Chapter 15: Date with the Valkyrie

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(Your POV)
"Ravel, when in my schedule will I have time to work on my new Longinus." I asked the girl with drill hair while cracking my neck. It's been stiff lately.

"The soonest opening you'll have from all your training, political work, and leading the Tarot will be three weeks from now." Ravel looked at a clipboard. "Luckily, Azazel, Zenorse, and Vagus said they would take care of it."

"Alright, thank you, Ravel." I thanked the blonde girl before my eyes landed on a pair of knee high leather boots. "Are these shoes new?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen anyone wear them before." I looked at the shoes in a confused manner before I heard the door open and close behind me. "Excuse me, do you know who these boot belong to-"

I tried asking the person who opened the door about the origin of the shoes, but I went silent upon seeing who the person was. It was Rossweisse, except now she was wearing something odd. She wore a jean short skirt, a striped shirt that clung tightly to her body, and a fashionable leather jacket. She also did her hair so it looked like a super model's. The Valkyrie's lips looked to have some kind of lipstick on them. Rias was following her close behind, in a slightly miffed fashion mind you.

"So...(Y/N)...apparently you have to go on a date." Rias informed me in a slightly tired tone.

"Okay, where do you want to go, Rias?" I thought Rias meant a date with her, which I most certainly won't mind. "The aquarium, planetarium, museum, library?"

"No, I would love a date with you right now, but no, this date isn't for me, it's for Rossweisse." Rias pointed her thumb at Rossweisse, causing Ravel and I to look confused. "Rossweisse just explained the situation to me, so you just have to act as her boyfriend for now."

"Okay..." I was hesitant, and Rossweisse looked to be very embarrassed. I decided not to question it. "So Rossweisse, where would you like to go?"

"There's a mall I would like to go to out of town, is it okay if we go there?" Rossweisse asked, and I nodded before putting on a pair of shoes.

"Of course, and I won't ask why you're now going through a serious fashion change."

"Be back by eight though, we have a kind of pre-meeting to attend tonight." Rias informed the two of us, and we both nodded.

Rossweisse and I both left the house and got into the old pick up truck that everyone keeps forgetting we have. Rossweisse was the one who drove the pick up truck to the train station, 'because I'm older so I should drive' is what she said. It was confusingly quiet between us, neither of us were really the social type. So we turned on the radio to fill the awkward silence between us. This awkward silence persisted until we reached the train station, and by that point my curiosity was killing me.

"So...Rossweisse, why did you suddenly start dressing like that?" I asked Rossweisse, who looked slightly insulted before I facepalmed myself. "My apologies, I have a habit of being much too blunt. I was just curious as to why you changed your apparel. There was nothing wrong with how you looked originally, I personally thought you looked beautiful even without all that makeup and fancy clothes."

"W-Well I just decided to, that's all." Rossweisse gave her answer as we scanned our tickets on our phones to access the trains. I decided not to look too much into it.

The two of us then decided to get onto the train, and wherever Rossweisse sat, eyes followed. Not surprising, she always looked like a model, but it was now that she decided to dress as one as well. I could hear various people talking about how she must be a model from overseas, or how beautiful she was. Luckily, no one dared approach Rossweisse, my guess is that they assumed I was her bodyguard or some kind of gangster. After 15 minutes of riding the train, Rossweisse and I arrived at our stop and got off the train. We walked down the street for a couple minutes before eventually arriving at some kind of mall. We entered the mall and I noticed how Rossweisse excitedly went down a flight of stairs. I followed her down the stairs to see what she was so excited about, the entire lower floor of the mall was nothing but different kinds of 100 Yen stores. Rossweisse looked to be excited about one in particular, specifically one named 'Bella'.

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