Chapter Two

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"Oh, I can't believe this," he muttered behind me while I continued walking through the isle, happily, "why did I make a deal?"

"So that you can celebrate Chrimbo with me." I said then turned around and flashed my jaw drop smile, but it seemed it didn't affect him since he continued looking at me with that emotionless facade. I turned back and grabbed few more Christmas items, "you should leave that poker face behind, you know. You're here with me to have fun and with that expression... I don't think it's possible."

He groaned yet again but didn't reply so I continued, "and you should help me choose, not just walking behind me-"

"Then who's carrying this freaking trolley? My ghost?" He mocked as I shook my head and ignored him. "Please just hurry up. People are staring at me like I'm a freak."

I looked around to find that people were indeed staring at him like a freak. And I can't blame them, who would've imagined that The Christian Prientice was on Christmas shopping at Bloomingdales that too with a female. Christian doesn't do relationships or flings so he was never spotted with a female before so people started to thinking he is gay.

At one point even I thought that he is gay.

A giggle escaped from my throat, "What's so funny now?" He snapped. It seems like he loves to groan and snap at people. I shook my head and resumed walking.

After a while Christian got more annoyed so he went ahead of me and just grabbed random stuff of the isle and tossed it in trolley number two. "Hey!" I protested, "what the fuck are you doing?"

"Don't cuss and what do you think I'm doing? Obviously helping you." He snarled.

This time I groaned, "I asked help for choosing not grabbing."

"Whatever, just keep moving." He grabbed my elbow and pulled me forward, "oh and the Christmas tree is delivered to my house."

I clapped my hands excitedly, "perfect! Now all were left is choosing special Christmas outfits!"

"What? Oh no, I ain't wearing a stupid Christmas outfit." He deadpanned but I ignored him and entered the clothing outfit, then grabbed various red outfits for myself then pulled Christian and started choosing matching outfits for him.

I held one red T-shirt against him while he swatted my hand and glared at me while I glared back, "you better cooperate or the consequences won't be good for you Mr. Christian Prientice."

He didn't listen and folded his hands over chest like a stubborn five year old. I scoffed and stepped closer so that our nose were almost touching, I stared right into his beautiful eyes and said, "this is the last warning or else I won't hesitate to pull your pants down and get you humiliated in the public."

His eyes widened the he nodded slightly as I stepped away and showed him a full blown smile then resumed looking for a outfit for him.

We made our way towards the boiling counter and started arguing that who would pay, "we're having tree at my place so it's idle for me to pay." He said

I pouted, "but it was my idea of having a Christmas tree so it's best that I pay." I kept my hands on my waist and showed him my classic puppy eyes, "Wait I've the best idea. How about we divide the bill?"

He remained silent for minute maybe thinking about it he could get out of this somehow, "Okay fine." He then turned towards the cashier who was gawking at him, "please divide the bill in half."

She nodded then divided the bill. When Christian gave his card to her, their hands brushed and she started blushing like crazy. And I was getting annoyed by her behaviour, "can you hurry the fuck up?" I snapped at her while she nodded timidly.

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