Chapter Fourteen: Backup is Overrated

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Eclipse's POV

There were several flaws with my plan, but the worst part about it was the waiting aspect of it. Waiting and observing had never been my strong suite, especially when my powers itched to wreck havoc and end this suffering right now. It would be so easy, but I couldn't allow to lose control again. There were innocent people involved in this, and I wouldn't want them to get hurt in the cross-fire. If I couldn't control myself, all those kids locked below my feet could kiss their days of freedom goodnight.

I wasn't sure what I was about to commit, but I couldn't think of anything else except for the fact that I was about to kidnap a bunch of kids. Those three who had been selected as members of the Elites could continue in their sweet oblivion, but those other constants for the Elite side that hadn't been enough were sentenced to a living nightmare at the hands of the Elite Chosen—who were supposed to be the good guys.


Rescuing could often be mistaken as kidnapping, since the line between the two were often blurred. I had no idea how I could rescue those kids without being detected, but I had to try. There had to be a handful of guards patrolling below along with an armored truck to transport the test victims. Knowing my luck, I wouldn't be surprised if there was even an Elite Chosen below barking out orders and making sure the operation was running smoothly.

Just thinking about the whole incident that would happen if I didn't intervene made me sick. How could someone think it was safe and just to kidnap children to run cruel experiments on? They were innocent and oblivious, just like I had been before the chain of events that had scarred me.

It was daunting to think about breaking out those kids by myself. In past years, I had assistance and still...we were never able to save everyone. But now that I was by myself, my chances of success were even slimmer.

No. I couldn't think about it. I needed to observe and figure out the best game plan. Standing upon the ceiling-lacking, circular shaped rink brooding and stewing wasn't going to magically rescue the kids. I needed to act, and I needed to do it quickly.

The victims were locked below in the training rooms of the arena until the armored truck could come and transport them to wherever the Elite Chosen could experiment on them. I needed to get to the kids before the truck came.

I rose to my tiptoes, wincing as the aching pain laced through my ribs. Before I arrived at the arena, I had paused on a rooftop to set my ribs back into place. Since I was a Super, I had accelerated healing, but I needed to set my ribs in place or they would heal wrong. Resetting them hadn't been a pleasant feeling, and I could still hear my pained, shrill scream echoing through my mind.

Heavy footsteps stomped across the dust-packed arena floor, and that snapped my attention downwards, my wary gaze following a feeble flashlight beam that bounced up and down with every step.

"Can we get some lights in this joint?" The flashlight beam flickered like a dying candle. "I can't see a thing and my flashlight battery's running low."

A second guard scoffed. "We can't activate the arena lights unless we want this whole place swarming with choppers. What we're doing isn't exactly legal." He chuckled lowly. "What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?"

"N-no!" The first guard whined back. "It wouldn't be such a big deal, except all this fog is hiding the light from the moon and stars!"

How very observant of you. I smirked as I gingerly stood up from my crouch, stretching myself to my full height in an attempt to look menacing, which wasn't that intimidating since I was only 5'8. When I realized that my height wouldn't frighten them, I snapped my fingers and levitated about a foot off the arena ceiling, snickering down at them and rolling my eyes when they were too invested in their bickering to notice me.

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