Love on the brain

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In season 17 during the lockdown Owen is no longer with Teddy and Amelia is still with Link but she is not sure of her feelings since Link called her an alcoholic

"Hey you are here ?" Owen asked as he saw Amelia in the ER "I haven't seen you work in a while"
"Hi! And you know with Link working, Meredith in the hospital and the kids I don't really have time" Amelia said
"So you're staying home with all the kids doing housework, laundry, etc?" he asked
"yep" she replied
"It's not you! Don't tell me you like it I won't believe you" her Ex-Husband said
"I know Owen and I hate it but I have no choice" she said and at the same time a flash of lightning echoed throughout the hospital
"Storm!" Owen said
"Lots of patients" Amelia said with a smile on her face and their pagers beeped
"Welcome back" Owen said and they got up and helped the first patients

The more the day went on, the worse the storm got, the more patients kept coming in, and he had to close the emergency room because of the sheer number of patients.
"Shepherd?" Webber asked.
"Go up to O.R. 3 Owen needs you for a craniotomy" he said
"Okay, thanks," she said and went up to the OR to find Owen.
"I'm here!" I said as I entered the OR.
"Thank God" Owen said
"Why is there only one nurse and you?" she asked "Where are the others?
"We're in lockdown, in the middle of a storm, we're understaffed" he said
"it's a mess" Amelia said as she started the operation
"So how is Scout?" Owen asked
"He's fine" amelia said "and how is Leo?"
"He's fine too he asked to see you" Owen said
"Really?" she asked
"Yes, he misses you a lot you know?" Owen said.
"I miss him too, after the lockdown I'll take him to the zoo" she said
"He loves the zoo" they both said at the same time and laughed
"How is Teddy?" Amelia asked.
"mhh we broke up, I couldn't stand the cheating and all the lies she and I made a mistake we were a mistake " he added still focusing on the patient
"Oh sorry I didn't know...well I knew she cheated on you but I thought you had forgiven her" Amelia added
"And how is link?" Owen asked and Bokhee the poor thing was in the middle of this very awkward conversation
"I don't really care how he is" Amelia said
"Why? he told me he was going to propose to you, so I thought you were engaged" her ex said
"I said no and then he took it the wrong way and now he hides in the garage to drink all night long and he called me an alcoholic so ... No Owen I don't know what to think about Link anymore".
"He called you what?" Owen said and started to get angry
"It's nothing Owen" she said
"No it's not nothing Amelia, he has no right to talk to you like that and stop you from being what you want to've never been a woman who wanted to stay at home and take care of the kids, cook, clean and do the laundry, that's not you! You're a fucking neurosurgeon not a housewife" Owen said which brought tears to Amelia's eyes
"Thank you Owen, thank you, no one understands me but you, I hate my life now, I want it to stop" she said and Owen looked straight into her eyes
"Don't tell me you're thinking of taking it again" he wanted to continue but the lights went out and the hospital was plunged into darkness
"Now we are really messed up" Amelia said
after several minutes in the dark the lights came back on and a few hours later they had finished the surgery and were leaving the OR
"I want to talk to you, come with me" Owen said and they both went into the attendings' room and he locked the door behind them.
"I'm worried about you Amelia" he said "we may not be married anymore but I still care about you and I'll always be there for you if you need me and tonight you scared me in the you want to ?  because if you're thinking about doing drugs tell me"
"I think about it every day Owen, Visio meetings don't really work and then link calling me an alcoholic didn't help either... I love my son Owen but I never wanted this life and I don't even know if I want Link in my life anymore" she said and she was in tears so for the first time in a long time Owen took her in his arms and gave her a big hug
"Why didn't you tell me? I will always be there for you" Owen said
"I was ashamed Owen I thought you would think I was a bad mother or that I was weak so I didn't say anything" she said
"You're not a bad mother Amelia and certainly not weak you're the strongest woman I know, you're going to make it like you have in the past, everything is going to be fine babe" Owen said and then he realized what he had just called her « babe » that nickname Amelia hadn't heard in a long time made her lift her head from Owen's chest and they stared into each other's eyes, The silence in the room was now heavy and the only sound that could be heard was their breathing, then Amelia's gaze fell on Owen's lips, the room was dark, it was night and the room was getting hotter and hotter a little more every second
"We shouldn't...Amelia you are with Link" Owen said
"And if I tell you that the only reason I'm with Link is because I thought you were with Teddy" Amelia said still whispering and keeping her face close to Owen's
"Then you'll cheat on him and you'll end up regretting it I know you...I want to kiss you so badly but we can't" he said
"If you want it! I want you, you,not Link" Amelia said
"I never thought you were still in love with me" Owen said
"I'm still in love with you and if you are too, I'll stop all with Link" Amelia
"You are kidding me,how could I not be in love with you, you are Amelia Shepherd!" He said
"So?" she said
"So" he repeated her words and they looked each other straight in the eyes and Amelia crashed her lips on Owen's who pulled her closer into his lap and kissed her back with the same amount of love. Both of them had waited for this to happen since they broke up for the last time

After that night Amelia broke up with Link. Owen and her got back together and the happiest of all was Leo, because he got his mom back, his real mommy...and a few years later they decided to enlarge the family and they had a beautiful little girl, Ella and their family was complete and they couldn't be happier

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