All of me

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This is a oneshot that takes place in season 11,right after the scene where Amelia collapses in the arms of Owen on the porch...I always wanted to know what happened between Owen and Amelia afterwards so here you go

After a long time we eventually broke the hug and I looked at her, I just wasn't looking at her it was like I could see her whole soul through her eyes, she was sad and broken but also tired I can only imagine how hard it was for her to keep that pain inside her for those 6 long months.
And suddenly I felt guilty, guilty for leaving to serve my country when I should have been there for her, for Amelia for whom I feel things I haven't had time to think about yet, well I'm in love with her that's for sure
seing her like this breaks my heart...I've never felt so much sadness for anyone in my life.
I wish I could take all her pain so she wouldn't suffer anymore
"I'm sorry" I said
"No I am, for yelling at you this afternoon and also before you left" she said
"I should have never left and you have every right to hate me" I said
"I don't hate you that's the problem...I'm just a little mad at you, you abandoned me, left me alone when I had just lost my brother and you never called I needed you but you weren't there" she said
"How was I supposed to know that you needed me? I was here for 3 whole days with you after Derek died... you weren't yourself, you stared at the ceiling and didn't say anything not even a word to me, I made you food but you didn't say anything and then one day you got up and yelled at me that I should give you some space and that you didn't want to see me anymore so I left, I needed to grieve too but I would have stayed if you hadn't told me to leave" I said
"And then I called a few times and you never answered so I sent my mom to see how you were and she told me you were at work so I thought you forgot about me and I didn't try again but I'm sorry I shouldn't have left even if you asked me I shouldn't have listened to you" I finished
"It's the past and if Derek's death has taught me something it's that nothing lasts forever...but Owen I don't hate you, quite the opposite in fact" she said and looked me straight in the eye...I missed her so much even though we never put a word to each other about what we really were, I miss the times we were together, when I could kiss her and hold her.
Minutes passed but our eyes never let go
"What's going on?" she asked.
"I think I'm in love with you..." I said and didn't hesitate for a second to kiss her
she kissed me back and then all of a sudden the rain fell from the sky without warning, we broke the kiss and Amelia looked at what was happening with a huge smile on her face, the glitter in her eyes and that smile... she even let a little laugh escape her and it was wonderful,I could watch her for a lifetime and never get tired of it and it made me realize a few things
"Let me change what I said earlier" I said
"What? Why?" she said
"I don't think I'm in love with you...I'm sure of it" I said "I know we didn't really put a word to what we were but I'm in love with you and I want you to be mine" I said and this time I didn't have time to answer because she crushed her lips on mine
"Should I take that as a Yes?" I asked.
"It's a Yes...I'm in love with you too but don't ever leave me again" she said
"I promise" I said and hugged her tightly.
"We should probably get inside, we're soaked" I added a few minutes later.
"Yes, but only on one condition" she said
"I'm listening" I said
"Cook for me" she said
"Mhh let me guess even though it's about 11pm I'm sure you want some pasta" I said
"Is it yes or no?" she asked
"Of course it's yes" I replied kissing her cheek and we went inside

"I thought about it and I would like to add a condition" I said.
"What?" she asked
"I'll cook for you only if you cook with me" I said
"deal" she said
"You help me, don't just watch" I said
"Okay then we have to make a new recipe at least I won't be tempted to cheat" she said
"Okay I'll see what we can do" I said "How about pizza?
"Too simple" she said
"Oh since when are you a chef?" I asked
" I found the perfect recipe it looks so good and we never made it, a shrimp risotto" she suggested
And we got to work
"Amelia!" I said and laughed when she spilled half the bowl on the table
"Sorry" she said and giggled like a child, God I couldn't be more in love with this women
"Hey babe" Amelia said so I turned around and she threw flour at me
"Ohh you didn't dare" I said
"Mhh yes I did" she said and ran off I chased her all over the dining room and then I finally caught her I lifted her up and she burst out laughing
"I love you" she said for the first time
"I love you too" I said and kissed her
"Mhh it smells like burnt right?" she asked
"Shit" I said, put her back down and laughed
"It doesn't look that bad" she said
"Shall we taste it?" I asked and she went to get two spoons
"Ok 1,2,3" I said and we each took a bite
"Well it's..." I said
"Horrible" we said at the same time and laughed

Gosh Owen and I spent the whole night together, he held me when I cried and then we finally got together officially.
We also spent a lot of the night cooking together which of course was messed up because what we did was so gross.
But we had so much fun. I also had the courage to say "I love you" and I don't regret it at all because I've never felt that way about anyone...ever.
I'm pretty sure he's the love of my life, when I'm with him it's like time stands still and it's just the two of us on earth.
I don't know what the future holds for us but one thing is for sure, Owen and I are not going to stop anytime soon.

Omelia one shots Where stories live. Discover now