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to y/n, the action of tightening the grip onto her hand makes her blush, cheeks and ears turning red, butterflies in her stomach are flying around wildly and it seemed like it is unstoppable

'when will these tingling feelings stop? my little fairy heart is about to burst from the rise of heartbeat'

y/n thought as the rise of heartbeat made her feel so lovesick around him and on the other hand, y/n was curious of these butterflies in her stomach because she has never felt this way before so feeling it for the first time made her feel weird about it

not commenting anything, she kept quiet and let yoongi do whatever he wants because one, she knows that she can never compete him, two, she knows that these feelings are taking a toll on her and she because weak for him

finally reaching her apartment, yoongi smiled at her and told her that he will meet her again the next day and that to be careful of the weird "man" that harassed her

nodding her head, understanding the situation that happened just now and it made her get scared again but knowing that she has a friend on earth to protect her, she is able to trust and consult yoongi whenever she needs help

waving a goodbye to him, she stepped into the apartment and she was already in her apartment, she saw yoongi looking at the gate where she stepped into and seems to be deep in thought

nevertheless, she saw that he walked away after some time and was very curious of what he was thinking about but she knows that no matter how much she tries to pry it, yoongi will never tell her anything no matter what

the morning came and y/n was still in curiosity from yesterday's scene

as she was thinking about it, she was suddenly reminded about the fact that yoongi was very protective of her when they were at the alley and because she went to bed early, she did not update anything on her mother in the process of her small mission in trying to find the winter god and to also look out for any danger

turning on her phone, she saw that she has countless of unread messages from her mother yesterday at the timing when she slept

knowing that her mother would be very worried about her, she texted her about the weird creature called thanatos that harassed her by touching her legs, about her one and only friend going over to her house for the first time and also about how protective he was by holding her hand when they were walking through the alley at night and protected her from the drunk men

'i guess this is the first time you have been treated so well by a guy before. you couldn't even get close to any male fairies back in the fairy realm! i wonder how on earth did he make my shy daughter have a friend in the human world that is a guy?'

her mother texted her moments after she has updated on her mother and has also apologised to her for not updating on her last night because she went to bed early as she was very exhausted from yesterday's incident

cheekily, her mother asked her if she has made any progress in finding the winter god and also asked her to take a picture of her friend for her to see as being a mother, you would be very concerned of the friends your daughter is friends with so she asked y/n to try and take a picture with him

replying a small 'ok' for the taking pictures and a small 'no' for not much progress in finding the winter fairy, she got up to wash up for the day and start inspecting the area

y/n actually found it weird about how it seemed like her mother was ignoring her message saying that she met this weird guy called thanatos that harassed her but she still shrug it off and continued her washing up routine and also to meet yoongi for all the three meals in a day

when she was done and was ready to leave, she received a message from yoongi, saying that he was downstairs at the porch waiting for her

squealing, she quickly made her way down and saw him looking at the ground, dressed in a casual fit and looks incredibly mesmerising, waiting for her as she knows that she did not reply to his message

"yoongi! what are you doing here? you never come and meet me at the porch on other days. why do it now?"

she asked as she ran to him and smiled happily, her little fairy heart is beating at a rapid pace now, butterflies are now appearing everywhere in her stomach and she hides it really well from him

"well... i-i got nothing to do so i will just meet you here now that i know where you stay and-  oh look! we should head off early so that we do not miss any breakfast meal!" 

yoongi changed the subject but being the hungry little fairy, she shifted her focus onto eating and not questioning to why he was here

"oh yeah, breakfast! quick yoongi! there is a special offer at the cafe we always eat at! we cannot miss it today! let's go now!!"

y/n grab onto yoongi's hand and quick walk to the cafe that is around the area they are in

meanwhile at the apartment counter, the server of the counter who is a friend of the fairies, noticed something very off about the friend of y/n's

knowing that this is the first time she is on earth, it may hard to find friends but that friend of hers just seems very... non human

'this guy has pale skin, but it is definitely not like how pale humans are. is he the winter god?'

When The Winter God Meets The Winter Fairy, Yoongi FF ✔️Where stories live. Discover now