The way I love you

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It takes place at the end of season 11 and the beginning of season 12, Owen and Amelia are together or not really, they fight a lot
What is sure is that there are feelings, it is not clear but the feelings are there
"Hey!" I said when I arrived in the attending lounge where Amelia was but she didn't answer.
"Oh so now you're not talking to me" I said and her pager went off
"So you're just going to leave without talking to me?" I asked
"I'm doing my job!" she said firmly
"Are you doing your job? You are ignoring me Amelia, I don't understand you" I said.
"I have nothing to say to you" she said
"Seriously?" I said and she left.
A few minutes later I was paged for the same patient as Amelia...that it was going to be a long day

"Shepherd?" I asked.
"Yeah?" she replied
"I need to get him to the OR, he's bleeding" I said
"You can't, I need to do a head CT first to see if I need to operate or not" she said
"no we don't have time, you can do it later" I said
"Since when do you decide everything?" she asked "He is my patient and if I think he needs a CT scan, then he will have a CT scan".
"He's going to die if I don't operate on him" I said and the tone started to rise
"He's going to die too if I don't take him to the scan and we miss a bleed" Amelia said
"As usual you want to decide" I said
" me? It's clearly you that he doesn't listen to my medical recommendations" Amelia said and practically screamed
"You two stop!" Richard yelled "You two work out your couple problems later, this is not the time or the place" he said
"Hunt you take the patient to the OR, there is no sign of head trauma, the CT can wait Shepherd" Webber said and Amelia remove her gloves, rolled her eyes and leave the room without a word.
"You'll have to explain that to me, Owen" Richard said
"Now we're taking care of the patient" I said and we went up to the OR

"what's going on with you and Amelia?" Richard asked me
"Nothing is going on between Amelia and I" I said
"Oh come on I know you two are together everybody knows that" Bailey said
"I don't know what you're talking about" I said
"A little before Derek died...I saw the two of you in the hallways making out and then going into an on call room, do you do that with all your friends?" she asked
"I know..." I wanted to continue but the machines started to bleed.
"He's crashing" Richard said
"Amelia was right" I said "page Shepherd now !"
A few minutes later Amelia walked into the OR.
"I told you this would happen!" she said.
"I know and" I said
"No shut up, don't make it worse" she said
"And just to make it clear if this man dies it's not my fault it's yours...both of you" she said and started the operation a few hours later she was done and so was I, the patient was still alive and Amelia and I were scrubbing out
"You see the patient is not dead" I said to break the silence.
"Thanks to me, not to you" she said, still avoiding my gaze and that's when I noticed that she hadn't looked me in the eye since this morning.
"You don't even look at me anymore, since this morning you don't talk to me but the worst thing is that you avoid my eyes" I said and she remained silent
"I don't understand, two days ago you were kissing me and suddenly you don't look at me anymore, you ignore me completely, why?" I asked
"I have my reasons, it's not you it's me and I don't want to talk about it" she said "I can't" she added and left the room

Owen and Amelia had finished work and they were both in the hospital parking lot and without meaning to,Owen bumped into Amelia
"Sorry...I didn't see you" Owen said and then Amelia looked up and for the first time since this morning their eyes met and Amelia's eyes filled with tears
"What's wrong?" Owen asked.
"I hate you!" Amelia said.
"What" Owen said shocked
"I said I hate you" she said still on the verge of tears
"Wow I just thought you were in a bad mood today or I don't know but you really hate me" Owen said hurt
"Why huh? What did I do to you?" Owen asked
"I hate you" Amelia said started to cry
"Why?" owen asked
"I hate you" Amelia said crying even more
"Why?" owen asked
"I hate you" Amelia said sobbing
"Why?" owen asked
"Because you made me fall in love with you !" Amelia yelled
"What?" Owen whispered
"My brother died and, and you were there, I grieved and you were there, I wanted to take drugs but you were there... all my life I've built a wall around me that no one has been able to break down and you come along and break it down in not even 2months,my wall has come down...I can't spend a minute without thinking about you that's why I don't want to talk to you anymore because if you stay with me you'll end up dying too or something horrible and I don't want that for you so I'd rather leave and run away" she said in tears
"Don't run away, not from me...not from us" he said and took Amelia's hands in his.
"You're going to die if you stay with me and I don't want to and" she said and cried so hard she could hardly breathe
"Calm down, calm down Amelia" he said and finally took her in his arms to calm her down
"No Owen don't touch me! You'll die if you are with me,don't" she said.
"I'm not going to die Amelia, I'm not going anywhere," he said and she kept trying to leave, but Owen held her to him
"Owen" amelia cried even more
"Shhhhh" he said "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere"
"You're not going anywhere?" she asked
"I'm staying here" he said and continued to stroke her hair and she began to calm down
"I don't want anything to happen to you because...because, because I love you too much for that Owen" she said, it was the first time they said I love you to each other
"I love you too Amelia and I'm not going anywhere,nothing's going to happen to me" he said and looked her straight in the eyes and Amelia kissed Owen
"I'm sorry for today" Amelia said
"It's okay now I know why" Owen said
"Do you still love me?" she asked
"I still love you" He answered and kissed her

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