Part Two: Chapter XII

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JUNE 5, 3065

"Okay, so explain to me again what's going on," Chanyeol said, pacing back and forth inside Tao's large tent.

Tao sighed and pointed to his map again. "Qiang and his troops are stationed at Xian at the moment, which means we've only got a couple weeks until he catches up to us unless we keep moving. Our goal is to escape China and reach the dwarf mines in Bishkek where we will find shelter, supplies, and aid. But first we have to cross the mountains and pass the army patroling the west, led by Boqin and stationed in Urumqi, which is the head of the only passable mountain pass in that region."

"So you're saying we have to fight our way through Urumqi?"

Tao nodded. "Exactly. We have a better chance of defeating Boqin's army in the dead of winter which is when we'll reach there, than we do of defeating Qiang's army now."

"But what about New York?" Starlight asked, looking concerned. "And how do you know how close Qiang's army is?"

"Patience little one," Tao said. "The eclipse isn't until October of next year. You heard our astrologists. Once my people are safe with the dwarves and elves, then we shall travel south through Thailand and take a ship to the abandoned country that used to be called America. As for Qiang, my bounty hunter brought me one of the leuteniant's heads and told me where he was stationed."

"But did you calculate the time it took her to get here herself? And is she trustworthy?"

"Oh she's very trustworthy!" And then he fell silent for awhile. "You're right, I didn't calculate the time. Chanyeol, inform the men that it is time to arm up and be prepared for a fight. Starlight, have the women pack up and begin moving south towards Lhasa."

"What? But aren't we supposed to be going towards Urumqi?"

"Yes, but the women and children will go around the mountains. Qiang can't fight on two fronts, and Lhasa is a kind city. I trust you to take care of my people Starlight. My bounty hunter will be there to lead the people, but you're in charge of defense. Understood?"

Starlight looked down, her eyes watery. "But I'm scared Tao," she whispered. "To be responsible for that many people....I don't know if I can handle it..."

"Look at me." She slowly looked up into his eyes. "I would never tell you to do something you aren't capable of. You just have to discover that for yourself." He turned towards Chanyeol once more. "Now, meeting dismissed. Hurry. Time is crucial!"

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