Chapter Thirteen: I Should Retire from Social Interactions

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Eclipse's POV

I whipped through the inky midnight sky like a blazing comet, the jagged, chrome peaks of skyscrapers brushing past my peripheral vision. I dipped and spun slightly as my telekinesis faltered, but somehow I managed to stay airborne. Unease and panic rammed into me like a sledgehammer as I took in the empty streets and a moonless and starless sky, thick fog clogging up the atmosphere. The harsh white light that danced along my body was the only thing that fought against the clutches of eerie darkness that ruled the city.

The plastic bag of pills that I had slipped into a hidden pocket of my suit seemed to weigh me down as the white glow coursing through my body flickered, launching me towards an oncoming skyscraper that threatened to impale me.

My palms sprang up, fingers tensing as I directed my energy toward the skyscraper, my power giving me enough boost to vault over it. As amazing as telekinesis was, it drained my energy unbelievably quick and the action in the hospital had already taken it's toll on me.

I hadn't meant to, but I had definitely made enemies with those girls in the hospital. I couldn't remember her name, but one of them was selected as an Elite, and she had figured out that I was a Prodigal, which was the worst thing that could have possibly happened. I had probably overshared too, with an enemy, which was even worse.

I should retire from social interactions.

I knew I would be seeing more of her shortly, and if it boiled down to a brawl, then I wasn't going to hold back like I had in the hospital. I hadn't meant to loss control of myself like that, and now I was reaping the consequences. I had already stopped to rest multiple times since my telekinetic powers were draining quickly, and although I knew it was time to stop and recharge my strength again, I was in a rush to get home.

The recent debate of the citizens of Crisis City was which superpower was the most powerful. And yes, you've guessed it. Telekinesis was one of the top superpowers on the list, right next to super strength and teleportation. I mean, when you think of the fact that telekinesis was the ability to move objects with your mind, it was a pretty incredible power.

I didn't mean to sound spoiled or discontent, but if I was being brutally honest, I hated my power. Telekinesis was one of those powers that had a notorious reputation for being difficult to control. It had a mind of it's own, doing whatever it felt was right in the heat of the moment.

I had heard of so many horror stories of Supers who had telekinesis, and most of them did not have happy endings. The telekinesis was quick to turn on the user, devouring them with its raw, untamable power.

I tried to use my powers sparingly not only because it was quick to drain my energy, but also because I was dreading the moment where it would plummet out of my control and hurt someone I loved. I had telekinesis as long as I could remember, and I still hadn't mastered it. Maybe I never would.

I also found it interesting that everyone thought that I also had the ability of flight because they saw me levitating, but really that was an ability I earned from my telekinesis. Not only could I use telekinesis on objects and other people, but I could also use it on myself.

I didn't ask for telekinesis, but I had been gifted with it and I put it to good use. As for my other power that I had just gained thanks to Gifting Day...that was a sore topic I didn't care to think about because I still hadn't figured it out and I didn't care to.

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