Chapter 18: Catch Fire

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(Your POV)
I jumped backwards to avoid a pillar of purple flames that erupted from the ground in front of me. I landed on my hands before landing on my feet once more. I had no idea where the user of Incinerate Anthem could be, my past self designed Incinerate Anthem to work in tandem with Absolute Demise and Zenith Tempest to make an unstoppable magic offensive. In other words, this thing's range is intense, unlike Divine Dividing or the Boosted Gear. I knew I needed to get to high ground first though.

"Bennia, Irina, get to high ground!" I didn't know for certain, but I had a gut feeling I knew how Incinerate Anthem works. "Incinerate Anthem may be more deadly, but it's basic function is just high ranged fire magic. It needs to come from somewhere, so if possible, stay where the flames can't reach!"

"Okay, I'll hide in the shadows." Bennia summoned a magic circle below her and slowly sunk her body into the circle.

"I'll be in the air, looking for the user!" Irina summoned her angel wings and soared upwards, making it harder for Incinerate Anthem to hit her. "Any suggestions?"

"Incinerate Anthem excels at long range, and is highly destructive." I thought out loud before making my M249 disappear so I could summon Genbu. "If the user is smart, they'll be on the outskirts of its effects."

"Got it!" Irina dodged out of the way of a pillar of purple flames, and it looked easier compared to dodging on the ground.

"Protect my Allies, Turtle Shell Genbu." I turned Genbu into its gauntlet form, allowing me to use both hands for Pluto.

The flames formed a circle around the school and myself, how odd. From these purple and black flames, I saw a pitch black hand emerge from the flames. This black hand latched onto the ground and pulled itself up to reveal that it was a burnt human corpse. The corpse was constantly emitting purple flames, and it's eyes glowed an eerie purple color. The corpse was soon followed by another, and another, until there was an entire army of flaming purple corpses surrounding the school and me. Oh, right, Incinerate Anthem has some necromancy powers.

"Pluto: Death Shot."

I aimed the gun at one of the undead and fired a single bullet towards it. The recoil of the gun was so staggering that I even had trouble controlling it's recoil. The that came from the massive handgun was even bigger than a .50 cal bullet. The bullet shot itself straight between the eyes of the first burnt corpse. A wispy blue skull appeared above the zombie, and in an instant, the bullet shot out from the first corpse's head as though it was fired from the head to shoot itself into the head of the undead corpse standing closest to the zombie. A wispy skull shot out from the second corpse's body, and the cycle continued itself. I created a barrier in front of me to stop a massive, purple colored fireball from one of the corpses. I created a series of hexagonal steps, I took a step from one step to another, allowing me to climb upwards towards the roof of Aurous Academy. I looked into the distance to see what everyone was doing. In the distance, I saw Sona and Rias' peerages all fighting three dragons. I instantly recognized the three dragons as Ladon, Azi Dahaka, and Grendel. The latter must have been revived thanks to the power of the Holy Grail.

"Maybe I can snipe the dragons after I finish dealing with this person..." I noticed all the flames began focusing together into one point. "Oh no...Bennia, is it possible for you to find the user?"

"Sure thing." Bennia's voice disappeared from my shadow, and I focused on the purple flames that grew ever larger.

The purple flames started to emit something massive, a massive black cross. That's right, Incinerate Anthem is the burning cross that Jesus died on. Wait, why are so many Longinus connected to Jesus somehow? There's the grail which he allegedly gave to King Arthur, the spear that killed him, and now the cross that he died on. What's next? The nails? Or that crown of thorns of his? I saw something start coiling around the cross, a massive burnt serpent. Cracks could be seen on it's ashen skin, emitting an eerie purple light. The same light came from it's eyes and mouth.

"A giant snake?" I wondered out loud before the snake began emitting a low hissing sound.

Before I could figure out what was going on, the serpent shot a beam of purple flames towards me, so I created a barrier. The barrier countered the flames while I placed my spare palm on the ground. A magic circle appeared on the ground in front of me, and from that magic circle, a sentry gun appeared. The sentry gun had tripod legs, and was more of a cluster of a large number of different guns mixed into one. It had minigun barrels, a rocket launcher, some kind of acid shooter, flame thrower, and frost cannon. I left the barrier there, but made it a one sided barrier. As for me, I used my devil wings to take to the sky with Pluto. I fired three rounds into the serpent's head, only for those bullets to pierce straight through without doing much to slow it down. The serpent tried breathing flames onto me and Irina, who were both circling it. Irina had her holy rapier at the ready, trying to find an opening while I shot two bullets straight at its eyes. I tried firing one more bullet, but I ran out of ammo. So I did the only reasonable thing by throwing my gun into the serpent's mouth. The gun landed in the back of the serpent's throat, and after I threw it, a wispy blue flame appeared in my hand, and an exact copy of Pluto appeared in my hand. Meanwhile, the original copy suddenly blew up from within the serpent's mouth, causing a wispy blue explosion to engulf the serpent's head. By the time the explosion subsided, the serpent's head was gone, leaving only the body. Piece by piece, the body began turning to ashes and started to blow away. Meanwhile, Bennia's voice came out from the darkness below me.

"(Y/N), I found the wizard, she's in the building to your 11 o'clock, second floor, North East corner of the southernmost corner of the room." Bennia informed me, and I aimed Pluto in the directions of that room, and fired.

The wispy blue bullet soared through the air before going straight through the building. I heard a shout before silence. I looked in the direction of the house, only to see flames shoot out of it. I would have assumed it was an attack, but something told me it wasn't. The flames were moving slower towards me, so I instinctively held my palm out to the flames. The flames reached my palm and entered it. It was a warm feeling, as though something I once lost was coming back to me. The flames entered my palm, and entered my body. The flames around the school swiftly disappeared, and I held my spare palm upwards, summoning a purple flame at my fingertips. Irina and Bennia appeared in front of me.

"Sorry I couldn't help much..." Irina apologized while looking down at the ground. "Maybe I should start using guns too, but I never liked their recoil."

"It's fine, a long ranged magician naturally has an advantage against a swordsman, so don't worry too much about it." I made the flame disappear. "Still, I don't think flames are really my thing, so after we protect the school, I'll need to find a new user for Incinerate Anthem."

"Wait, you not only killed the user, but stole Incinerate Anthem?!" Irina asked, and you showed her by creating a cross made of flames in your hand. "Nice! Those guys won't stand a chance! We stole Divine Dividing, Annihilation Maker, Dimension Lost, the True Longinus, and Incinerate Anthem from those jerks, so now they don't stand a chance!"

"Well I think Rizevim can nullify sacred gears, so my Longinus are useless against him." I made the cross disappear. "Still, I'll try to use this power to help during this fight."

"Yeah, let's go help the others!" Irina's optimism was a helpful tool even in a literal war zone. "Wait, where are the others?"

Then we heard an explosion and someone screamed 'Oppai'.

"Found them."

(A/N: Shorter chapter I know, but I just felt like it. Why is it shorter? Well I'm trying to work on a bunch of stuff at once, so it's getting pretty overwhelming. Since I WANT to release this story on a weekly basis, I needed to compromise by making it shorter. So the shorter the chapter, the busier I am IRL. The more you know.   What am I busy with? Something that y'all better appreciate or else.

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