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CARSON'S EYES scrunched as the morning light from outside slipped through a small crack in the curtain and hit his eyelids, waking him up from his sleep. He groaned at the disturbance and rolled onto his side facing away from the window, reaching his arm out expecting it to land on Wanda. But much to his surprise he was met with empty bed space.

His face scrunched in confusion and he patted his hand around the bed in search of her with his eyes still shut. After a few more unsuccessful seconds of searching the bed, he opened his eyes to find that Wanda was nowhere to be seen.

The sound of gentle humming and music filled Carson's ears and he began to pull himself out of the bed, wiping a hand over his face and rubbing his eyes in order to wake him up more. He made his way out of him and Wanda's room and began walking through their apartment to look for her.

In the three weeks since getting Wanda out of the Raft, (A/N: I know Black Widow may of been set a little sooner that three weeks but shh.) Wanda and Carson made their way to England in order to make sure Ross and the government couldn't find her. They acquired new ID's under new names, new bank accounts and even a bought a small apartment with the help of Tony who deposited some money into their account.

The apartment consisted of one bedroom, one bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. It was pretty small place considering they could've afforded something a lot bigger with the funds they had, but really what was the point? Who knew how long they'd be able to stay in once place for, they were on the run after all. Still, the pair still managed to make the space as homely as possible... mainly because of Wanda who had way too much fun decorating their first home together.

The couple had managed to stay in touch with Natasha and Tony without being detected, making sure to call often to check up on things. Tony mostly always being the one to call first, surprisingly.

Truth be told, he missed having Carson around.

Although, Carson hadn't heard from Natasha for a few days which was unlike her. She never missed their phone calls.

She must've been busy.

On the other hand, Steve, Sam and Bucky had gone completely off grid. The last form of contact Carson had with them was a letter that Steve had sent to him, thanking him for helping out at the Raft and making sure he knew that if he ever needed anything then he would always be there for him. He even added in a burner phone that contained one number, which was his.

Tony had told Carson about what went down in Sibera. That Bucky was the one who killed his parents, that Steve knew but kept it from him. However, Tony did leave out the part where Steve almost killed him. For obvious reasons.

At first, Carson was just as pissed at Steve as what Tony was, I mean how could he not be? But once he got the letter his anger towards the man seemed to settled down a little. Wanda reminded him that they were still his family, no matter what. And it was true. They always would be, no matter how far apart they may be. They'd always come back to each other eventually.

A smile formed on Carson's face as he walked into the kitchen to find Wanda rooting through the fridge, tapping her fingers on the handle to the beat of the song that was playing on their radio and singing along.

[Dream a little dream of me by The Mamas & The Papas, in case anyone wanted to know]

"Stars shinin' bright above you.
Night breezes seem to whisper, 'I love you'.
Birds singing in the sycamore tree.
Dream a little dream of me."

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