Part One: Chapter III

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APRIL 1, 1920

Kai slowly flipped through the pages of his newpaper, his dark eyes swiftly scanning the thin pages and the tiny print. A few headlines caught his eyes. "Oncoming Comet," or "Steel Strike Ends: The Great Steel Strike of 1919 Ends the Capitalation By Workers," and "Palmer Raids: Intense Government Persecution of Radical Political Dissendents." But he wasn't really intrested in that. He was more intrested in the bartender whispering rumors in a cattle farmer's ear about Kai being a cattle rustler.

Kai slowly closed the newspaper and folded it carefully, trying to calm his nerves. Not only were the rumors true, but he also didn't like people talking about him behind his back. "Hey bartender! Another drink!" he called out, smiling smugly.

The bartender nodded and moved away from the cattle farmer to pour Kai some more liquior. When he set it on the counter, Kai reached up and grabbed the man's crisp, clean, white button-up collar and pulled him close. "If you've got something to say, then say it to my face!" Kai hissed. The bartender gulped and nodded. Kai was about to punch the short, round man when someone grabbed his free wrist.

"Calm down Kai," Sehun said in his smooth, calm voice. "It isn't worth the fight."

Kai slowly set the man down and just glared at him as he quickly walked away. "Why are you here Sehun?" Kai asked through gritted teeth.

"Maybe we should talk somewhere else," Sehun stated plainly, pulling Kai out of the saloon. They stepped into the crowded street and walked across. They entered Sehun's hotel and walked quickly into Sehun's office. Sehun locked the door and looked at Kai. Kai detected a look of fear and amazement and also excitement in the younger boy's eyes.

"What?" Kai asked eagerly.

"Xiumin is here," Sehun whispered. "And so is Starlight. They're in my hotel right now recovering. They just now got out of the portal!"

"What? How is that possible?"

"Can't you see? We weren't just scattered across the planet! We were also scattered across time!"

"That's insane! Then how can we possibly join together? And how do we know that the others won't show up in this exact place thousands of years before, or after now?"

"We don't. We leave that up to Chanyeol to figure out."

"No, no! This is crazy! We can't let him figure it out! Over the past five years he's gone mental!"

"Well he's the one with the book!"

"Yeah, the book written in a language we can't even read! And looking for a stone that probably doesn't even exsist here!"

"But don't you see Kai? We have Starlight now!"

Kai's eyes slowly widened in understanding. "Oh god.....she can read it....She can save us!"

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