Part Two: Chapter XIV

117 8 4

JUNE 11, 3065

"I'm starting to regret scouting ahead," Starlight mumbled to herself. "This place is creepy." It was a completely dark, and ruined wasteland. It may have once been a great city, but that had all disappeared long ago. All that was left was crumbling buildings and a scortched land.

Starlight weaved around the debris, trying to find a wide enough path to walk her people through, when she heard a beautiful, faint sound. Someone was playing a piano.

Starlight looked around confused. She didn't see a piano or its player anywhere. There were no signs of life anywhere. "I must be going crazy," she whispered. But then she heard the piano again. The same three, clear notes as before. "Or maybe note."

She followed the sound to the ruins of an ancient chinese fortress. The notes sounded stronger and louder here than it did before. Starlight drew her two daggers and stepped cautiously under an arch that led into a dark courtyard.

A few weeds were growing here and there inbetween the cobblestones, and black-barked pomegranate trees stood hunched over on the edges of the courtyard. It all had an errie feeling to it, and Starlight suddenly felt smaller and colder.

The music was coming from a doorway with a rotting wooden door swung halfway inward. A long flight of stairs was leading downwards and Starlight could barely see the red flicker of light from down below. Drawn in by curiousity, she started to walk slowly down the stairs, prepared to fight anything. She stopped when she saw some writing in blood on the wall.

" 我覺得她真的愛他到死

It roughly translated to,

" I think she really loved him to death
I don't think she can do anything by herself
She can't escape the frozen time"

Starlight shivered. The words made her blood run cold. She slowly kept climbing downwards as the music became louder. At the end of the winding staircase, she stepped into a black and gray eery room. Large, dead, and barbed weeds lay scattered around the room. Dim red lights came from several upright, iron coffins. All but two of the coffins were empty, and their contents laid on the black, cold floor, lifeless, and caked in flaky, dried, maroon blood. They each held their own hearts, no longer beating, in their pale hands. The sight was sickening.

Also in the room was a black mannequin, random pieces of wire, armor, and machinery. A black sofa, and a black, broken down piano. A girl dressed in black sat on the piano and was lightly hitting the keys. Her face looked sad and lost. "He-hello?" Starlight said hesitatingly. "Are you alright? Do you need help?"

The girl looked at Starlight with a blank expression. "Who are you?" she asked with a soft, and melodious voice.

Starlight took a small step closer to the girl. "My name is Starlight. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. You look like you need help." She gestured to the girl's wounded leg. "I can help. What's your name?"

The girl shook her head furiously, her matted black hair flying. "I don't need help! I need him!" She looked forlornly in another direction and Starlight followed her gaze to a coffin that was in the middle of the room on a raised platform, and it looked larger than the others.

"Oh," Starlight slowly said. "Is someone important in there?"

The girl nodded. "Yes, my love. But he and his friends were mortal. And they died. I'm trying to save him. I can't let go of him yet." The girl slowly walked toward the coffin and lightly traced her fingers along its edge. A light flashed on inside the coffin, revealing through a transparent side the man inside. He was standing tall and proud, and in a deep sleep. Several parts of his body looked as if they had been replaced with machanical parts.

Starlight was disgusted, yet again. "What do you mean you're trying to save him?"

"He's dead. So I replaced his most precious organs with machines, so he can live eternally with me. It's almost time to revive him. But I'm scared. I tried with the others first, but when I revived them, they tore out their own hearts and chose to die. I don't want him to do the same." There was a lot of strain in the girl's voice as she fought back tears.

Starlight shook her head, terrified. "No, this is wrong. You have to let him go!"

The girl turned around to face Starlight, her eyes burning with rage. "HOW CAN I POSSIBLY LET HIM GO??? I LOVE HIM! YOU MUST KNOW NOTHING OF LOVE IF YOU ARE EXPECTING ME TO LET HIM GO!!"

Starlight balled her fingers into fists and glared at the girl. "I may not know much about love, but I know enough to see that this is wrong, and you need to stop."

"NO! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS WRONG AND I SHALL PROVE IT!!!" She slapped a button on the side of the coffin and a loud hissing sound was heard as a small billow of smoke gathered around the base of the coffin.

There was a long moment of tense silence between the girls before the man inside moved his hand. The girl smiled and Starlight gasped in amazement. He slowly opened his eyes, revealing red orbs that seemed to bore straight into the girls' souls. The glass of the coffin slowly slid upwards and the man stepped out.

At first, he looked at the girl as if he was trying to recognize her, but it wasn't working. Then he looked at the other men on the floor for a very long time. The room was completely silent. Suddenly, with a loud, blood-curdling scream, the man dug his nails into his chest and ripped out his heart. Blood splatter all over the girls' faces. He fell to his knees and looked at the girl one last time before falling face-first into the dust.


So, I wanna give credit for the AWESOME cover to @byuntaes SHE DID AMAZINGLY, DID SHE NOT???? She's soooo good! Go check out her graphic shop!

Also, slower updates. I'm sorry. I'm just.....not feeling as lighthearted as last week, which makes it harder to write, but hopefully I won't disappoint you all. WOAH SO COOL THAT WATTPAD COUNTS YOUR WORDS ON YOUR DOCUMENTS TOO!!!!! Sorry, just noticed that. Anyways, that's all I had to say. Keep reading lovelies and I hope you enjoy it!


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