hightschool lovers.2

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Owen and Amelia have been a couple for 6 months now and they were happier than ever but what happens if Owen receives a message on a date and everything changes
"Mom Owen is going to pick me up in 5 minutes" I said.
"Okay,be careful and call me if you need anything" she said
"Thank you" I said and someone knocked on the door.
"I'm going, see you tonight," I said.
"See you tonight Sweetie" she answered and I opened the door and saw Owen
"Hi!" I said
"Hey" he said and kissed me "you ready?"
"Yeah" I said and walked out of the house and closed the door.
"So where are you taking me tonight?" I asked
"Surprise" he replied
"You are always doing this" I said and laughed, he kept driving and then we got there
"So I know we're not the kind of people who like fancy restaurants so I thought we'd just walk around town and then we can go to the fun fair, are you in?" he asked and I jumped into his arms.
"So I think you're in" he said and laughed
"Are you kidding? That's the best thing you could have done" I said and then we walked hand in hand through the streets of Seattle, stopping every now and then in stores to buy little things, this city was beautiful especially at night. These 6 months with him have been wonderful, he is always attentive and caring for me, I really love him but I'm afraid to tell him what if he didn't love me, I was put out of my thoughts by Owen
"Where do you want to go now?" he asked me.
"Well, we could go to the fun fair," I said.
"Okay then let's go babe" he said, and took me by the hand. Once we got there, we rode a lot of rides, and then Owen bought me a cotton candy.
"You have some on your cheek" he said and laughed, I wiped it off and felt Owen's eyes on me.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing just you look very very pretty" he said and I blushed so I lowered my head.
"Amelia" he said "look at me".
"You're making me blush it's embarrassing" I said and laughed he put his hand on my chin and made me look at him
"I'm just telling the truth, you're gorgeous and I'm very lucky to be your boyfriend" he said
"I love you Amelia" he said
"I love you too Owen" I said and we kissed, it was the first time we said it and I couldn't be happier.
After that we sat on a bench and admired the view when all of a sudden owen's phone came on, he was so focused on what he was saying to me that he didn't even look at it but I read the message "hey I know you're with amelia and you can't obviously answer me but I'd like to talk to you alone, see you tonight love,I love you" I started to get teary eyed who it was ?, and why she wants to talk to him and especially why she's saying I love you
"Amelia?" Owen asked.
"You're cheating on me" I said.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
"Don't be a jerk" I said and stood up he tried to make me stay by grabbing my hand but I stopped him
"Leave me alone I should have listened to the people when they told me that you was just chasing conquests" I said
"Stop talking nonsense, the text is from my mother" he said
"You think I'm stupid" I said and I ran out, called a cab and went home, I was devastated how a beautiful evening like that could end like that, a real nightmare.
When I got home I collapsed on my bed and all I could do was cry
After a few minutes I heard noises and realized that it was rocks being thrown against my window so I got up and looked out the window to see Owen in front of my house
I had to go to Amelia's house and above all I had to explain myself...what she saw was not true I don't cheat her and I could never cheat her I love her too much for that so I went in front of her house and called her for the 100th time since 30min but she didn't answer so I decided to use the old-fashioned method and threw some pebbles at her window after a few minutes she appeared, opened the window and said
"Go away"
"I won't leave without talking to you, I want to explain" I said
"There's nothing to explain I think it's clear enough and I don't want to talk to you" she said
"Well I'll stay here then, and believe me I'll keep on throwing rocks" I said
"Well, do what you want" she said and closed her window
Well, I kept on throwing Little rocks on her window, I couldn't lose her, especially just for a misunderstanding, after a few minutes her front door opened and she sat on the stoop
"5minutes, I'll give you five minutes to explain whatever it is that you have to say to me" she said and I sat down next to her
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm not good enough and I have a bad boy past but I'm not cheating on you" I said
"But this message owen...why would your mother tell you this?" she asked
"We had a fight before I left to join you because I don't want to go to college next year I'm going to join the army first and she doesn't want to so we had a fight and I think that's why she wants me to come home and talk to her afterwards but Amelia I'm not cheating on you at all" I said and in her eyes I could see that she still had doubts even though she was more reassured than before, I wanted her to be convinced so I went to my contacts
"I can prove to you that I am not lying..." I said, "Is this the message you read?" I asked her
"Yeah," she said, I clicked on the number and initiated the call and after a few moments my mom answered the phone
"Hey Owen is everything ok?" she asked
"Yes, just to let you know that I'll be home soon and that I got your message" I said.
"Okay, we will talk about it when you get home, it's important for you as it is for me to,drive slowly on the road bye" she said
"I will bye mom" I said and hung up
"You see I didn't lie to you babe, it was just my mom not another girl, Amelia I don't need anyone else when I have you" I said and she didn't say anything
"The 5 minutes are probably up so I'll go" I said,stood up and start walking away
"Owen wait!" Amelia said and ran after me so I turned around
"I'm sorry for... I'm sorry" She said
"You have no reason to apologize I would have reacted the same way as you did and you have every reason to do so because it's true, I used to play with girls, I was a bad boy I talked with girls while being with others but I'm not like that anymore I've changed I've grown up and changed. But you still have every reason in the world to have doubts and not to believe in me if I were you I would have doubts too and I know that I am not good enough for you" I said
"Don't talk nonsense" she said
"No matter what I do I'll never measure up but the worst thing is that even though I've changed and I'm not the guy I used to be anymore,I've done so much crap that no one takes me seriously... and I don't want to have that reputation anymore I don't want to be that person anymore" I said
"Who do you want to be Owen?" amelia asked me
"I want to be someone who is good enough to be seen with you" I said
"You are Owen and I'm sorry I doubted you" she said
"But Amelia" I wanted to continue but she put her finger on my mouth to shut me up
"No let me finish...I'm sorry I doubted you and I shouldn't have, I promise never to do it again, you changed for me so I know you're a good men,and now I trust you because you are a good men,one of the best I know Owen Hunt  "she said
"You the first girl I said I love you to,so I could never cheat on you Amelia, never" I said
"Really?" she asked
"I've had lots of girlfriends but you're the only one I've ever loved and want to love you for the rest of my life" I said and Amelia jumped into my arms and kissed me so I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around me
"Are we okay?" I asked.
"We're fine babe, we're fine" she said and dipped her beautiful blue eyes into mine and stroked my hair while smiling at me
"I love you" she said 
"I love you too" I said and kissed her

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