Chapter Eleven: You're Saltier Than Your French Fries

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"This isn't a field trip."

"I know, but the line isn't long right now! Now's our chance!"

"Nice try." I snagged the hem of Sabina's graphic t-shirt with my fingertips, lightly tugging her away from the dwindling line for the intimidating roller coaster that loomed above us, the massive structure casting an ominous shadow over the chipped blacktop.

I almost regretted bringing Sabina with me, knowing how much she loved amusement parks, especially roller coasters. I should have known that she was going to pester me until I agreed to ride a roller coaster with her. Unlike her, I actually had the will to live and I didn't want to die by falling to my death or breaking my neck due to the abrupt twists and turns of the coaster.

"Just once!" Sabina shoved a strip of funnel cake into her mouth, powdered sugar coating her pouting lips. "It's my favorite roller coaster in the park, and normally the line is really long." She pressed both palms together, crossing her fingers as she pleaded, "Please?"

I sucked in a lungful of air, puffing out my cheeks as I exhaled slowly in exasperation, craning my head up to survey the highest peak of the coaster. Metal green rails arced and dipped, a scarlet-colored coaster train lost in the mayhem of coiling tracks.

Above the coaster, huge gray clouds dotted the sky, offering a much needed respite from the harsh afternoon sun that was baking me alive and making my head pound. I had chosen to wear sunglasses because I knew light only aggravated headaches, but the sunglasses weren't doing much good. Sweat was dripping down my neck, making my tank top stick to my back. If only my mom was here and could control the amount of sunlight that was frying me.

With that thought, I directed my attention to my bare shoulders, a roasted, flaky sunburn blazed across them. I suppose it served me right for wearing a tank top when my shoulders were always the first place to burn. I had re-wrapped my charred hands before I sneaked out of the apartment, but I had done a poor job and the loose bandages were peeling off, the sunlight aggravating the severe burns.

"I'm just gonna assume that silence is your way of saying yes." Sabina looped her arm through mine, snapping me from my thoughts. "The drop isn't as drastic as it looks."

"That's what they all say," I replied sourly, shaking away her grip. "That five-hundred foot drop is enough to make me go into shock. And that's really not the way I want to go out."

"That escalated quickly," Sabina snorted. "Personally, I'd want to go out with a bang. If you do happen to fall to your death, be thankful because there are much worse ways to die." She paused and blinked, and I wondered how our conversation had started with a roller coaster and ended with us chatting about death. "Anyway, I know this ride is safe, so there's nothing to worry about."

"You better be right about this." I grit my teeth together, pursing my lips as I marched towards the fenced entrance for the roller coaster. "Let's get this over with."

"I thought this day would never come!" Sabina exclaimed, clutching her chest dramatically. "Normally you're such a stick in the mud, but today, you'll get to experience the meaning of fun for the first time!"

"I must have missed the part where the definition of fun meant getting whiplash and nausea." I leaned against the support railing, propping my foot up on it. "I can't believe I'm doing this."

Sabina opened her mouth to say something, but then the coaster train roared above us, the metal rails rattling and trembling as the car zoomed by at neck-breaking speeds, flying into a series of flips and corkscrews.

"The rails look like they're going to snap at any moment and the color scheme is ugly enough to make me want to burn my eyes out!" I gestured to the quaking Christmas-colored rails. "There's no shame in walking out and finding a different coaster to ride."

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