Chapter Twenty-Six: Courtesy of Old Spice

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Eclipse's POV

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever done. It's borderline insane. It's...suicidal. I gnawed roughly on my lower lip, snagging the sensitive flesh between my teeth. But it's the right thing to do. I may be a supervillain, but even supervillains have their morals, right?

The midnight wind buffeted my bleach-blond curls as we were whisked swiftly through the city, the skyscraper screens of Crisis City swimming with blocky pixels and warped advertisements. The maglev train that I had landed upon glided silently along its magnetic tracks, smoothly maneuvering through the car-clogged and pedestrian-choked city.

I knew traveling via my telekinesis was slightly quicker, but I needed to conserve my energy if I was going to confront Glitch. So the maglev train was the alternative transportation, although I wasn't complaining. I hadn't never ridden on a maglev train before, since I didn't have enough money to afford a ticket.

I felt like a little child now, the velocity of the airstream peeling my lips back to reveal my wide grin, drying out my mouth. Unlike my unamused teammate who had taken all precautions and was lying down on her stomach, I chose to stand instead so I could enjoy the moment to its fullest.

My furry companion didn't seem to enjoy the violent gales or the acceleration we were traveling at, her ears flattening and her claws unsheathing to rake them across my easily-accessible arms. She squirmed against my grip, her tail lashing as she hissed and spat.

What have I done to receive teammates with such bad attitudes?

There must have been a bad spot in the magnetic mechanism on the track, because the train jostled roughly beneath my feet, causing me to stumble from surprise. Fluffernutter yowled in my arms as I dropped her, my fingers scrabbling against the smooth surface of the train, finding purchase as I clutched a nearby handle. I sank to my knees and inched onto my stomach, following Fiona's example.

I hooked one foot under Fluffernutter's soft stomach and dragged her closer before she could get swept off the edge of the train. Although she was trying to sink her claws into the chrome roof to anchor herself, all she was succeeding in accomplishing was scratching furiously at the impenetrable metal.

"Should've listened to me," Fiona muttered, the fierce air currents almost stealing her words away before they could reach my ears. "Get down lower. It's less wind resistance. If you encounter any more gusts, I think you'll blow away."

"I'm not that fragile," I mumbled under my breath, splaying my arms and legs out across the roof of the train to keep myself stable. "I tore that vent from the ceiling at Reigner Headquarters, didn't I?"

Fiona growled at me, obviously not pleased that I had brought up that instance. "That was different. Your powers are strong, but your body and mind are weak. It's such a waste...seeing such a powerful superpower in a frail boy like you. If you were strong, you could probably be one of the most feared supervillains in the city."

"And what is your definition of strong?" I gave a heavy sigh, frustrated that she was tearing down my resolve and confidence. I was about to face Glitch, and these were the negative words that were prepping me? I didn't expect her to encourage me, but I didn't expect her to chip away at my morale either.

"Someone who is confident and determined," Fiona replied easily, not even taking the time to think about her answer. "Someone who's strong-willed, ambitious, and independent. They know what they want and they don't care what others think of them."

I didn't possess any of those qualities, so I wasn't sure how to defend myself. Instead, I cleared my throat and murmured lamely, "I think strength looks different in every person. I think compassion, selflessness, and peace are stronger than all those traits that you listed."

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