Chapter 13: Hand Holding?! How Lewd!

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(Your POV)
I was lying on the beach, defeated with my back on the sand and my chest rising and falling towards the sky. In front of me, Zenorse was sitting on the sand while playing a Nintendo Switch, I honestly can't believe I lost to someone who wasn't even looking at me. How embarrassing... To Zenorse's side, a guandao was sticking out of the ground, having been plunged into the sand by Zenorse. The sky above should be filled with stars, but the clouds above made it look like a pitch black canvas. It looks like it would have rained, but Zenorse said he won't allow it. I'm not sure how, but Zenorse appears more than capable of manipulating the weather. To my side, Kurogame Kamikira Genbu (the wheel with chains) turned back into normal Genbu (Shield and anchor)

"Sorry if you wanted it to rain, but I don't wanna get my Switch wet ya hear." Zenorse chuckled as he continued playing the game. "Ya know, you're not too bad, you're a higher level than I was back when I was your age, but you don't really have any ways to learn how to properly utilize your relic, so you're kind of in a pit you can't get out of in terms of relic usage."

"How can you tell that?" I asked the man before sitting straight on the sand. "We only sparred with each other for like three hours?"

"Well not only am I the King of Games, but I'm also an unparalleled genius." Zenorse bragged with a smirk before gesturing to the weapon beside him. "Plus, Watatsumi here is a relic too, so I know how to utilize their power. So far, you can only use 75% of Genbu's power, very impressive, but not enough to make you a threat compared to Rizevim."

"Do you know how to use 100% of its power?" I asked the man, who smiled even wider to reveal shark-like teeth. 

"Let me break it down for you." A kind of chart appeared behind Zenorse. "In their base forms, relics can only use 25% of their power. In their next form, they can use 50%. In the third, 75%. In the fourth and final form, 100%. All nice and orderly."

"So how do I unlock this fourth form?"

"This may come as a shock to you, but Relics react to 'Desires'." Zenorse informed me with crossed arms. "The base form doesn't need any desires, the second form gets unlocked when you have the desire to get stronger, the third form is unlocked when your bloodlust and desire to kill someone go through the roof, but the fourth form, that's where things get really fun. Cuz you have to have the desire to save someone that surpasses your desire to kill. No exceptions."

"I seem but how can I unlock such a state?" If I have not unlocked that state already, then my chances are low.

"Beats me, you're you and I'm me." Zenorse laughs to himself as though he spewed out the funniest thing man has ever heard. "Nuisances aside, even I haven't unlocked this state because you need to have a relic, and usually if someone has that much desire to save someone, that person is almost certainly to die. So there's roughly a 99.15% chance that the person you want to save will die."

"'re saying that someone needs to die in order for me to unlock the true power of my relic?" I looked at Genbu, which was laying in the sand next to me.

"Not necessarily, but there is a high chance." Zenorse turned off his switch to look me in the eye. "However, this is you we're talking about, so I'm sure you come up with something. No pressure or anything! Now you can head inside and take a shower, I got a livestream to attend. Later dude."

Zenorse then disappeared in a flash of blue and gold colored light, followed by rain suddenly starting to pour down atop of me. Maybe his presence kept the rain in the clouds? I wasn't sure, so I decided to head back inside the house. I walked towards the house using the path made of wooden planks and opened the back door to my house, allowing me to enter the living room. The living room was empty except for three girls, Asia, Irina, and Xenovia, who were all wearing their pajamas. Asia appeared to be getting her hair braided by Xenovia.

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