Divorce parent but for how long ?#2

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It's been a month since the dinner happened and a week since Ella has been at Owen's house, which is more than normal, but I've been working a lot and I couldn't pick her up sooner.
So I was at home waiting for Owen to bring Ella and a few minutes later someone knocked on my door and Ella didn't even react but I saw that she had a new jacket and new clothes and new shoes and they were all designer clothes
"Oh I see you've been shopping a lot" I said to Owen
"Oh no it's not me it's Teddy" he said
"Owen just make her understand that this is not how we want to raise our daughter, I don't want her to become a spoiled brat" I said
"I know, but it's still her stepmother Amelia, she has the right to a little respect" he said
"A little respect? and me? What about me? Who brought your daughter into the world and carried her for 9 months! It's hard enough not to see your daughter every day but it's even harder to see your daughter talking about how much her daddy and Teddy love each other and all she does is talk about Teddy" I said
"I'm still her mother and I have the right to some respect for my daughter my own daughter and I have a say in the decisions you make, you have the right to make them you're her father but Teddy don't especially if it's going to be that way I don't want my daughter to become a brat" I added and closed the door and went inside
"Ella it's time to eat" I said and she came downstairs
"No I don't want to eat that!" she said
"Hey! Calm down and eat" I said
"No I want to eat the burgers and teddy fries" she said
"Well in life you have to eat vegetables too and not just burgers and pizza so you eat" I said and for a long time she didn't eat anything and after a while she gave in and ate a little without talking to me
"Can I leave the table?" she asked me
"Yes" I said and cleared the table
A short time later I was on the couch when I heard Ella come downstairs and I said to her
"Ella baby it's time to go to sleep" I said and I saw that she came downstairs with a pack of candy in her hands
"Hey not so much candy on a night when there's school the next day" I said and took the package out of her hands and she rolled her eyes at me but I decided to let it go to start another argument
"Do you want to watch an episode of Mickey with me?" I asked and she nodded but didn't hug me like she usually does and my heart broke a little more than it already was.
The episode ended
"Time for bed...a goodnight story and a kiss?" I asked
"No need I want to call daddy and Teddy" she said
"Sure you can call your dad but I'm here I'm your mom not Teddy" I said
"Teddy is nicer and at least she takes care of me" she said
"I was working Ella but you know mommy will always put you first always...I love you baby" I said
"I hate you" she said and I thought I was going to fall apart
"What?" I asked
"I hate you" she repeated "I want to sleep with Teddy not you"
"You want Teddy and well no problem I'll call your dad! Go get your stuff" I said and all of a sudden my legs couldn't take my weight anymore and I collapsed on the floor sobbing
A few minutes later Owen arrived.
"Amelia?" he said as he approached me.
"Don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't say anything, just take your daughter and get out" I said.
"I'm not leaving...not when your are like this" he said and sat down next to me
"If I'm like this it's because of you and your stupid girlfriend" I said "she wants to go to your place so go" but he didn't move on the contrary he took me in his arms


Amelia broke my heart, she told me what happened with Ella and I couldn't believe it and I certainly wasn't going to give in to Ella.
After many minutes of sobbing she fell asleep so I decided to go upstairs to Ella and have a talk with her.
"Daddy" she said as she threw herself into my arms and cried too.
"I think I hurt mommy" she said
"You did hurt her Ella you can't say things like that" I said
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that" she said
"You don't have to apologize to me, you have to apologize to your mother" I said
"Can I go now?" she asked
"She is sleeping" I said
"But I don't want her to sleep sad so I'm going anyway" she answered and left her room, she reminded me so much of Amelia, physically she looked like her, small size, brown hair and the beautiful blue eyes of Amelia but she also had exactly the same temper as her mother.
I went downstairs to join them in the living room but I stayed back to give them some time
"Mommy wake up I'm sorry" she said and Amelia opened her eyes
"I didn't mean to be so mean I didn't mean it you're my mommy and you're the only one I love" she added "it's just that sometimes I'm sad to not have you and daddy together so I'm mean but I don't mean to be...I love you mommy" she said and threw herself into Amelia's arms who immediately gave her a big hug
"I love you too baby" Amelia replied
"I'm sorry I can't give you a childhood like the others with your mom and dad together" she added
"Can we just go back to the way it was before just for tonight?" she asked and Amelia and I looked at each other I knew it was a bad idea, and I knew that one night with Amelia could change everything I still loved her that's for sure but it wasn't possible
"Pleaseeee" Ella asked
"Well just for tonight" Amelia and I said
"can we go back to where we were before all together" she asked mentioning my place
"Yes let's go there" I said
"What about Teddy?" Amelia asked
"She's at her place" I said wanting to get into the details


When we got to Owen's house we resumed a habit we had before we broke up... we sat on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and a Disney.
I hadn't seen Ella this happy in a long time, she was laughing out loud and I felt full with Owen and Ella after a long time.
After several hours Ella fell asleep in the middle of us
"There is no way she will get up tomorrow morning for school" Owen said and laughed.
"I mean she can miss a day of school for once" I said "why isn't Teddy here?" I asked
"We broke up, if you can call it that" he said
"I'm not going to say I'm sad but why ? you looked happy" I asked
"When I got home I told her that she was too invasive in Ella's life and when she started to talk badly about you and I got so mad and we had a fight and I realized that it was a mistake so I ended it" he explained
"Mommy" Ella said
"Hi baby" I replied and caressed her cheek
"Can you take me to bed please" she asked
"Yes let's go" I said and took her in my arms, once in her room I tucked her in and kissed her head
"I forgot to pray to Jesus tonight" she whispered
"Go ahead sweetheart" I said, with Owen and I we taught her our religion and since she was a baby she has been praying every night before sleeping
"Thank you Jesus for today and especially for tonight with mama and dada I love you Amen" she said and I smiled.
"I love you baby goodnight" I said and kissed her cheek
"Good night mommy I love you" she said and when I closed the door I heard her say
"Please Jesus make mommy and daddy get back together and be a family again".
It broke my heart again but I went down to the living room and put on my shoes
"Hey where do you think you're going?" he asked
"My place" I replied not saying home on purpose because home is where I am right now
"There's no way I'm letting you go, there is a storm outside" he said
"Don't worry, I live just 5 minutes away" I said
"Even though we're not married anymore I still care about you, I love you so no Amelia I'm not going to let you go" he said and I must admit that his choice of words confused me, all the more reason to leave
"I'll be fine, don't worry" I said and headed for the door.
"Amelia don't make me made you stay here you're small enough" he said but I opened the door anyway and he immediately rushed to me and wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up
"Owen" I said and burst out laughing and so did he and our eyes met and in that moment I just wanted to forget everything and kiss him
"I warned you" he said "you are stuck here alone with me".
So I stayed, I wanted to stay but I knew it was a bad idea because in one night alone in this house with Owen anything could happen so I decided to sleep in the guest room but I was missing a few things so I went back out to find Owen tidying the living room
"Can you lend me your charger please?" I asked.
"In one of the drawers in our, um my room" he said
"Thank you" I said and went to what used to be our room to find that in the end nothing had changed, the pictures I had hung on the wall were still there and to my amazement even the pictures from our wedding were still there.
I opened the drawer but I think it was the wrong one because I came face to face with my old wedding ring and I couldn't help but put it around my finger and I kept it for a while before putting it back down and realizing what Owen meant by "I'm keeping the ring in my drawer with everything else" there were pictures of the two of us at the very beginning of our relationship and a lot of souvenirs from our first date and one of my shirts.
"Owen?" I called and he came over.
"Hey...oh no you weren't supposed to find that" he said
"No just why did you keep all this?" I asked
"Just...when we broke up I didn't think I was going to react like this and I missed you so much, you forgot this shirt here and it still smelled like you so I kept it and slept with it close to me every single night and I know it's not right but" he said but I cut him off kissing him like a need to feel him close to me after all this time I knew it was wrong but wrong had never felt so right.
I expected him to push me away but he did the opposite and kissed me back

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