Chapter Six: A Disobedient Star

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I bounced back and forth from foot to foot, my nerves and pent-up energy making me jittery. I had been waiting in the medical line for almost twenty minutes, and I couldn't even imagine how restless Cheyenne must be, considering that she was the one that was sporting a serious injury.

After healing a certain amount of people, Rebound would take a break to collect herself and recharge her powers before retuning to heal the others. Right now, she was taking her sixth break, and it seemed doubtful that she would return.

She was currently slouched in a nearby chair, an open cooler that had been drained of ice and drinks propped up in front of her. She had been coughing up blood for a few minutes, spitting carmine-colored saliva into the cooler along with an occasional gag that ended up spiraling into uncontrollable retching.

"I think she's reached her limit," Laser Lash stated matter-of-factly. He had been standing by Rebound's side, making sure she didn't exhaust her powers. If she happened to overdo herself, she would only cause herself harm.

The players in front of us groaned, whispering and complaining to themselves as they spun away from the sickly-looking healer. As much as I was disappointed that Cheyenne wouldn't receive medical treatment, I was thankful I wouldn't have to come face-to-face with Rebound.

I had nothing to say, and even if I wanted to say something, what could I say? What could I say to the person who had once been my best friend? The person who had betrayed me, ruined me, turned me into someone that I hated?

Cheyenne was already turning away in dejection and I began to follow her but Rebound must have recognized me because she snapped her fingers, halting the both of us. With the motion of a finger, she beckoned Cheyenne forwards and I forced my feet to drag along.

Cheyenne looked hesitant as we approached Rebound, who was struggling to get to her feet. Gripping the edge of her chair, she managed to find enough strength to stand, sighing weakly as she leaned heavily against the chair for support.

Seeing all of the chunky vomit and sticky blood that coated Rebound's chin must have chipped away at Cheyenne's urgency to receive care, because she lowered her voice and whispered, "It's not a big deal. You need to rest."

"I'l be all right, but I appreciate your concern." Rebound smiled thinly at Cheyenne's thoughtfulness, wiping a string of saliva from her lush, yet cracked lips. "Now let's see what I can do for your ankle."

Rebound gently laid an open palm against Cheyenne's forehead, a sparkling pink wave washing down her face and spreading to the rest of her body. The glittery wave glowed brightly as it collected around Cheyenne's ankle, and Rebound gave a pained gasp, her eyes screwing shut.

Rebound's powers had a unique way of working. In order to heal someone, she had to endure the pain that they had experienced upon receiving their injuy. If she was able to tolerate it, she could transfer their pain to herself and thus eliminate their injury.

Her superpower seemed to be a curse upon herself, and I wondered why someone would want her healing ability. Maybe I was just too concerned about self-preservation to understand why someone would risk their life to save another.

"Rebound, stop!" Cheyenne shrieked, snapping me from my thoughts. "You're hurting yourself!"

Cheyenne lunged forwards to steady her, but Rebound had already pitched backwards, toppling her chair and knocking the cooler over as she tumbled to the ground.

If she was unable to tolerate the pain, the victim's injuries would begin to transfer to her, which could kill her if not treated in time.

And that's exactly what was happening to her now. Cheyenne's pain along with the pain from the other players that she had healed had been too much for Rebound to bear, and now the injuries were transferring to her body.

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