Chapter Twenty-One: This is How I Cope

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"Seriously, do you want me to be the bad cop?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

I groaned and leaned against the wall opposite to the cell, my spine and shoulder blades digging into the harsh texture. This pointless conversation had been dragging on for too long, and I was beginning to grow restless as I listened to them bicker like toddlers.

Cheyenne was propped up by my side, resting her head against my legs. She was more interested in the conversation than I was, her gaze flicking curiously back and forth between the interrogator and the prisoner.

I couldn't understand what was so fascinating about two immature boys arguing, but I decided to let her be. She had just woken up a few minutes ago and she was still disoriented and confused. She didn't remember much of the incident, although she had assumed that she had lost control again.

I had simply admitted that her assumption was accurate, although I didn't delve into the details. She didn't need to know about the collapse of Eclipse's house or how she had threatened me. She didn't need that on her conscience.

"...I'm not even asking you anything personal! I just want to know your preference!" Xavier was explaining hastily, shaking two packets of oatmeal as he dangled them in Eclipse's face. "Would you like maple sugar or apple cinnamon?"

"I'm not hungry." Eclipse puckered his lips into a pout, which looked oddly adorable.

He was curled up in the corner of the cell, his snowy-white cape wrapped around his torso as he used it as a blanket. I couldn't figure out if it was because he was cold or because he was trying to make himself feel safe and secure.

"You gotta eat. I'm not going to give you an option." Xavier sighed in frustration, motioning towards Eclipse's huddled-up body. "You're a bag of bones. You can either eat on your own free will, or I'm gonna spoon-feed you."

"Please don't. That's embarrassing." Eclipse shivered, yanking the blanket tighter around his frail frame.

"Then tell me which flavor you want, because I won't ask again." Xavier rustled the oatmeal packs. "Actually, I don't even know why I'm asking you, since apple cinnamon is the only true option. Maple sugar should be considered dessert, not breakfast."

"I like maple sugar oatmeal," Cheyenne murmured softly.

"Me too," I added with a firm nod. "Keep the apple cinnamon, Xavier. You've got bad taste. And plus, what kind of sad person eats oatmeal for dessert?"

"Ouch. What did apple cinnamon ever do to you?" Xavier pocketed the apple cinnamon packet, lifting an eyebrow as he smirked. "Unlike you two, I have my impressive physique that I need to take care of. I don't have the luxury to scarf down dessert for breakfast." He wrinkled his nose at the maple sugar packet.

"Xavier, please...just shut up. Your meaningless babble is giving me a headache." I stuck my tongue out, clenching my teeth. "Can you be quiet for like...ten seconds? Or would that kill you?"

"Nah, I'd rather not." Xavier chuckled, jabbing a finger in my direction before he tapped a finger against his temples. "Do you know what else would give you a headache?"

"Beats me." I rolled my eyes and immediately regretted it when pressure exploded in my head, my skull throbbing as Xavier tried to force his way into my mind. My fingers curled into fists and I clenched my teeth, growling. "Stop it! We've talked about this already!"

"Aw, you're no fun." Xavier flared his nostrils but surprisingly withdrew, his attention flicking downwards towards Cheyenne. His eyebrows were knit in concentration as he gazed intently at her, and I could hear her sigh softly, her eyelids easing closed as she surrendered her mind to him.

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