my descent. I resisted the urge to gulp down the frigid air of the room that lurked beyond the tunnel, my curious gaze shifting downwards to the grate that was hungrily slurping down the water. I shook a few droplets from my blond curls before stiffening at the onslaught of familiar, furious voices.

"—I don't appreciate you damaging my property. I had her exactly where I wanted her, and then you decided to interfere, contrary to my orders. She's in a fragile state, and now I must wait for her to regain consciousness before I can execute my plan." The mechanical voice rumbled as the speaker huffed in a breath. "Now I'm behind schedule."

"Apologies for the inconvenience." A hiss of static crackled with oozing sarcasm. "If I hadn't lured her down here and eliminated your shark, she wouldn't even be within your grasp. If you had kept your filthy pet on a leash, then I wouldn't have felt the need to interfere."

"Now now, do not speak of Razor so lowly. He was a valuable companion and guardian of this aquarium. He was the reason why no one discovered this hideout yet."

"And do not refer to Nicole as your property. She may be a vital source for your power, but she is not your toy to break. You may use her to fulfill your plan, but if you fail to honor my conditions and cross the boundaries I have instigated, I will make sure your plan ends in the most unpleasant result."

"Your arrogance in your powers will be your downfall, Glitch. If my plan proceeds according to my wishes, then you will have no need to make sure it ends unpleasantly. Your utopia is no place for me, so I will stay behind and witness the final moments of the city. The majority of humanity will perish, and so will I."

A cold ripple of terror trickled down my spine at Nightmare Nova's final statement, the weight of his words making my mouth run dry. I was a supervillain myself, but I had never stumbled upon another villain who spoke such condemning words. It was understandable to think that humanity shouldn't be spared since it was so easy to judge others, but it was terrifying to recognize the darkest desires of your own heart. Nightmare Nova was self-aware, and he wasn't afraid of the monster that he had become.

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