Chapter Twenty-Five: Saved by the Nightly News

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Living on my own for five days had taught me a valuable lesson—vending machine food was not substantial for survival.

I was currently leaning against a vending machine, my legs folded beneath me. Shards of shattered and melted thermoplastic sprinkled the filthy-tiled floor of the rest area, remnants of my attack against the vending machine. I didn't have any money with me, so I didn't another choice except to use my star abilities to melt the protective covering so I could snatch the artery-clogging snacks to satisfy my gnawing hunger.

I eased my conscience by telling myself that I wasn't stealing. Once I had enough time to recharge and gain my courage, I would return to Crisis City and fetch what little money I had left to pay back my fees for the overpriced vending machine food. I wasn't exactly sure when I was going back to the city, since I was starting to enjoy the peace and quiet.

Other than the roaring of vehicle engines pulling up to the rest area and the occasional flush of the toilets, there had been a comforting silence that enveloped the area. A few hesitant footsteps had disturbed me numerous times, and a couple travelers had even thrown a few dollar bills at my feet when they saw the condition I was in, probably thinking I was homeless. Without my super suit, I was certain that no one had realized that I was Star Streak.

Outside the window that was conveniently placed beside the vending machine, the sky was blanketed with inky darkness as night ruled, white-hot stars winking and crickets chirping faintly in the distance. Despite the fact that the rest area branched off from the bustling expressway that carried travelers to and from Crisis City, it was surprisingly remote.

With a sigh, I stretched my cramped legs out sluggishly from beneath my body, using my fingers to gingerly scoot the splinted thermoplastic pieces away so they wouldn't cut my legs as I extended them. I hummed in disinterest as I blinked down at the half-eaten bag of Doritos that I had abandoned by my side.

Although my stomach still growled from hunger, I didn't want to risk another emergency trip to the bathroom. A family had entered the facility a few minutes ago and they still hadn't left, and I didn't want to make a scene by having another disagreement with my food while there were witnesses.

I flicked my gaze lazily over to the dull screen of a miniature television mounted to the wall diagonal from me, wishing that the electronic would distract my mind from my hunger. The television had thankfully been muted so it wouldn't disturb me, subtitles scrawling across the base of the screen as the nightly news was broadcasted.

I eyed the news with disinterest as a male reporter who looked suspiciously energetic considering the time of night and the dark topic he was reporting about droned on about the attack at Elite Headquarters, which was old news to everyone. They withheld many of the details about the attack and didn't even list any casualties.

Who actually watches the news anymore? It's such a waste of time and they don't even give you the facts. I was just about to turn away in disgust before the camera panned away from the reporter and the screen was suddenly plastered with images of Fahrenheit and my mom, a hefty reward for their capture blazing across the screen. My heart sank as I blinked dumbly at the screen, watching as my own image joined theirs on the screen. A headline crawled across our images, making my heart drop.


The Elites...they're placing bounties on us? I shouldn't have been as surprised as I was. By placing bounties on us, the Elites had announced to the whole city that we were the public enemies and menaces. The citizens viewed the Elites with honor and respect, not understanding how corrupt they actually were. If the Elites were against us, then the whole city would be against us.

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