Part Two: Chapter XV

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JUNE 9, 3065

"Sir!" shouted the scout. "I don't think we can run away anymore! They're gaining on us! We need to find a place to fortify ourselves!"

Chanyeol studied Tao carefully. He had known the time-wolf long enough now to be able to tell when something was bothering him. And Chanyeol could obviously tell that Tao was worried. But Tao kept a calm, and reserved aura, as one must always do when they're a leader.

"Fine," Tao sighed, surveying the landscape that surrounded them. They were in the mountains on a rocky ravine. There were small clumps of trees here and there, but not enough to hide the whole company in. "Okay, here's what we'll do. The archers will climb this cliff and station themselves at the top. They will begin shooting once Qiang's army is in sight. The foot soliders will hide behind the large boulders scattered around, but they will not attack until after the mounted warriors have already made their attacks. The mounted warriors will hide in the clumps of trees and wait for the army to come. We all must stay silent and hidden until the time is right."

"But sir," interrupted another leading warrior named Baro. "Are men are outnumbered and untrained! You can't even consider them real soliders! How can we possibly win?"

"I never said we would win," Tao said calmly. "But I'm not willing to let us go down without a fight."

"But what about the women?" another general, Jonghyun, asked. "What will become of them if we all die?"

Tao nodded. "You're right. Jonghyun, you and two of your most trusted men will leave this instant. Take the fastest horses we have. Also, Chanyeol, you go with them."

Chanyeol looked up surprised. "Why me?"

"Because you need to go to New York with Starlight. If I don't make it, at least you might. Now go."

The other men ran off to prepare with their sperate duties, but Chanyeol stayed. Soon, he and Tao were alone in silence. "Tao...I don't want to leave you behind. It isn't in our blood to leave our kinsmen behind."

Tao clasped Chanyeol's forearms tightly and stared into the fire-wolf's eyes sadly. "I know it is not our ways brother, but I need you to do this for me. Please?" Both of their eyes were watery as they held onto eachother tightly. "Chanyeol, I have known you for a very long time, and I am proud to call you my friend. Time-wolves do not make friends easily. We view others as short lived, and very foolish. But I have found a friend in you Chanyeol, and I would never give that up for all of space and time."

Chanyeol looked down as large tears rolled down his cheeks. "Tao, you are also my friend, and I know that our friendship will last an eternity. Even if I don't die next to you in battle, I will still remember you in my heart all the rest of the days of my life."

Tao nodded and hugged Chanyeol tightly. "Now go. Fly to New York with Starlight and fulfill the prophecy! I shall stand by my people. Until the next life."

Chanyeol nodded and stepped back. "Until the next life." And then he morphed into a wolf and ran after Jonghyun and his men who had already gotten a headstart. Tao went to join the mounted warriors in a spruce grove, and awaited his death.


Sorry it's so cheesy and bad, but hey. I tried okay? Also, is anyone still reading my updates? Are they good, or not?


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