Chapter 25: Who is Yaegaki and Why do we Care?

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(Your POV)
"Hey Asger?"

"Yes Natalia?"

"I love you more than anything."

"I love you too, dear."

"It feels like forever since I've told you that for some reason."

"Now that you mention it, I feel the same."

Asger and Natalia were both on the back porch of the light house mansion, sitting in rocking chairs and watching the waves roll onto the beach below. It was peaceful and serene. For the married couple, that was all they needed. However, that peace and tranquility was ruined by the sound of the front door flying off its hinges and multiple people screaming. 

"Asger, you know full well I love both you and (Y/N), but why can't it ever be a normal day with you all?" Natalia deadpanned.

"...That is a fantastic question." Asger agreed with his wife as the screaming continued.

The reason the door was kicked off its hinges was because of me panicking. I was also carrying Irina's father, Touji on my back. I was panicking but not screaming, the screaming belonged to my companions who I went shopping with, except for Yozakura. The poison was spreading through Touji's body at an alarming rate, and the combined efforts of both Yozakura and Asia managed to slow it down some. Weirdly enough, Irina wasn't screaming either, but she did have a traumatized expression on her face. Now that I mention it, I think most of the screaming was coming from Sarah and Rossweisse. This screaming attracted the attention of everyone in the mansion, namely Rias' peerage, Vali's Team, the Hero Faction, Onihime, Ayako, Unohanna, Nico, Kankuro, Nahele, that koala Yozakura adopted, Ophis, Griselda, Yasaka, and Kunou.

"What's going on?" Rias asked, clearly concerned with all the screaming going on in the house.

"We were attacked and Irina's father was bitten by Yamata-no-Orochi, which was inside a corrupted version of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi." I explained the situation to Rias asI carried Touji to the clinic that was built in the mansion. "I'm taking him to the medical bay."

"Wouldn't it be smarter to take him to an actual hospital?" Griselda watched as I walked past her.

"Our supplies are given to us by Mansa Musa, so they're all the best in the supernatural world, and by extension, the normal world as well." I reached the built-in clinic and set Touji on the bed. "Yozakura, Ayako, you two have medical experience, right?"

"Removing poisons is my specialty, but can you all leave so Ayako and I can focus?" Yozakura requested while Ayako cleaned some surgical equipment. "It'll take some time, but I promise to stabilize Touji's condition."

"Don't worry Irina, your father will get better, I have faith in them." I pat Irina's back to help ease her out of the room, leaving Yozakura and Ayako to perform the surgery.

All of us aside from Yozakura and Ayako left the room, and Kiba closed the door behind us. Having nowhere better to be, we all went to the living room to explain what happened to Rias, Vali, and Cao Cao. Neither Cao Cao or Vali have heard of this Yaegaki guy, so he must have either been a secret or a new member of Qlippoth.

"That sounds like a pretty dangerous guy, but he doesn't sound that dangerous." Cao Cao thought about this new information. "You're immune to poison, aren't you?"

"Oh right, I forgot about that." I just recalled that piece of information after Cao Cao reminded me.

"Cao Cao is right, it sounds like Kusanagi is the only real threat here, so if we take that, then it should be easy to capture him." Rias thought for a bit. "But after that, we should look into how to purify Kusanagi."

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