Chapter Seven: Forget a Disobedient Star...I Have a Disobedient Star Army

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The cheers and boos of the audience did not make me stand tall. It did not make me pace from pent-up energy or make me want to enter that arena with unbridled rage, wrecking havoc on everything I saw. My fists were not thirsting the feeling of smashing someone's jaw and my wobbly feet would not even permit me to run at this state.

Instead of running over the difference between a hook and an uppercut or clearing my mind of distractions so I could try to call upon my powers, I resorted to being the anxious coward that I am.

I pitched to my knees as a surge of vomit threatened to escape my cracked lips. My mouth was drier that the Sahara Desert but I had refused to drink any liquid this morning for fear that I would wet my pants from nervousness. I forced my shaking, clammy hands to cooperate as I pulled my hair into a high, messy ponytail.

Another wave of boos wracked the stadium, rattling the crimson-stained, checkered ceramic tiles beneath my feet. I didn't want to think about what those stains were, but I could probably take a pretty good guess.

I bit my upper lip and rose shakily to my feet, brushing my trembling fingers down the front of my purple jumpsuit. While all the other Elite contestants were warming up with stretches and shadowboxing, here I was, fixing my hair, trying to not wet my pants, and stifling the vomit that pleaded to make an appearance.

The Reigner contestants were first, and only the Reigner Chosen were allowed to observe the fight. Once the battling was over, the Reigner Chosen would select the three Reigners and then file out of the arena.

Then the Elite contestants would battle and the Elite Chosen would be the audience. It was considered unfair if the Elite Chosen observed the Reigner fight and if the Reigner Chosen observed the Elite fight because then they would be able to observe the contestants and pinpoint their weaknesses and any special abilities they may have.

I partly wished I was permitted to view the Reigner battle that was raging outside. I wanted to see what was happening, but I knew as soon as I saw how brutally they fought, I would instantly get hit with another wave of fear, knowing I wouldn't last long in my battle.

Hoots, chants, and clapping rocked the arena before settling into an awkward silence. The battle had no doubt ended, and the Reigner Chosen were now congratulating the lucky three that would become Reigners.

Shivering despite the sweltering heat, I combed my fingers through my tangled ponytail as I swept my gaze around the warm-up room, where all of us were crammed into while we waited for the Reigners to finish up.

I couldn't understand why someone thought it was a good idea to shove thirty-some teenagers into an enclosed area when they were about to rush into the arena and fight. There were already shoving-matches, arguing, and even a fist fight over training equipment that had been left for us to warm-up with.

A girl with zebra-striped hair launching projectiles at a dart-board, nailing the bulls-eye. A muscular boy with tawny hair tied up into a man-bun hurling heavy, globe-like capsules filled with sand across the room. Two boys boxing with a punching bag in the corner of the room, their punches hard enough to rock the punching bag from it's bolted position in the ground.

I didn't stand a chance.

I diverted my troubled gaze from the boys who were gleefully pummeling the poor punching bag and found Cheyenne, her tall stature making her stand out in the crowd. Her slinking form made it obvious that she wanted to blend in, although she perked up once she saw me.

She was standing in the shadows, nearby the treadmills and the cardio equipment that was almost abandoned except for a few stray runners who were wisely keeping to themselves. I weaved through the crowd of players until I reached her corner of the room, halting as I reached her side.

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