Chapter 4: Warning! Do Not Hurt Sealboi's Friends! (Fixed)

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(Your POV)
Sona and those of us in the Gremory group soon showed up at the underground subway station where we were supposed to meet up with the magician who took Koneko, Gasper, and Ravel. Just so we're clear, Onihime wanted to come too, but she had a job interview, so she wasn't able to come. Just so we're clear, the Gremory group includes Irina since she's an honorary member of the group, even if she is not a member of either Issei or Rias' peerage. One of Sona's bishops, the brown haired girl known as Reya was put on standby back at school because her communication abilities are good for alerting the three factions about the situation. I was currently wearing my military uniform, my ak12 and 12 gauge shotgun on my back, my seal skin around my waist, and my old mask which was modified since it was broken at some point. The mask took the form of a horned skull with (f/c) stripes going down from the forehead, over the eyes, and down to the bottom of the mask. Keep in mind the mask only reached just past my nose and had horns similar to that of a long horned bull, except shorter. I also had their detachable (f/c) headdress that was super fluffy and reached down to my lower back like a wig. Honestly, it kind of reminded me of a lion's mane, but didn't cover my front.

"So what do you think of the mask?" Sona questioned as I put on the mask. "It was designed by Ajuka just for you. It should work just like your old mask, but better."

"I like it." I was thankful for the new mask, and decided to test out a new zoom in function. I looked at Irina and I intended to zoom on the cross, but the mask must have had an error because it zoomed in on her chest. "Irina, I am so sorry."

"Eh? What for?" Irina had no idea what was going on with my mask, so I stopped the zoom in and made my vision return to normal.

"Alright, Gremory Group, I'll act as the leader as of right now since your Master is away right now." Sona reminded me of Rias being away from me, and I instantly entered what Issei likes to call 'Depression mode' and leaned against Rossweisse, who hugged me without hesitation. "(Y/N), what's wrong?"

"If we talk about how Rias is gone (Y/N) gets sad." Koneko explained in a monotone voice. "Please try to keep your mention of her to a minimum."

"Um...okay?" Sona was confused but still kept her composure. "Xenovia, I know Ex Durandal has the abilities of all the Excalibur fragments, so how many have you mastered?"

"I don't have a problem with Destruction, and I can also use Mimic, Transparency, and Rapidly without issue." Xenovia explained while she gripped Ex Durandal. "Using Nightmare and Blessing is difficult but possible, but I can't use Ruler's ability in the slightest."

"Alright, Xenovia, try to avoid causing any destruction, that goes for all of you." Sona informed me. "We want to avoid as much collateral damage as possible, but if push comes to shove, I'll allow it. Next person. Issei, how much of Ddraig's power can you use right now?"

"Well the effect of Samael's still in effect, Ddraig's been sleeping most of the time." Issei explained. "He's only awake when (Y/N) commands him, but even then I can only use his balance breaker for a minute at best. I can make the gauntlet appear without him though, but it's not as good. Also, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't wanna be rude, but who's that?"

"Oh him?" Tsubaki looked at the person Issei was pointing at, who was a tall person who was slightly smaller than me. "Remember that missing person from our rating game against each other and how (Y/N) was allowed to sit the game out? Well this is the missing piece, and his name is Loup Garou."

"...Nice to meet all of you." Loup then began making his way up towards the entrance of the train station. "...I'll guard the entrance with Bennia."


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