the story of how fairies are made

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the legacy says that fairies are one of the most fascinating mythical creatures ever because of the way each fairy is created and born

every fairy is being created in different hands and with different hands, there will be different powers given to the fairy

it all started from a young woman who accidentally came across a good witch

funny how humans think that there is no such thing as a good witch but apparently, there is such thing as a good witch

the young woman is an ambitious woman who loves to seek out for adventures and observe every living kind she has came across but she was greatly interested in creature that have wings

she was granted a wish from the good witch and without much thoughts, she immediately blurted out saying that she wants to be a human who has wings but at the same time, keep her human side

the young woman was only 16 when she said so and she seems like an independent woman who could do anything she wants in her life

but that was not until she was granted that wish and told that she will turn into what she wanted but only at the age of 20

the young woman spent 4 years yearning for that day to arrive but when it did, her back started to ache and soon, wings started to painfully grow out of her back and she suddenly felt a change in her body size

all of a sudden, everything seems so big but when she looked into the mirror, she saw that she has grown 5 times smaller of what she was in her human form which shocked her to the core

she can now fly but she has grown smaller in size but she remember what she asked for, to have and remain her human side

questions filled her mind on how she can transform back into a human and after so many tries of jumping around, flying around and walking around, she has finally found a way to transform back

at that point of time, there were no such thing as powers until she got married and gave birth to a creature humans could not understand

a human baby with tiny wings

after that, it was only up to 3 generations of humans with wings and that was until the young woman went back and tried to find the good witch again

while she successfully found the witch, her own kid got lost and got killed, trying to protect itself from the stares and abuse it got from the passerby

while the woman went back to the good witch and seek for advice, the good witch could only bring her the news that her child was killed trying to follow the young woman

a fountain of tears spilled out of the female's eye and the witch watched her in pity, thinking that she regretted her decision of coming to her and asking her to grant her a witch which is to have wings

after a few moments, the young woman looked up at the witch with determination in her eyes and seek her advice on what she should do to continue her bloodline which is humans having wings

although the witch was taken aback, she still gave her advice in a calm manner, afraid that things may get out of hand if she says the wrong things

one, make sure to bare in mind that no matter what, the child of the human who has wings will also have wings and it cannot be changed
two, your kind will start to grow so you will have to build a place where there will be only your kind so that humans will not be able to slaughter your kind and extinct you guys
three, her kind will have to evolve so that they can survive in the future like learning a few other magical things which could probably include magic
fourth, never have anyone find out about them other than their own kind
fifth, instead of giving birth, create their kind with the powers of magic
lastly, make sure that if anyone wants to create new of their kind or give birth to them, they should let the older ones know about it and cut down on the amount of humans with wings given birth

the fifth advise to the young woman, was the most crucial advice she was ever given because she has no idea what the witch is talking about but the way the witch says it has so much impact to her heart that she was willing to obey the witch's words

from the last advice the witch gave her, her mind started to plan out on the things she has to get started on so that her bloodline and continue and will not go extinct which is the last thing she wants

her mind started to plan out on things like maybe searching out into deep in the woods to finds a suitable place for her and her 3rd generation to live in, finding out on how to have magic and all the other stuffs the witch has mention

it took years for the young woman to make history and continue her bloodline but she still hasn't found the ways to obtain and learn magic

but as her population starts to grow, she decided to name these creatures as fairies because that was the name of her child that got killed trying to follow her

after 2 centuries, the young woman was able to make history and made sure that she has gotten the story of her journey though to let the future generations know about their history and how they became fairies

she has written down information about the witch's advice she has gotten, her plans for the future which is to find more about magic, finding out on how to transform from human to fairy form and continue the bloodline of having fairies

being the hardworking, adventurous woman she is, she died after finding a lead to obtaining and learning magic and she will always be known in the fairy world

her name is helena and she is the first fairy to be existing on earth

centuries passed by and what the 3rd generation fairy noticed was that fairies that were created, have powers but if they are given birth, the mother that has powers will be passed on to the child or if the mother doesn't have powers as she was born, her child will not have any magical powers

from then, she understood what her grandmother was actually talking about

the advice from the witch: reduce the amount of given birth fairies and increase the amount of created fairies as the created ones have powers

that was one thing the witch did not tell her grandmother but it was to let them discover and find out what she was exactly talking about

from then, fairies stated to evolve and 2 in 10 of them will give birth while the rest will create them with their magic

that, is the history of how fairies came about

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