simple trip or maybe not...

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Prompt: Owen and Amelia were together for 2 years and then split up and Amelia left Seattle and returned to Los Angeles leaving Owen behind


It's been almost 3 years since I left and started my life over in LA, well starting my life over is an exaggeration, I've found all my friends and my old job and I'm happy, but I miss some things and I feel like I've lost a part of myself and that even though I have everything to be happy some things are missing... the city? my friends? my sisters? The hospital? Owen? And that's the problem I haven't heard from him in 3 years I don't know what happened to him, I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him so yes I've had a few stories since I came back to LA or more like one night stands with no interest, I can't start something serious or maybe I don't want to but that's not the question
Today I'm going back to Seattle not to live there but Maggie is getting married so I'm going back and I'm so happy for her,she finally found the love of her life and Winston is perfect for her,they came to visit me several times as well as Meredith and the kids...
I thought I had found mine, the love of my life but I was wrong. I mean I don't know if we're not together anymore because the universe chose it or if it was just not the right time but what I am sure of is that I have never felt the way I feel about Owen for anyone else
"We just landed in Seattle the outside temperature is 27 degrees" the flight attendant said and after the plane landed I got up and headed for the exit when I saw Meredith and I ran to her and hugged her
"Oh I missed you" I said
"I'm so glad you're here" she said and we walked to the car
"So the wedding starts in 3 hours so you have plenty of time to get ready at my place" Meredith said
"Okay, thanks, and by the way, who's at the wedding?" I asked.
"Owen is there" she said
"I wasn't talking about Owen," I said.
"Yes you were, but Amelia, after a while you'll have to, it's been almost three years now" she said
"It doesn't matter how long Mer" I said
"You'll say hello to him and that's non-negotiable, but if you want to ignore him for the rest of the night that's your choice" she said
"I know I'll do my best" I said and I wanted to ask a question, but I knew the answer would hurt me when it shouldn't even, I just wanted to know if he had found someone else if he had a girlfriend or even more but I was so afraid of the answer that I preferred not to ask anything at all
After getting ready and especially having found Zola and Bailey who I missed a lot we all went to the church where I found Maggie, they had chosen us to be her bridesmaids
"You are so beautiful" I said to Maggie
"I love you" she replied
"I love you too" I added and the ceremony began.
It was a beautiful ceremony but it was so crowded that I didn't even notice who was there, so after this beautiful ceremony we went to the place where the party was going to take place, it was in a very nice hotel in Seattle where I would spend the night and that's where I saw him. ..Owen and he wasn't alone and I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart even though we had been separated for a long time now but yes I think I can say that or at least assume that I still love Owen
"Stop staring" Meredith said to me
"Is this...?" I said but it was impossible for me to say the word
"Yes, her name is Debbie and I don't really know how long they've been together" she said
"You know it, you just don't want to tell me because you don't want to upset me, but go ahead" I said
"okay about 5months " she said and I saw owen kissing that debbie and I froze, I hate that feeling I got caught up in a wave of sadness so I ran out and went outside because I needed some air a lot of air
I see a girl coming out of the room and I don't need to look to see who it was, Amelia, Amelia Shepherd,I watched her come out of the room but was interrupted by Miranda and I watched her walk away, she hadn't changed even a little bit she was still as beautiful as ever, but I'm sure she has someone, come on someone as beautiful as Amelia can't be alone without a boyfriend
"Excuse me, I have to talk to Meredith about something important. Wait here," I said and went to Meredith who was serving Ellis a glass of water.
"Amelia is here," I said.
"It's her sister's wedding" she said
"oh she didn't come to see me" I said ironically
"And well you kissing your new girlfriend in front of her didn't help" she said
"Shit" I muttered and saw Amelia leave the room and I didn't know what to do
"If you're wondering if you should go talk to her, I think you should" she said and I didn't think anymore and I ran to Amelia and saw her on a bench.
"Hey" I said and she turned around
"Hey" she said
"You're back" I said
"Yeah I'm leaving in 3 days" she said
"oh ok" I said and the silence was very heavy
"You have someone right now?" I asked and she sighed
"I don't think that's any of your business" she said
"I'm just trying to make conversation" I said
"And if I didn't feel like talking" she said
"Amelia" I said
"No, stop it, you're the one who comes here and parades your new girlfriend in front of my eyes" she said
"I didn't know you were here" I said
"It's my sister's wedding and you didn't talk to me for years but you want to today" she said
"how you wanted me to talk to you! You're the one who left me and went to Los Angeles without telling me" I said
"Hey! it was a mutual decision I didn't dump you by message or anything like that so don't make me out to be the only bad guy in the story " she said
"I never said that" I said "and I'm sorry if you saw me with Debbie I, I didn't know you were there"
"Yeah is it, is it serious with you guys?" she asked and I didn't even know why, I felt like I couldn't read her like I could before
"Yes and no it's not the same as with you" I said and she looked me straight in the eye for the first time and then I realized that even after all these years the feelings were still there and much stronger than I ever felt for any other girl than Amelia Shepherd
"We should go back upstairs," Amelia said, feeling the tension building between us with every passing minute
"Yeah" I said and we got into the elevator
"And no I don't have anyone in my life" she said
"How is it possible you are you!" I said and she laughed, that smile oh that smile and that laugh I could listen to it all day.I was so close to her we were face to face, we got a little closer to each other...impossible to resist, she was so beautiful and that dress fit her wonderfully I couldn't resist so I got a little closer and our lips were so close
"Owen" Amelia whispered "we can't" she said and at the same time the doors opened and we got out and went our separate ways
I should have kissed her, seeing her here again just proved to me that I can't resist her and above all that I still love her...
The evening went on and I hadn't seen Amelia again, I wanted to see her again I need to see her
"Are you coming to dance?" Debbie asked me.
No, I'm fine, thanks," I said,the only person I wanted to see was Amelia.
"You've been acting strange for the last few hours, you're a pain in the ass" she said.
"Just leave me alone" I said and went to see Alex.
"Where is Amelia? I thought she was with you" I asked
"She said it was late and with the jet lag she was tired so she went up to her room" he said
"It's almost 2am I'm going to put the kids to bed" Meredith said
"Ok" I replied and sat down next to Alex, I was thinking about the things I was feeling and what I should do about it what to do? What to say ? my thoughts were interrupted by Meredith
"Room 305" she said
"What?" I asked.
"Amelia, this is her room" she said and I didn't hesitate another second and ran to the elevator and knocked on her door
"Owen?" she said surprised and not to give her time to think I picked her up and pushed her against the wall and she wrapped her legs around me.
"Owen you can't, you have debbie" she whispered
"I don't care, I want you" I said.
I went back up to the room,to see Owen with another woman was much too hard for me, I went back up and without even realizing it I started to cry so I went to take my shower and I put on one of Owen's sweaters , yes when I left I took it with me and I always kept it, I lay down in my bed hoping that by crying I was going to fall asleep but I heard someone knocking on the door I opened and
"Owen?" I gasped and he didn't even give me time to think as he lifted me up and pushed me against the wall and I wrapped my legs around him.
"Owen, you can't, you have debbie," I whispered.
"I don't care, I want you" he replied
"I don't want just a one night stand...that's not what I want" I said.
"I want you but not for a one night stand not at all, I want you in my life Amelia" he said and I couldn't resist anymore so I pressed my lips against his for the first time in 3 years, I felt something at that moment that I can't even explain I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me a little tighter to him. The first kiss was followed by a second and then a third, it was like we were glued together, he started kissing my neck and I unbuttoned his shirt and we collapsed on the bed

"I missed you" he said and pulled me into his arms and I put my head on his shoulder.
"I missed you too" I said
"Amelia?" he asked
"Yeah" I said
"I love you" he said
"You do?" I asked.
"Of course and I never stopped loving you" he said
"I love you too and I have for a while now" I said, he laughed and hugged me a little more and I found myself on top of him
"But now what's going to happen?" I asked.
"What do you mean ?" he asked.
"You still have a girlfriend and because of me you cheated on her" I said but he put his finger on my mouth
"You're the only person I love Amelia, and I'm ready to go to Bailey right now if I have to and tell her I quit my job and I'm going with you to LA !" he said, "I'll go anywhere to be with you," he kissed me.
"So let's do it, asking a million questions is what made our relationship not work the first time so I don't want to think anymore" I said
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, not just 5 minutes" he said
"Let's go" I said
"Now?" he asked
"Yes get dressed and let's go!" I said and giggled
"You're completely crazy but that's why I love you" he said and kissed me passionately

And we both ran away without telling anyone, we took 3 days away from Seattle in a nice hotel just him and me, and then we went to Los Angeles, he moved in with me and started working at the practice with us...a few months later we got married again just him and me and our close friends in a little chapel, a year later we started our family with the arrival of our little boy Liam followed by his sister Andrea 2 years later who we tenderly call Andy...
I never thought that a simple trip to a city could change my life but I could not be happier

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