Chapter 8: Crom Cruach

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(Your POV)
I decided to cause some collateral damage as I kicked down the door with my foot, and after everyone stepped over it, I picked up the door and held it like I was going to throw it. Kiba suddenly vanished into the air, most likely scouting ahead to check the soldiers. While we waited for Kiba to return, I aimed my K22 down the halls to make sure no soldiers were coming towards us. Our top priorities were A: Capturing Marius, 2: Saving Valerie, and 3: Escaping with Valerie and the holy grail intact. We waited for a couple minutes before Kiba came back to us, and he began leading us towards the basement. There weren't many guards inside of the basement, so getting there and then going to Marius was our best bet. In a flash of blue and gold light I made my gun disappear, since using a pistol might not be the best idea. While Kiba was in the front of the group, I was in the back, due to me being able to cover all distances thanks to my firearms. We amazingly didn't encounter any guards, but any we did encounter were easily taken out by me throwing the door. Literally, I just threw the door at them. We followed Kiba down the stairs until he suddenly hid behind a wall, and we hid alongside him. I used my mask's thermal vision to look through the walls. On the other side, I saw a vast number of vampire guards, all dressed in silver and crimson colored armor.  All of them possessed some kind of weapon, namely flails, spears, glaives, and swords. We turned our attention to each other to discuss our next plan of action.

"Now then, who wants to fight these guys?" Azazel pointed his thumb towards the room with everyone in it. "There will be strong enemies further ahead, but these guys don't like pushovers."

"I'd say we save your strength for the front lines should we encounter Crom Cruach, Rizevim, Lilith, or Marius." Akeno suggested.

"I can use Durandal's Destructive Power if they're all lined up together." Xenovia got Durandal ready, but Rias stopped her.

"Don't, that's not the kind of thing you can use consecutively, so don't bother." Rias ordered the knight. 

"We'll do it." Bennia stepped forwards with Loup, the latter of whom was starting to take off his jacket.

"Very well then, we wish you luck." Rias nodded in approval of Loup and Bennia fighting alone.

Bennia and Loup both entered the room, and with very different approaches. Bennia rushed towards the vampires, leaving a trail of darkness as she glided across the floor. From this path of darkness, more clones of Bennia emerged, and matched her in speed. The vampire knights tried stabbing Bennia's clones, only for the clones to be replaced by darkness. Bennia jumped over the group of vampires and slashed with her scythe, but there were no physical wounds on the vampires. Instead, the scythe seemed to phase right through the vampires, and the vampires collapsed. Loup on the other hand began growing in size and muscle mass, as well as hair amount until he was now covered in ash colored fur with sharp fangs in his mouth. Loup's hands were covered in an unfamiliar magic circle as he delivered an uppercut to one of the guards with a flame-covered fist that burned so hot that most of the armor disappeared. Bennia and Loup signaled for us to run past them towards the next lowest floor, and we ran past them while I summoned a M249 machine gun, just in case any of the vampires tried anything while we ran past. I noticed one of the vampires tried cutting Gasper's head off with an axe, but he was swiftly met with 5.56 mm bullets piercing his arm. We ran through a large doorway, which led down a flight of stairs, but before we could even reach the bottom floor, we were suddenly attacked by someone launching a ball of darkness. To counter it, Connla summoned a wall of shadows to launch the hall back at the target. The person who attacked us was a vampire, who wore casual clothes like his allies that were on this floor.

"These are not your ordinary opponents." I switched on Mana Vision, which allows me to see the magic power of my target through the form of an aura enveloping that something. For example, these vampires had a large golden aura around them. "These vampires have been magically enhanced with the holy grail. I can probably fill these guys with magically infused bullets, see how that turns out."

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