Chapter 3: I Don't Think Those Were Cosplayers

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(Your POV)
It's been a couple days since Rias left, and I was sitting at a chair with my head on the table, my hair covering my eyes. I missed Rias very much, I especially miss our cuddle/anime sessions we had together. On the bright side, she, Kiba, and Azazel reached Romania without any issues so far. I was currently outside on one of those outside tables, eating lunch with Nico, Onihime, and a fellow member of the talented course, Madison, the Ultimate Berserker. Madison had dark skin, long brown hair tied in a ponytail, green eyes, and often wore a uniform with the sleeves torn off. She also had a bunch of tribal tattoos covering her arms. It was lunch break, so everyone was eating their lunches.

"(Y/N), you need to eat." Onihime poked my head with her chopsticks. "Look, I get that you're basically a giant pupper and care a lot about Rias, but she's a big girl, she can take care of herself. So Nico, why are you depressed?"

"Kiba is gone too!" Nico shouted at the sky whilst she bit into her gingerbread man. "Nico has no one to annoy!"

"I think you're depressed because your diet consists of nothing but cookies." Madison was eating a steak with her bare hands. I forgot to mention Madison is scary. Back when I was human, she was the only person who could injure me. "You need some meat."

"All you ever eat is meat, Madison." Onihime sweatdropped, followed by Madison shooting her a glare. "Ha ha ha...I got the whole squad laughing...right???"

"You're on your own." Nico muttered whilst she continued to nibble on her cookie.

"Hey, what's the deal with those cosplayers over there?" Madison pointed at the entrance of the new school building from our spot on a bench, and the rest of us turned our heads to look at these cosplayers Madison mentioned.

There were five of these cosplayers, all of whom looked to be foreigners wearing ominous cloaks. Without warning, one of the cosplayers outstretched his hand towards us, and a magic circle appeared in his hands, followed by multiple chunks of ice being launched towards us. I got up from my chair and raised my hands in front of my face to take all the damage, since I was confident in my endurance and defense. Nico and Onihime both pulled a very confused Madison behind me with them.

"Madison, when I give you the signal, I want you to run." Onihime ordered Madison, but if you weren't able to tell from her talent being the Ultimate Berserker, telling her what to do isn't a good idea.

"What? You think you can tell me what to do just because I have no idea what's going on?!" Madison growled before getting up and stomping into the forest, and one of the magicians shot her with an ice shard, but the shard shattered upon impact. "You wanna freakin die you dumbass cosplayers?"

"Come to me, Xochipilli." I called Xochipilli to me, I would have called Hachiman or Genbu, but we were out in the open, completely exposed for anyone to target us. "Magicians, please leave this academy, I'll only ask you once."

"Shut it kid." The second magician sent a wave of flames towards me, but with a wave of my hand, I managed to disperse them.

"So be it, I shall make sure to make your deaths swift." I tossed Xochipilli into the air before using my hips to knock it towards the magicians.

Xochipilli is an odd weapon that I can only use if I follow the rules of ōllamalitzli, meaning I can only use my head, legs, or hips to hit the Xochipilli. If I don't follow the rules and try hitting it with my hands, I can take damage from it. Xochipilli's main function is that it spins and can bounce around like it was made of rubber. All of the magicians managed to dodge out of the way of Xochipilli as it landed behind them, but before it launched itself up, it spun to change its direction. The steel ball spun before launching itself from the ground to strike the back of one of the magician's heads, not really knocking him out, but certainly annoying him. I didn't stand still, mind you, I rushed towards the magician in the front and grabbed his cloak, allowing him to throw him over my body and into the ground so I could stomp on his chest. His fellow magicians appeared to care about their ally, since three of them sent multiple waves of ice chunks, flames, and lightning towards me, luckily, I had an ace. Junkyard Dog appeared on my hand and blocked all of the attacks with relative ease. They continued the barrage with no signs of stopping, but there was a little help behind me.

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