Divorced parent but for how long ?

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Owen and Amelia have been divorced for about 6 months and they have Ella together who is 4 years old, so they share custody and during the vacations Ella went 7days with Amelia and 7days with Owen.
When Owen returned to Amelia's house, he had an extra person and everything changed.

"We'll be there in 5 minutes" Owen sent
"Okay, I'll wait for you" I answered
then a few minutes later I heard Owen's car pull up so I stepped out onto the doorstep
"Mommy!" Ella screamed and threw herself into my arms
"My little girl, I missed you!" I said and kissed her head.
And something caught my attention Owen as always whenever I saw him it was always torture...the divorce was a mutual decision but I still felt things for him but this time it wasn't him that caught my attention the most but rather the woman next to him, Teddy...
"Mmh hey" I said rather embarrassed by the situation
"Hey" Owen answered and Teddy walked towards me
"How did it go with Ella?" I asked as I always do. Since our divorce we hadn't really talked and most of our conversation was about Ella.
"She's been a sweetheart the whole time, a perfect little angel" he replied
"Hi I'm Teddy" she said and held out her hand
"Hi" I said and as I shook her hand I noticed her ring and my facial expressions changed very quickly which Owen noticed very quickly
"Teddy can you wait for me in the car I'm coming" he said and Teddy left
"Honey go put bunny on your bed so he can meet his friends I need to talk to daddy" I said and kissed her cheek and once she was inside the house I said to owen "are you kidding me? are you engaged to her already?"
"It's Teddy, she's not a stranger," he said.
"I didn't even know you were together and now I find out you're already engaged" I said
"We spent 15 days together with Ella and we got closer and closer and it happened " he said
"That's not the point but we've been divorced for only 6 months and you're already engaged to someone else..." I said "I just hope you didn't give her my ring" I added
"No I will never I still have it in my drawer with everything else" he said I had no idea what "everything else" was but I clearly didn't have the strength to ask I was way too sad and a Mommy pulled me out of my thoughts
"I'm sorry I have to go I'll bring you Ella on Wednesday as usual bye" I said and rushed inside
"Okay Ella, we are at Daddy's house" I said as we walked past Owen's house, which used to be our house.
"Make sure you don't forget bunny" I added and took Ella in my arms and took her to the door as usual and knocked on the door and then Teddy opened it for me
"Hey" she said
"Hey" I replied much less enthusiastic than she was
"I was hoping you'd come because I actually made dinner and I want to invite you" she said
"Ummm I don't know if..." I wanted to say but was quickly cut off by Ella
"Yes mommy please stay" she said
"Stay, it's just a dinner" Owen said
"Okay I'll stay" I decided far from knowing that this was actually going to be a very very bad idea
We started to eat and to see that Teddy had taken over this house that used to be mine was very painful for me.
"I've actually booked the hotel for Christmas" teddy informed Owen
"There is also an extra bed for Ella" she added
"Teddy, I told you it was a no for me" Owen replied
"I'm a little lost here...for Christmas?" I asked
"We wanted to go to Germany to celebrate Christmas and Ella will come, it's so beautiful there for the kids at this time" Teddy said
"Owen? Are you kidding me? You,yourself said that for the first Christmas not together we would still celebrate together for Ella and now you want to leave" I said
"It's just one Christmas, there will be others, you can have Ella next year" Teddy added
"Who do you think you are, huh? She's my daughter not yours and you want to celebrate Christmas with her! Take her to Germany away from her mother but what the hell is wrong with you?" I said and stood up
"It's only 5 days, it's not death" she added
"Teddy don't" Owen said
"Christmas is a family holiday and you are not so stay out of it" I said.
"I can't change the tickets it's too late" she said and I couldn't help but laugh
"And you think you're going to take my daughter to the other side of the world without my consent" I said "you know what, I'm done, I'm leaving".
I went up to Ella's room where she was playing to say goodbye and I saw that she hadn't taken down the picture of Owen and me kissing with her in the middle and my heart broke into a million pieces and a tear rolled down my face and I ran to my car to leave and Owen ran after me
"Amelia stay... you know very well I'm not going to leave for Christmas I already told her no but she took the tickets anyway" he said "I'll never deprive you of your daughter and certainly not for Christmas"
"Owen I will never forgive myself for depriving my daughter of a childhood with both parents together and in love and to see that teddy is trying to take my role makes it even more complicated...so no owen I will not go back to that house to see her take marks like I did before her, I can't do it it's too hard" I said completely in tears and got in my car and drove back home which actually didn't feel like home anymore

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