Chapter Twenty-Nine: And I Thought Uber Was Sketchy

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Eclipse's POV

It turned out that Em wasn't wearing a pair of walking shoes, or any shoes for that matter.

I exhaled in relief and permitted my aching feet to shuffle to a halt once I saw the burning lights of Crisis City and the blunt edges of chrome skyscrapers in the distance, looming like a legion of spiked mountain peaks. The brisk temperature collided with my warm breath, causing it to plume from my slackened mouth like a cloud of cigarette smoke.

Em slouched against the guardrail of the expressway, hesitantly lifting one leg and twisting it at an awkward bend so she could inspect her bare sole. I felt guilty for making her walk along the shoulder of the highway, but it wasn't my fault she was barefoot.

Em winced, plucking a tiny shard of shattered glass from her heel. "Ouch."

"It must be hard to fight barefoot." I frowned as I watched her examine her other foot. "Are you always barefoot?"

"When I'm Empathy, then yesh." Em's dark eyebrows knit together as she slurred the last word, clearing her throat before trying again. "Yesh. No, no I mean...yeesshh!"

"Don't worry about it. I understand you." I laughed under my breath, shaking my head slowly at her frustration. "Your speech is improving. The effects of the cryogenic tank must finally be wearing off." I paused as I reflected over her answer, tilting my head. "So your name is Empathy. Is it okay if I just keep calling you Em?"

"Please." Em bobbed her head enthusiastically. "No one's ever given meh a nickname before."

"Oh." I was at a loss for words, surprised that a famed superhero, who was a member of the Elite Chosen, could be so excited over such a simple nickname. Getting overjoyed over trivial matters must be part of her personality. "Well, you have one now."

I rotated my gaze from Em and aimed it towards the direction of the city, a smile twitching my lips as I trotted along the edge of the exit ramp that would lead to the city sector where my house had once stood. I needed to find my family...and quickly before Glitch sparked chaos.

"You don't need to follow me, Em." I looked over my shoulder when I heard her feet dragging across the ground behind me. "The next exit ramp is about a quarter-mile down the highway. That exit should take you to the center of the city, where you should be able to find your teammates. I know the Elite Headquarters was destroyed when my um...former superiors attacked it, but the Elites probably chose to remain close to the ruins. The crime and action is in the center of the city, so I'm sure they're hiding somewhere there."

"Okay." Em looked hesitant but she paused, swinging her gaze in the direction of the next exit ramp. "Be careful. You may be a Reigner, but I like you."

"The feeling is mutual." I waved a hand in farewell, not bothering to inform her that I wasn't part of the Reigners anymore. I wasn't sure if it was official yet, since I hadn't signed any paperwork letting them know that I quit. But after the stunt Fiona and I pulled, I was sure the members of theReinger Chosen were hunting us down. "Take care of yourself, Em."

I inhaled deeply before exhaling through my mouth, stretching out my sore calves. Once I felt my muscles loosen, I broke into a steady jog, my boots kicking up rubber and glass debris that littered the shoulder of the exit ramp. Pristine convertibles raced by me, peppy music blasting from their partially-open windows. Considering it was probably past midnight, it was strange to see this much activity on the highway. In fact, the highway now looked busier than it did during daytime hours.

It was like the whole city knew it was doomed and it was taking full-advantage of every minute before destruction reared its ugly head and struck.

Although I wasn't strong, I was a decent runner, in both speed and stamina. It didn't take me long to reach the end of the exit ramp, and it took only a few more minutes before I passed the husk of my ruined house. I slowed to a walk and gazed at it sadly, a testament of destructive powers.

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