Chapter Eleven

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"Ugh," I groaned as I turned on my side trying to escape the harsh sun rays hitting on face. After a while of tossing and turning I sat up straight running my hands on my face. I turned towards my side to find Christian sleeping like a baby on his stomach, his muscular back on display.

Unknowingly, a smile took place on my face remembering last night's events. I bent on my side as I picked up his white shirt and wore it, buttoning it up till my neck. Slowly, I stood up trying to minimise the ache between my legs. And I don't know, if it's because of my first experience or Christian's huge...

Nevermind, I'll stop right there.

Taking small steps towards the balcony, I opened it making sure not to make any noises then stepped out as the cold hit me making me shiver but the bright sun rays, the fantastic view of the forest and his garden was enough to make me stay. I leaned over the rails with my forearms as I crossed my legs and closed my eyes with a soft sigh.

After a while I felt a pair of arms around my hip as I jumped on skin, "Christian!" I scolded, knowing that it's definitely him as his woody scent invade my senses. He chuckled and hugged me tightly while burying his head into my neck.

"You look good in my clothes." His muffled voice said against my neck.

I giggled, "I think so too. So I'll take it as that you won't be mind me wearing your clothes."

"I won't, especially when you would wear 'em in front of me."

I laughed, "of course you would want that." We both remained silently as I continued staring at the view, "I love your room's view. It's so much better than mine."

"You can see it whenever you want, day or night."

I smiled, knowing where this is going, "go on, I'm listening."

He huffed, "you know what I mean, love. Give me the answer already." My heart flattered at nickname.

I turned around and pushed him away, "it would take more than that to convince me."

"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow as I saw the evil glint shining in his bright blue eyes. My eyebrows furrowed thinking, what's he gonna do.

Suddenly he threw me on his shoulder as I yelped. "Now let's see how much more convincing you need." He spanked me as I yelped again.

My beck hit the mattress as I grazed up at him with wide eyes while he trapped my hands in his big one above my head, "as much as I would love, to make love to you again. I know that you're sore. So..." he trailed as he smirked then started tickling me.

"Fuck!" I cussed as I burst into laughter, "Stop! Christian!" The more I begged him he continued. So I gave in, "fine fine! I'll move in with you." Finally he stopped tickling me as I took shallow breaths. "You're horrible."

"But still you love me." He replied with a grin.

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