All I want

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After their marriage Owen and Amelia decided to have a child but...(it's a little bit sad)
It's been more than 3 months now that Owen and I are trying to have a baby and today was finally the day of the test, I'm stressed I know it's just the beginning but I really want it to be positive
"Hey whatever it says on this test is okay, we just started trying Amelia" Owen said
"I know it's just that I really want to have a baby with you" I said
"I do too, but even if it takes us a while, we'll have our baby!" Owen said and the timer went off and I returned the test "negative"
"It's okay babe we'll keep trying" Owen said.
"You're right these things do take time" I said and Owen kissed my head.
"Let's go to bed"
4 months later
I have had about 5 negative pregnancy tests in the last 4 months and I am starting to lose hope...
Owen keeps telling me that it's normal and that it will take as long as it takes but I'm starting to wonder if something is wrong
But I'm late, not much, just 5 days but I decided not to tell Owen because I know it's affecting him as much as me so if it's negative he will not get hurt. I took a test from the supply closet and went to the hospital bathroom and peed on the stick and waited for the result and for the first time I saw two dashes and I started to cry, I couldn't even believe what I was seeing I could finally become a mom, Owen could finally be a dad and I couldn't be happier I just wanted to tell Owen...
The same night at their house

"Babe I'm home" Owen said.
"In the kitchen!" Amelia said
"Are you cooking? That's new" Owen said "Good evening" he said and wrapped his arms around Amelia and kissed her cheek
"Hi , and I'm cooking because we're hungry" she said using "we" on purpose
"It smells good so I'm going to give you a chance" he answered without noticing his wife's choice of words and put his head on Amelia's shoulders and watched her cook
"It's just pasta, but it's going to be good, I am hungry now that I'm eating for two." Amelia said, and Owen understood and looked her in the eye.
"Are you pregnant?" Owen asked and Amelia nodded her head.
"We're having a baby" I said and he picked me up and held me.
"Oh Amelia I'm so happy" he said and kissed me
2months later
It's been 2 months since Owen and I found out we were going to be parents we had an ultrasound with Arizona last week and she said everything looked good. Today Owen was at work and I was home alone so I decided to call Maggie because I was bored and a few minutes later she came...
We hadn't told anyone but Arizona that I was pregnant, so we wanted to wait in case anything happened.
"hey" Maggie said
"Hey how are you?" I asked
"I'm good! How are you?" she asked.
"I'm fine, do you want something to drink?" I asked
"yes" she said and I went into the kitchen with her when I felt a strong pain in my stomach
"Are you ok?" Maggie asked.
"Yes don't worry" I said but I was in pain
"Amelia?" Maggie said a few minutes later
"What?" I asked.
"You're bleeding" she said and I looked down between my legs and ran to the bathroom, locked myself in and started to cry
I was at work today and I got a call Maggie
"Hey Maggie" I said.
"Owen you need to come home" she said
"Why? What's going on?" I said worried.
"I'm not sure, but Owen...go home Amelia needs you" she said and I ran to my car and within 10 minutes I was home.
"She called me because she was bored I came over and we talked and I saw that she was bleeding...Owen I don't know if she was pregnant but she locked herself in the bathroom and I tried to get her out but she didn't say anything" she said and my heart broke for her
"Owen I'm so sorry" she said and hugged me "I'll leave you two alone" she said and left and I went to the bathroom door which was locked
"babe it's me open the door" I said
"Please, I'm here, open the door, let me help you" I said and I heard the door unlock, I took a deep breath and entered the room where Amelia was lying in a ball on the floor.
"Amelia?" I said and she didn't move so I lay down next to her.
"I had a miscarriage Owen, I lost our baby..." she said and cried even more so I took her in my arms and hold her tight
"I know babe" I said and started to cry too.
"This is my fault..." she said
"No, no Amelia, don't ever say that again, it's not your fault, it's nobody's fault" I said.
"It's not fair" she said
"I know," I said, "but it's going to be okay, you're going to be okay, we're going to be okay," I said and kissed her forehead.
"I love you" she said and cried against my chest
"I love you too" I said and we cried on the bathroom floor for a long time before we found the strength to get up and go into the living room
5days later
It's been five days since my miscarriage, so it's been five days since Owen and I left the house, but I decided to call Arizona and make an appointment with her.
"We have an appointment with Arizona today," I said to Owen.
"Why?" he asked.
"It's been hard Owen, one of the worst things in my life and I want to understand why, why I lost our baby and I need to know, and I also need to know if we can ever have a baby and how » I said to him
It hurts more than anything , having a miscarriage is not mourning someone but it is mourning a life project, a life and it hurts like hell I feel like my baby was ripped out of my body without me being able to do anything. ..
The remainder of the morning went by and in the beginning of the afternoon we went to the appointment with Arizona

"So I analyzed your results and with what you told me I think you're suffering from infertility that's why this baby didn't last...we can start a treatment right away to help you" she said and Owen squeezed my hand under the table
"What exactly are you going to do?" I asked
"First we'll start with pregnancy hormones and if that doesn't work we'll do an IUI" she said "do you guys trust me?" Arizona asked us
"Of course" I said
"More than anyone else" Owen said
"I promise you I won't stop until I get you pregnant and we'll get there I promise it will takes as long as it takes but we will get there..." she said
"Thank you Ari" I said and started to cry so she stood up and hugged me
"I've been there Amelia, I've lost a baby too, it's not easy at first but it will pass, I promise you it will pass" she said
It's been almost a year since my miscarriage but also a year since we've been trying to have a baby without success...we've already done 4 Intrauterine Inseminations that didn't work and today we were going to do the 5th one but at this point I have no hope.
"Good morning babe" Owen said as he wake up,I am so in love with him it's crazy, without him I wouldn't have been able to hold on, he is the best husband in the world.
"Morning" I replied and snuggled up to him.
"Are you ready for today?" he asked
"Yeah,are you still coming with me?" I asked
"Of course I'll be with you, I'll always be with you" he said
"Owen I really want this to work, if it doesn't I don't know what I'll do I don't know if I'll survive" I said
"Amelia, it's going to work...Maybe 5 is our lucky number" he said
"You still want 5 kids?" I asked
"Of course,you?" he asked
"yeah but one would be nice at this point" I said
"We're gonna have our baby...I promise" he said and kissed my forehead
After that we went to the hospital and we had our appointment with Arizona who did the insemination, she hadn't lied when she said she would do everything to make sure I would get pregnant, she was there every step of the way
"Ok now rest, don't forget to take your meds and in two weeks you can take a test" she said
"Thank you Arizona and I will try to get her to know Amelia" Owen said
"Hey I don't like sitting around doing nothing, but I'll do my best" I said and then Owen and I went home.
We sat in front of the TV eating ice cream, which was our tradition after every hospital appointment. We both just cuddled together and hoped once again that it would work so I could finally get pregnant and finally have our baby
15 days later
"It's time" I said to Owen, took him by the hand and took him to the bathroom with me and did the test.
"Amelia, I know I've told you this a thousand times, but even if it's negative, it doesn't matter, we'll end up having our baby no matter what" Owen wanted to continue but I stopped him.
"Owen shut up" I said
"No, Amelia, even if we can't have a baby, we can still adopt or"
"Owen it's positive!" I said and started to cry

I'm thinking of creating a story around this one shot, I have many ideas in mind and I will maybe create a new story...

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