Part One: Chapter I

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A short, hooded figure climbed to the top of the prison tower, digging its claws into the bricks and motar. Its scantly dressed legs dangled in the ghostly moonlight as it reached the barred window and peeked in. Down below, hiding and bleeding in the shadows was a great man. Or rather, who used to be a great man.

Once a man of great power and respect, you ruled with loyalty to his people. Now he lay with his clothing and his skin tattered and torn. A thousand tubes were connected to his back, all leading to huge vials, half filled with blood. His blood slowly slid through the tubes and dripped into the vials. Other smiliar men in different rooms could be seen in the distance.

The hooded figure whimpered as it observed the man writhing in pain and agony. But the figure hid as a blonde woman wandered over to the man's cell. Her face wore an evil sneer and her eyes gleamed with mirth. It disgusted the figure.

The blonde woman insulted the dying man before skipping over to another man and repeating the process. She carried a cloth doll that she stabbed every so often, inflicting the same pain upon the men in the cells. With each puncture of the soft cotton, the men screamed in pain and their skin ripped, letting their blood pour onto the stone floor.

The hooded figure whimpered as its eyes filled with tears. Slowly, it began climbing back down the tower walls. "I'll be back," it whispered. "And I will save you."


"I don't see why you have to do this," she said, her eyes watering.

"I'm sorry, but I have to," Lay apologized while putting the few belongings he had in his knapsack. "I won't be missed, so I'm the ideal person to go."

"What do you mean you won't be missed? I will miss you! Do I not matter to you?"

"Of course you matter!" Lay looked up at her, silent tears streaming down his face. "I need to protect everyone. I'm sorry mom, but this is the only way to save the world and the Alphas."

"It's dangerous..."

Lay sighed and hugged his mother tightly as she buried her face in his chest. Her sobs filled the room. "I'll be careful. Don't worry."

"But what if you die? I'll be left completely alone!"

"I won't die mom. I promise." His mother whimpered as he hummed softly in her ear. "I'll be back before you know it."

There was a knock on the door of their hut and Xiumin poked his head inside. He wore a solemn expression. "I'm sorry,  but we have to leave now."

Lay nodded and kissed his mother's head. He tore himself from her and left her sobbing on the floor as he walked to the portal with his bestfriend. He didn't know when he would see her again, or if he ever would.


Twelve omega wolves stood in a circle around the ruined portal. "How do we open it?" Chen asked quietly.
"We have to use our powers," Kris announed. "Each one of us must touch one of the twelve flower petals, each one representing each of the twelve kingdoms. Then we transfer our powers into the petals and it opens the portal to earth."

"But the stone is cut in half. The Puppet Master cut it right after imprisoning the Alphas," Kai pointed out.

"That's where Lay  and Chanyeol come in," Suho said, turning to the two wolves. "Chanyeol will use the power of the pheonix to heighten Lay's powers of restoration in order to mend the stone."

"But wait!" Sehun exclaimed. "Won't someone see??"

"Yeah, if we mend it, there will be a large blast of light," Baekhyun mumbled.

"That blast of light will be seen for miles around," Kyungsoo added.

"Everyone will see it, including the Puppet Master," Tao said while trembling slightly.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she's already seen us considering her castle is just over the next hill," Luhan mumbled, his doe-like eyes looking scared.

"It's okay guys," Chanyeol rumbled in his deep voice and smiled. "We just have to move quickly."

Lay looked around at the other wolve's faces and nodded slowly. He walked to the opposite side of the large stone across from Chanyeol. He placed his palms on the cold surface and closed his eyes. Chanyeol did the same and slowly the stone's temperture began to increase and it glowed.

They both grinded their teeth as the power and energy escaped their bodies. Slowly, the split in the rock began to mend. As the two pieces formed together once more, there was a bright blast of blue light that sent all twelve boys flying backwards and skidding across the gravely ground. They slowly stood up, slightly bleeding and bruised.

Kris was the first to run back to the mended stone. "Now!" he yelled. "Everyone place your hands on your petal and open the portal now!" The boys obeyed and felt the power draining out of them. Sehun, Kai, and Tao got bloody noses from using their power too much too fast and just as the portal opened, Chanyeol and Lay collapsed. Before them stood a giant portal of dark, swirling colors, pulling them in.

Kris gently picked up Lay and carried him through while Baekhyun pulled in Chanyeol. The rest of the boys ran in after them, disappearing into the dark mist. Xiumin was the last to go, but before he entered, he heard a female voice screaming his name.

He looked up and saw a hooded figure dressed in black running over the hill towards him. She was being persued by four other girls on horses. Xiumin instantly knew who she was. In a flash he ran over to the hooded figure and picked her up. His lungs burned as he ran as fast he could with his sister into the portal.

The dark portal slammed shut in the riders faces, causing them to just barely miss the omegas.


So, those who were accepted were as follows:


Now, you may not see your character right away, but don't worry, your character will be in the story. I'm sorry to those who didn't make it. I hope you still enjoy the story though. I hope everyone will.

Also, credits for the media picture for the Part One Introduction goes to Byuntaes! She's amazing and she will also be making other small pictures for the rest of the story for the different parts and she will be making a cover soon, so look forward to that! And don't forget to check out her graphic shop!


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