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'all it takes is one to muster up his or her courage to speak whatever but no one here is speaking or saying anything'

yoongi thought as he eyes every god because in his eyes, every god was looking down on the cloud-like-floors beneath them, some of the others are looking away and the rest are not saying anything

sighing, yoongi stood up rom his chair

"if no one is going to say or lead anything, thanatos will come back bigger than ever and overthrow us. if you are willing to let that happen then continue keeping your mouth shut and for those who do not want this to happen, better come up with ideas to throw him back into hell and also, find out who let him escape from there. now that we have to find this information, god of hell, please find out who is the one that released thanatos from hell. with that being said, i must head back to earth to check up on someone who was harassed by thanatos"

yoongi stated and left into the portal into earth while the other gods took a while to understand and comprehend what he just said

"did i hear it wrongly or is he starting to care for a human that got harassed by thanatos?"

the spring god, seokjin, asked everyone when yoongi has disappeared and have returned to earth

"i think i will head back now. i need to find out exactly who is the one that released thanatos out after being locked for 3,367 years. but the thing is, i have made sure that it is impossible to break out of his own cell?"

the god of hell, namjoon, questioned himself as he said his goodbyes and headed back into hell to investigate on this case

meanwhile, the rest are all in shock and as of right now, they are starting to be scared as they do not want history to repeat itself and have many humans dying from the bad omens and many gods getting injured

there was a god that was in charge of waters, he died in the battle and one of his kids have to take over that position as his child was a mix of a god and human

meaning, the child himself can get his powers that are exactly like his father or live like an ordinary human and the god blood in him will just get passed down, without any powers in them

from there, that child became the god of waters and have the powers of his father

it was no other than kim namjoon, the half human and now the god of waters

for taehyung, although he is known as the god of hell, he is not hades, hades as in the greek god


being the god of hell is not equals to being the greek god of the underworld and thus, this means that taehyung is actually not heartless but actually cares for people, depending on the situation

the autumn god however, looked at everyone else and thought about the possibilities of a meeting that may be held in the near future because of thanatos

while most of the gods are in a daze, the autumn god is busy coming up different solutions in his head

looking at his friends, the spring god, the summer god, the water god, and the nature god, he decided to share his ideas with them so that they all, together with the other gods, are able to overthrow him and lock thanatos back in hell or kill him

calling his friends out, the autumn god began sharing his ideas with them, thinking of ways to defeat him and with t he power of the other gods, the autumn god is sure that they will be able to come up with a better idea because it is now not one that is doing the planning and thinking

after long discussions with everyone, taehyung came back to the assembly area where every god is but one thing he noticed was that all the other gods were still in the same position when he left and the only few that he saw that wasn't at their places are jimin (autumn god), namjoon (water god), yoongi (winter god), jungkook (summer god), hoseok (nature god) and seokjin (spring god)

questioning himself of where they might have gone to, the one and only place appeared in his mind but before finding them, he has found the one that has let thanatos out of hell

"to all gods here. i have found out who was the one that let thanatos out of hell. turns out that it was a human, a living human being secretly sneaking into hell by the possession of thanatos and as the human is possessed, he has obeyed all of thanatos rules and set him free. if i am not wrong either, the human single-handedly defeated all of my most strongest guards. i suspect, he is not a human. i think that there is a creature lying in the human body, taking over the human body to disguise himself as a human and not another type of creature. i am now in the midst of investigating who and what that so-called human is. i shall take my leave now"

taehyung told the other gods who have not left their seats from the meeting conducted by yoongi until now

while taehyung rushed to find his friends, the only thought he had in mind was to help his friends with whatever he can do and kill that creature

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now