Part Two: Chapter XIII

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JUNE 8, 3065

"Hey," Starlight said gently as she sat down by a campfire next to Tao's bounty hunter. "How are you doing?" Girl ignored her and watched as a couple children were playing in an orange grove. "Hmm," thought Starlight. "A lot like traveling with Kai. He ignored me a lot too. But I kinda miss him..." She stared into the fire sadly as the sky began to dim.

"Time to put out the fires," the hunter mumbled before dumping water on the fire infront of Starlight. Ashy water splashed all over the front of Starlight's cotton shirt.

"Hey!" Starlight yelled. "I know it was already stained but come on!"

"Oh get over it and go tell the other women to put out their fires!"

"Excuse me, I can't. I don't know their language. You go and do it!"

The girl huffed and stocked away, leaving Starlight alone in the dark. The girl came back about an hour later and sat down with a sigh. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

Starlight's eyes widened. "Oh really? That was unexpected! And what made you say that?"

"It was the right thing to do."

Kai's words echoed in Starlight's head and she looked down sadly. "I forgive you."

The girl sighed again. "We didn't really get off to a good start, did we? Well, it's better late than never I guess. My name is Lee Jae Hwa. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Jae Hwa. I'm Starlight."

Jaehwa was silent for a moment. "That's a strange name," she mused.

Starlight shrugged. "I suppose so."

They were both silent for a long time as the women and children fell asleep under the summer stars. "May I ask," Jaehwa whispered. "What is your relationship with Tao?"

Starlight was surprised by such an odd question. "He's one of my older brother's bestfriends. I've known Tao for a long time, and I've been searching for him alone with eleven other boys in order to forfill a prophecy."

"Is that why he must go to America with you?"

Starlight nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering."

"What is your relationship with Tao?"

"He's my commander."

"Well, he seems to trust you a lot. You must have made a good impression on him."

"He is also my friend. When he first came to china, before the government tried to eradicate those of the mystic species, such as you and I, we were both participants in the same wushu school. We trained together a lot. He became my friend, and I his friend as well."

Starlight studied Jaehwa's face carefully. "You love him, don't you? That's why you were so hostile towards me. You didn't want me to steal him from you."

Jaehwa looked down ashamed. "I suppose I do love him, and I'm truly sorry for the way I treated you. Please don't tell him."

Starlight smiled. "Your secret is safe with me."

JUNE 8, 3065

Chanyeol laid in his cot, trying to sleep. But it was almost impossible. He was nervous. Very nervous. He knew before going on this quest that he would probably have to fight at some point, but he wasn't fully ready to accept that it could be any day now.

He was usually the book nerd who sat in the back and did all the practical problem solving. Sure, he had hunt before, but that was his prey. It was never something intimidating that could actually harm him. And Qiang's army defineately sounded intimidating. Maybe it was that fact that they were out to kill all mystical creatures like Chanyeol himself. Or maybe it was because they had been successful in killing all other such creatures all over the world, and the dwarf mines in Bishkek was where they would all make their last stand. It didn't sound very promising to Chanyeol, despite what Tao said.

Chanyeol sighed and rolled out of his cot, carefull not to wake up the other soliders in his tent. He slipped through the front flaps and into the night. He had to pee again. He had been peeing almost constantly for the past three days. It was like he couldn't keep any water in. Tao said it was because he was nervous. Chanyeol didn't doubt that.

He was heading to the outskirts of the camp to relieve himself when a mounted scout rode up to him quickly, breathing hard and looking alarmed. "What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked, clearly seeing the scout's fear.

"Qiang's army is at the base of this mountain! They'll be upon us by nightfall tomarrow!" The scout exclaimed, looking terrified. "He has at least 2500 men! We've only got 600! We don't stand a chance."

"Don't give up hope yet," Tao said, appearing behind Chanyeol. "We'll make it through this! Follow me to my tent! Chanyeol, take his horse to the horsemen to be cleaned up."

The scout dismounted and ran with Tao to the commander's tent. Chanyeol just stood there holding the reins of the horse and peed his pants.

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