Chapter 12: DxD

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(Your POV)

Five days have passed since the attack on both the Carmilla and Tepes Factions; both attacks were repelled, thankfully. While we did manage to save the Tepes Faction, the Carmilla Faction had to be saved by Vagus, who allegedly fought and killed every dragon there using a churro stick he found in the trash.


Upon hearing the reports of Rizevim, all mythologies from around the world were sent into a panic. I heard from Coyote that the North American spirits finally began allying with one another to stand a fair chance against the other gods. Mwindo, Cernunnos, Pele, Quetzalcoatl, Nootaikok, Hanuman, Anubis, and Yozakura informed me that the gods in their respective regions were panicking as well, especially since Trihexa may end the world. Hanuman also informed me that Shiva himself was preparing for all out war. Only the chief gods know of Rizevim's plans with Trihexa, it was made a secret because if we did, it would cause a worldwide panic.


The tarot isn't just standing by, however, I ordered the tarot to find the most useful humans in history and recruit them. My eyes were set on Jack the Ripper, Lu Bu, Grigori Rasputin, King Leonidas, Crazy Horse, Genghis Khan, Miyamoto Musashi, Nzinga, Catherine the Great, Cleopatra, Boudicca, Muhammad Ali. All of them would be helpful, so we need to find their reincarnations, and if they're of age, then we'll try to recruit them. If they reject it though, oh well. While some of those people may have been pretty terrible people in the past, their reincarnations are born with the modern morals of their respective regions, so they probably won't be as bad. Plus their reincarnations still possess all their past lives' abilities and skills, so that's a plus.


As for me?

I was in the process of working on a new sacred gear.

My goal is to create a new Longinus.

"Heracles, hand me Areadbhar." I outstretched my hand, and Heracles, who was acting as my assistant along with Bikou, Le Fay, Jeane, and Gogomagog, to help me create a new Longinus.

"OW, DON'T MAKE ME BREAK YOU." I turned around to see Heracles was literally wrestling Areadbhar, which grew a mouth to bite Heracles with razor sharp teeth.

"Heracles, you need to grip it close to the blade and firmly hold it like a snake." Jeane was holding onto two swords, Beagalltach and Orna. "(Y/N), I'm not sure why you don't just use these weapons. Like, Rizevim is capable of neutralizing sacred gears."

"I know, but what if he's unable to even realize it's a sacred gear?" I asked the girl as I wiped the sweat off my brow.

The six of us were in the garage, where the workbench was. I was just wearing a white tank top that had oil stains on it, oil covered jeans, and steel toed boots. I had my hair tied back with a mint green bandana. Everyone else was wearing their own casual clothes. In a series of boxes were a bunch of mythical weapons from Dagda, who went back to Ireland to take care of some business. Everyone was in a panic ever since the two most powerful vampire factions almost collapsed. I was currently smelting these legendary weapons to properly mix them together into one special weapon that could wield all their power. Yet I could tell even with all these weapons, creating a Longinus would be difficult. I need the power of something but what? It's not like I can ask a god to rest inside my sacred gear without warning.

"Yo, (Y/N)!" I turned around to see Sairaorg walking into the garage, with Sona, Seekvaira, and Zephyrdor following him close behind. "It's been a while friend, how have you been?"

"Sairaorg, it's nice to see you again." I greeted from the forge as the four devils walked towards me, seemingly ignoring the former Khaos Brigade members. "How have you been?"

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