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seeing that stranger running away, y/n was curious of why he suddenly ran away all a sudden when she asked that question

'is it because.. he actually is? is he the winter god like what everyone talks about?"

y/n questioned herself and started to head back home with a very big question in mind, thinking whether or not he is the winter god

'maybe i should ask him when i see him tomorrow'

y/n thought as she went to sleep but before that, turning into her fairy version and flew around the house before turning back into her human form and going to bed

the next day flew by like a breeze and it's time for y/n to head out and see if there is any danger lurking around and also to watch kids have fun during winter while their parents stop them as they are very prone to getting sick during winter time

walking and taking stroll around the park and streets brightens her day and unknowingly, she bumped into the stranger she met yesterday

"eh? aren't you the girl who asked me that weird question yesterday and also accompanied me saying that i will be lonely"

the stranger asked which made her turn to him in shock and smiled at him awkwardly

"oh hello! you are the stranger i talked to yesterday!"

y/n said and the conversation began between the two of them

everyday without fail, they will always meet up and somehow, brighten the stranger's gloomy day

he used to not like stepping out of the house but now, he likes to step out of the house to meet y/n and chat with her

y/n also found out that his name is actually yoongi, min yoongi and honestly speaking, y/n has unknowingly fell for him

about 2 weeks have passed and y/n felt that something about the air has changed

she didn't know if it is about her fairy senses or is it just because the sky looks unusually gloomy which gives y/n a very bad vibe of the atmosphere

still not knowing if yoongi believes in these gods because he ignored that question and acted as if y/n has never asked him about it

out of nowhere, y/n saw something dark in colour fly by and when she whipped her head to see what it was, it was unfortunately too fast for her to catch it

"why? what's wrong?"

yoongi questioned y/n upon seeing her eyebrows furrowing and looking around, as if she is finding something

"ah nah, nothing. i thought i saw something flew by"

y/n replied and moments later, she felt a hand brush against her leg but when she looked down, it was nothing and that she trusts that yoongi did not do it

as they both are eating together and the table also had a cloth that was very long and touched the ground, the brushing of a hand against her leg became much more frequent which made y/n pissed and asked yoongi

"yoongi... can you stop brushing your hands on my legs? it's making me feel really uncomfortable"

"what are you talking about? my two arms are here with me, i'm putting it on the table, eating my food with them. why, what's wrong?"

yoongi asked, which made me get even scared because i got no idea whose hand kept on brushing on my leg

"yoongi... someone keeps on brushing my legs. i'm scared yoongi"

y/n whispered and in a flash, yoongi swooped down to take a look at who it was but unexpectedly, the thing flew out from below their table and floated in the air in front of them

"well, well, well. who do we have here"

the thing said, chuckling darkly too

when y/n saw him, she knew that whatever that thing is, radiated dark vibes and was also the thing that captured her eye as it flew passed her


y/n said, pointing her finger at him which a shock look

"yes princess. it's me, i flew pass you just now and i must say, your legs are really nice to touch"

he said seductively which caused yoongi to punch him across the face

groaning, he fell on the floor and yoongi was fuming with anger

"what are you doing here thanatos. you should be locked in the basements of hell. who let you loose? answer me!"

yoongi demanded from him and punched him in the face once more when he got up from the ground

when thanatos got up again, he smirked at yoongi upon seeing his angry face

"what do you think idiot? it's so obvious that i'm getting revenge"

he said and disappeared into thin air

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now