Part Three: Chapter XXVII

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JANUARY 6, 2014

"Seriously?" Jaehwa whined. "Those guys are crazy!"

"Um, not completely," Suho stated calmly. "Haru said that they'll warm up to us."

"What point is there in them warming up to us if they're mental????"

"Keep in mind that these guardians are Immortals Jaehwa. They've been waiting a long time for us to come. I'm actually not surprised."


"Well, they thought about us a bit."

"Yeah, that we're scum!"

"Not necessarily true. Heechul thought that we were peasents."

"Oh yeah! Princess Heechul thought we were peasents! Peasents! Scum! Same thing! And what did that Minju girl think??? She thought that we were monsters!!!"

"The Immortals are defineately a different species to deal with, Jaehwa. We just have to be patient with them."



"DON'T OBVIOUSLY ME BOY!!!! YOU LISTEN HERE!!!" Jaehwa was about to ram-charge Suho if it hadn't been for Tao strongly grabbing her as she screamed and kicked, throwing colorful insults at Suho. Everyone else sat scatter around the training dojo, trying to block out the sound of the argument. The meeting up with the guardians had not gone as planned.

"So? Still think this was a good idea?" Kai asked as he scoffed at Starlight who sat curled up in the corner.

"It was the right thing to do Kai."

"Did you ever think that your dad might be wrong? Ever?"

"SHUT UP KAI!!!" When everyone looked over, Starlight lowered her voice. "You have no right to say that about your Alpha, do you understand? My father was the ambassador of honor. He would not let us do wrong! So shut your mouth and go away before I kill you for treason."

"Oh yes! Just kill me!" Kai sneered. "Wouldn't you rather me be dead anyways?"

"Would you just drop it? I was joking, okay?"

"It didn't feel like joking to me!"

"Just leave her alone Kai," Xiumin said sternly, quickly stepping in. "She's under a lot of pressure right now, and you picking fights with her isn't helping."

Kai rolled his eyes. "Oh? Big bad brother coming to your rescue again?" he jeered. "You can't even defend yourself. You're pathetic! Why did we even listen to someone like you?"

Starlight whimpered and Xiumin growled. "Get out of here Kai."

"Fine. But I won't be gone for long." Kai spit by Starlight's feet and stalked out of the dojo just as the sun began to rise above the mountains.

Xiumin crouched down by his sister and gently hugged her. "It's alright Starlight. He's just fustrated, that's all."

"He is right though. I'm pathetic. I shouldn't have led you all here."

"No, no, no! You're the farthest thing from pathetic! You did what was right! Not many would have the courage to do that. Now sleep, okay?" Starlight nodded and leaned her head on her brother's shoulder before closing her eyes and quickly falling asleep.

She woke up in a glistening room. The floor was made of sparkling crystal and marbled stone collums held the golden roof afloat. The walls seemed to be made of frosted glass and there were no doors. There was one window though, and Starlight made her way through the room littered with jewels and other precious treasures and trinkets and tried to get to the window. Once she finally reached it, she pulled back the sheer curtains to see white, puffy clouds.

Sticking her head out the window, she discovered that the room, or whatever she was standing in, was floating in the sky, with no view of the earth above or below. "Like the sight?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"Who said that?" Starlight snapped when she turned around and eyed the room that seemed to be only filled with inanimate objects.

"Why, me of course!" The voice seemed to come from a small, golden budda statue.

"What the heck?" Starlight asked as she stepped closer. "How?"

"Like this!" A wisp of smoke appeared coming out of the statue's mouth and with a bright flash of light, a tall man was standing infront of Starlight, a little too close. She yelped and jumped back. The man smiled and reveiled perfectly straight teeth. He was dressed like he was on a cruise and lazily held a glass of iced tea in his hand. "Hi! My brother sent me to you?"

"'re Junsu's brother? Well, that makes sense. You're just as weird."

"Sassy, I see." The man chuckled and kept smiling. "My name is Yoochun. Well, technically it's Phantasus, but I got tired of the Phantasus because I'm phantastic joke after while. And Yoochun sounded cool. So, Starlight? How are you?"

"Not very good now that you're here. Can you just leave already?"

"Oooo, no can do sassifrass. I was supposed to deliver a message first. Now what was I supposed to say?"

"Something about the girl with the mask?"

"OH! Yeah! My brother knows where she is, and he knows how to stop her, so you should probably listen to him, just sayin. He's a pretty smart guy."

"Was that it?"

"Oh, yes! And also keep your guard up. My other brother will come and visit you soon, and honey I promise, he will not be very nice. So, please change your mind now about talking to Junsu?"

Starlight crossed her arms. "Nope! I'm still not going anywhere with that creep!"

Yoochun shrugged. "Alright then, suit yourself." He vanished and Starlight woke up back in the dojo.

"Such a strange dream," she muttered.

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