Chapter 11: The False Red Dragon

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(Your POV)
I covered myself in armor and summoned the trident, quickly followed by duct tape. I grabbed three grenades and duct taped them around the trident. Shortly after pulling their pins, I reeled my arm back before chucking my trident at Euclid with so much force I almost couldn't see it. Euclid caught the trident confidently, while I launched myself from the tower using my enhanced legs. Euclid was busy trying to understand the trident, but then he noticed the grenades. He tried throwing it back at me, but an explosion quickly enveloped him as I kicked the devil in the stomach. Euclid was knocked onto his back, and I used this moment to pick up my trident and point it at Euclid's throat, ready to plunge it into the slippery devil's body.

"You, how did you manage to replicate Issei's balance breaker?" I asked Euclid, who was laughing despite his predicament.

"Oh it's quite simple, remember when Issei Hyoudou died?" Euclid asked me. "Well Samael's poison didn't exactly destroy Issei's entire body, there was a mere fraction of it left, allowing me to use that fraction to form a perfect copy of the Boosted Gear."

"A perfect copy, then why can't you use Juggernaut Drive or something like that?" I forced the trident down, but amazingly, Euclid caught it with his hands and threw it away before kicking me off his chest.

"Why would I need that mode when Balance Breaker is all I need?" Euclid sounded confident, but I wonder how long that could stand.

"I guess we'll see who is the better Red Dragon, you or my best friend, Issei Hyoudou." I summoned a spear in my hands, Gae Bulg to be exact. "If you think you can surpass Issei, I shall cut you down."

Euclid used a set of boosters on his back to launch himself towards me, while I dug the blade of Gae Bulg into the ground to scoop up some dirt like a shovel and launched it into the eyes of my opponent, blinding him more an instant as I placed a hand on the ground, allowing me to summon a pin ocean style magic circle below Euclid's feet, from the magic circle a series of tentacles emerged. The tentacles enshrined Euclid, holding him in place as I prepared Gae Bulg for a thrust towards Euclid's chest, but the devil managed to break the restrains by boosting his power enough to tear off the tentacles, I pray that wasn't actually a squid, otherwise I'd feel bad. Euclid caught the blade of Gae Bulg between his hands before using it to pull me towards himself, getting me in range of a sucker punch to the face, but the metal only clashed against my armor without so much as a scratch.

"Fair warning, if you thought my defense was high before, then you will not stand a chance against my balance breaker." I designed Junkyard Seal to be something of a booster for my defense, so at the cost of around half my stamina, I can quintuple defense.

I grabbed Euclid by the shoulder and tossed him over my body, knocking him onto the ground before summoning a double barrel shotgun in my hands and firing bullets infused with lava magic into the chest of the devil, causing miniature explosions to engulf both my and Euclid's bodies, temporarily blinding me but giving Euclid the opportunity to fire some kind of dragon shot into my face, knocking my face upwards to face the sky as Euclid summoned his devil wings to take to the sky. I reloaded my double barrel and fired lightning infused bullets towards Euclid, who summoned some kind of silver magic barrier to block the bullets, and I noticed my trident plunged into the wall of a nearby building, so I made my double barrel shotgun disappear in a flash of blue and gold light before summoning an uzi to distract Euclid. I fired bullets at Euclid, who was laughing.

"It's futile, don't you see that bullets are of no use against me!?" Euclid asked while I reached the trident and dropped the uzi to make it disappear, allowing me to grab the trident.

I strapped grenades to the trident, then I chucked it at Euclid, whose barrier couldn't stand against the trident, and I watched as the trident pierced his shoulder after the cluster grenades went off directly in his face. I used this as an opportunity to throw knives made of light before shooting a massive ball of ice towards Euclid. Euclid managed to confidently swat away the knives, but he had trouble blocking the chunk of ice. Euclid looked to be getting angry, so he fired a silver beam of demonic energy at me, while I summoned some kind of small disc in my hand, and I threw the disc onto the ground, causing a hologram of me firing a gun to emerge while I turned invisible, only for five seconds though. Euclid thought the hologram was actually me, so he fired a silver beam of magic towards it, but was confused when the beam went through. Euclid then noticed how there were no bullets actually harming him until I appeared behind him just as the invisibility wore off, granting me a massive damage boost somehow. I slammed my right elbow and left palm, allowing me to send a massive wave of magic into Euclid's body before sending the man into the ground, followed by summoning a rocket launcher and aiming it downwards. I took a breath in to infuse the rocket launcher with lightning magic before firing it, causing a powerful cluster of electric missiles to fly downwards towards the devil, who quickly realized what was going on, and used his boosters plus his devil wings to escape before the missiles could hurt him. Euclid flew up to where I was while I used my devil wings to help fly, keeping me in place. Euclid appeared behind me, and pierced his tail through my left thigh.

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