highschool lovers

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I had this idea and started writing without knowing what it would be like but I don't know if it's good or not but I'm posting it anyway

Amelia was a 17 year old junior in high school Arizona was her best friend and her group of friends was Meredith, Alex, Maggie
"Hey" Amelia said as she sat down at the lunch table
"Hey" her friends replied
"You all coming to my place tomorrow night?" meredith asked
"Yeah" they replied and then Amelia's eyes were drawn to another things, Owen, Owen Hunt he was a senior in high school and the two talked a little but nothing crazy
"Stop looking at him" Arizona said
"I'm not looking at him" Amelia said
"He's a bad boy" Meredith said
"Yes like Derek then" Amelia added
"Derek is not so bad" she said
"He's my brother so no,but he is with girls " she said
"Come back to Owen...he's a bad boy" Maggie said "and so is Derek meredith"
"Owen is not " Amelia said
"You've only been talking to him for a month, but his ex Cristina said that he apparently cheated on her twice" Meredith said
"And why are we even talking about this! I don't have a crush on Owen" I said
"You do" Alex said and was right, Owen was Derek's best friend with Mark and she knew Owen for years and years but a few months ago they started talking more and she started to have feelings for him but she is too stubborn to admit it
"but you have a crush on Jo" Amelia said
"Shut up that's not true" he said
" Yes it is " meredith said
" Do you know about the party tonight? " Callie appeared and asked them,she was the same age as Meredith, Amelia and Alex and was dating Mark
"No" Meredith said
"Yeah" Amelia said
"Mark told me to invite whoever I want so I'm inviting you to his place at 8pm" she said and then left
"You're going?" I asked
"It's Friday so I guess we can" Meredith said
"We can have fun for once" Alex said
"I'm in" Amelia and Maggie said and at the same time Amelia got a message from Owen
"Are you coming to the party tonight?" he asked.
"Yes I am and you?" she asked
"Yes, I can't wait to see you" he said and Amelia blushed
"Who are you texting?" Maggie asked
"Umm just my mom to tell her about the party tonight" she lied but what she didn't know was that owen had a crush on her too but he didn't want to tell her because she was his best friend's sister

Arizona and Amelia were getting ready to go to this party together at Amelia's house
"You dressed up, you did your make up, and did your hair...you can lie to anyone you want but not to me...you like Owen " she said
"Okay maybe you're right but he doesn't like me anyway" Amelia said
"You said you talk to each other?" she said
"Yes" she said and Arizona read most of their text
"Well...to me he doesn't seem to like you just as a friend" she said
"You're talking nonsense, but you know how much I hate this feeling, because I know I'm going to get hurt and I don't like it" she said
"You know, talk to him tonight, try to get closer and you'll see" she said
"No absolutely not" she said
"Amelia!" she said
"No shh! And get dressed or we'll be late!" she said
Later they left in Amelia's car because Derek was already there and they joined the others at mark's house and Callie hadn't lied it was a pretty big party with a lot of people

The party was going well and everyone was talking and staying with everyone. It was the end of May and they only had a week of classes left, so they were all out by the pool, Owen with Derek and Mark, but he only wanted to be with Amelia, he might have a bad reputation but he really felt something for this girl. Since that night when he was at Derek's house and for a few minutes he had been able to talk with her, just him and her,normally he was rather attracted by extroverted girls and was really never interested in them but this time it was different he adored Amelia and not only as his friend he would like more with her...but how to do it? she was not easy to approach and for the first time Owen was not the one who was observed,normally all the girls would run to him so it was not his habit to run after the girls but with Amelia everything was different...and there he was, looking for Amelia everywhere, in class, in the street, at Derek's house and this evening during the party
The two of them talked for hours on Snapchat every single day and often talked at Derek's house but he didn't often have the opportunity to be alone, so maybe this party would definitely change things.
Amelia was just like him, she had already had relationships but nothing crazy, but for Owen, it was different and she was also only thinking about him, but what if her friends were right, if he was really a bad boy and she was wrong about him, her thoughts were interrupted by someone who tapped her on the shoulder...Owen
"Hey!" he said and handed her a drink
"Hey! Thank you!" she said and smiled at him and Owen's heart skipped a beat,she so beautiful
"Are you having fun?" he said and sat down next to her
"Yeah!" she said
"Do you know where Derek is?" he asked her
"I saw him go inside with Meredith so I don't think you should go look" she said and laughed
"Oh I see" he said and laughed
"And then she tells me she doesn't date him...I don't understand them sometimes" she said and chuckled
"I understand her, the Shepherd genes are pretty good, just beautiful people" he said and smiled at her and winked, Amelia didn't know how to answer and just laughed, the two of them continued to talk for an hour just the two of them, they didn't see the time pass
"You're talking about my brother who has a string of conquests but you're the same" she said and giggled.
"That's not true" he said
"Oh come on! You're lying" she said
"It's just that I've never found the right person so I change often yes because I never really feel anything towards them but it's about to change" he said
"What do you mean by that? Amelia asked him
"Well I might have met a girl I have feelings for without even kissing her" he said and Amelia's heart broke, her friends were right, he was chasing girls so why would he want her, they were just friends and nothing more, to hide her sadness she smiled and said
"I'm happy for you...and I hope you'll be happy" she said
"But Amelia" he wanted to continue but was cut off by Maggie
"Amelia come with me" she said and they left, without a last smile exchanged between Owen and Amelia

The party was going on and it was now almost 1am, Owen and Amelia had not spoken and besides Amelia did not even know where Owen was. She would have lied to said that she enjoyed the end of the party, but all she could think of was Owen and how quickly she fell for him and it broke her heart that he felt nothing in return. Derek and Meredith had reappeared, and Amelia was sitting with Alex, Maggie, Arizona and others.
"Amelia?" Alex asked.
"Yeah" she replied
"Since you know the house better than we do, can you please come in and get a drink?
"Yeah don't worry" she said and got up to go into the mark's kitchen where she came face to face with Owen
"Hey" he said
"Hi " she replied
"Are you looking for something?" he asked her.
"Yes, we're out of drinks" she said and opened the cupboard and took out a couple of bottles of soda they already had enough alcohol even though both Amelia and Owen had only had one beer and were not drunk, suddenly the light went out and Amelia jump
"Hey, everything's fine," Owen said and hugged her.
"I'll go get some flashlights and candles " he said and kissed her temple and Amelia didn't understand a thing, a few seconds later he came back with some candles and lit them and put them in the kitchen
"You didn't let me finish my sentence earlier" he said
"What sentence?" Amelia, totally lost, asked.
"When we were both outside" he said and moved closer to her, and for the first time they were really alone, without any noise or people around Amelia's heartbeat was getting faster and faster
"When you were talking about that girl you felt something for her?" she asked
"Yes," he answered, but he didn't move, still standing very close to her face
"Did you tell her? You could tell me who she is you know " she said
"Oh you want me to tell you?" he asked
"Mmh" Amelia said and nodded, then silence, the only sound that could be heard was their breathing which was getting faster by the minute, with a little courage Owen pressed his lips against Amelia's and shivers ran through both of their bodies. Amelia put her hand behind Owen's neck and Owen wrapped his arms around her waist, They started making out together and Owen picked Amelia up and put her on the kitchen counter, she wrapped her legs around his waist, they made out for a long time, and they stepped back.
"It's you, and I know what you think of me but for you I'm ready for anything and I promise you that I've changed, if you give me a chance and I'm asking you for a chance because I really like you Amelia" he said and Amelia couldn't be happier
"I'll give you a chance because I really like you too Owen" she said and smiled at him, Owen smiled big and hugged her tight.
"Tomorrow at 7pm?" he asked
"Yeah" she said and kissed him

I am so sorry it's really bad ...

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